import GUI
type card :
%acces by using var kingodspades:card
value : int % kingofspades.suit:=spades
pic : int
number : int
end record
var c : array 0 .. 53 of card
c (0).pic := Pic.FileNew ("0.bmp")
c (1).pic := Pic.FileNew ("1.spade.bmp")
c (2).pic := Pic.FileNew ("1.dia.bmp")
c (3).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (4).pic := Pic.FileNew ("1.heart.bmp")
c (5).pic := Pic.FileNew ("2.spade.bmp")
c (6).pic := Pic.FileNew ("2.dia.bmp")
c (7).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (8).pic := Pic.FileNew ("2.heart.bmp")
c (9).pic := Pic.FileNew ("3.spade.bmp")
c (10).pic := Pic.FileNew ("3.dia.bmp")
c (11).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (12).pic := Pic.FileNew ("3.heart.bmp")
c (13).pic := Pic.FileNew ("4.spade.bmp")
c (14).pic := Pic.FileNew ("4.dia.bmp")
c (15).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (16).pic := Pic.FileNew ("4.heart.bmp")
c (17).pic := Pic.FileNew ("5.spade.bmp")
c (18).pic := Pic.FileNew ("5.dia.bmp")
c (19).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (20).pic := Pic.FileNew ("5.heart.bmp")
c (21).pic := Pic.FileNew ("6.spade.bmp")
c (22).pic := Pic.FileNew ("6.dia.bmp")
c (23).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (24).pic := Pic.FileNew ("6.heart.bmp")
c (25).pic := Pic.FileNew ("7.spade.bmp")
c (26).pic := Pic.FileNew ("7.dia.bmp")
c (27).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (28).pic := Pic.FileNew ("7.heart.bmp")
c (29).pic := Pic.FileNew ("8.spade.bmp")
c (30).pic := Pic.FileNew ("8.dia.bmp")
c (31).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (32).pic := Pic.FileNew ("8.heart.bmp")
c (33).pic := Pic.FileNew ("9.spade.bmp")
c (34).pic := Pic.FileNew ("9.dia.bmp")
c (35).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (36).pic := Pic.FileNew ("9.heart.bmp")
c (37).pic := Pic.FileNew ("10.spade.bmp")
c (38).pic := Pic.FileNew ("10.dia.bmp")
c (39).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (40).pic := Pic.FileNew ("10.heart.bmp")
c (41).pic := Pic.FileNew ("11.spade.bmp")
c (42).pic := Pic.FileNew ("11.dia.bmp")
c (43).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (44).pic := Pic.FileNew ("11.heart.bmp")
c (45).pic := Pic.FileNew ("12.spade.bmp")
c (46).pic := Pic.FileNew ("12.dia.bmp")
c (47).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (48).pic := Pic.FileNew ("12.heart.bmp")
c (49).pic := Pic.FileNew ("13.spade.bmp")
c (50).pic := Pic.FileNew ("13.dia.bmp")
c (51).pic := Pic.FileNew ("")
c (52).pic := Pic.FileNew ("13.heart.bmp")
var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("serif:40") %fonts
assert font1 > 0
%%%%%Game variables%%%%%%
var name : string
var size : int := 52 %size of deck to be shuffled
var deck : array 1 .. size of card %array to store card values randomized
var userDeck : array 1 .. 26 of card
var cpuDeck : array 1 .. 26 of card
var count : int := 1 %for the draw procedure and playg
procedure shuffle
var temp, num : int % num and temp are used to flip the variables in the array around
for i : 1 .. size
deck (i).number := i %gives a value in order from 1 to size to deck
end for
for i : 1 .. size
randint (num, 1, size) %assigns a random card number to num
temp := deck (num).number %assigns a random number out of the deck array to temp
deck (num) := deck (i)
%switches the numbers
deck (i).number := temp
end for
var count : int := 0
var count4 : int := 4
for k : 1 .. 13
for i : 1 .. 52
if deck (i).number <= count4 and deck (i).number > count then %This gives all the card numbers a value
deck (i).value := k
end if
end for
count += 4
count4 += 4
end for
for i : 1 .. 26
userDeck (i).number := deck (i).number %gives the first 26 cards from the deck to the user
userDeck (i).value := deck (i).value
end for
var counter : int := 27
for i : 1 .. 26
cpuDeck (i).number := deck (counter).number %gives the last 26 cards to the computer
cpuDeck (i).value := deck (counter).value
counter += 1
end for
end shuffle
procedure gfx
var font1 : int
font1 := Font.New ("serif:40")
assert font1 > 0
Font.Draw (name, 1, 1, font1, red)
Pic.Draw (c (0).pic, 50, 50, picCopy) %user card deck
Font.Draw ("CPU", 1, maxy - 50, font1, red)
Pic.Draw (c (0).pic, 50, maxy - 150, picCopy) %pc card deck
end gfx
procedure greet
colourback (15)
locate (maxrow div 2, maxcol div 2 - 20)
put "Please enter your name: " ..
get name
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 15)
end greet
procedure WAR
Font.Draw ("WARRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!", 400, maxy - 375, font1, red)
end WAR
procedure USERWIN
Font.Draw ("YOU WIN!", 400, maxy - 375, font1, red)
procedure PCWIN
Font.Draw ("COMPUTER WINS!", 400, maxy - 375, font1, red)
var deckC : int := 1 %variable for the next card in the deck
proc button
for i : 1 .. 52 %loop checks to see what picture to draw for the card drawn from the players hand
if userDeck (deckC).number = (i) then
Pic.Draw (c (i).pic, 300, 250, picCopy)
end if
if cpuDeck (deckC).number = (i) then
Pic.Draw (c (i).pic, 300, maxy - 350, picCopy)
end if
if userDeck (deckC).value > cpuDeck (deckC).value then
elsif userDeck (deckC).value < cpuDeck (deckC).value then
end if
end for
deckC += 1
delay (1000)
drawfillbox (400, maxy - 475, 8000, maxy - 100, 15) %covers up the text when someone wins
end button
proc check
if userDeck (deckC).value > cpuDeck (deckC).value then
elsif userDeck (deckC).value < cpuDeck (deckC).value then
end if
drawfillbox (400, maxy - 475, 8000, maxy - 100, 15) %covers up the text when someone wins
end check
setscreen ("graphics:1000;700,nobuttonbar")
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 15)
var drawbutton : int := GUI.CreateButton (150, 50, 0, "Draw", button) %experimental button drawing
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop