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 Animation timing help
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 5:53 pm   Post subject: Animation timing help

Hey im in a real hurry right now and im almost done this thing. my problem is i can get the smoke (near bottom) to come on and stay on during the wheels spinning(spoke animation) please help! and also, the maple leaf isnt high in my priorities but if i can get that to start and stay on at the same time as everythign else that would be nice.



drawfillstar (380,380,405,395,yellow)

%road colour could get the colour to work.
%drawdot (50,10,black)
%drawfill (50,11,18,black)
drawline (0, 295, 70, 300, black)
drawline (70, 190, 70, 345, black)
drawline (70, 345, 130, 350, black)
drawline (130, 350, 130, 365, black)
drawline (130, 365, 230, 370, black)
drawline (230, 370, 300, 360, black)
drawline (290, 360, 290, 370, black)
drawline (290, 370, 370, 370, black)
drawline (370, 370, 390, 360, black)
drawline (390, 360, 390, 220, black)
drawline (370, 370, 370, 215, black)
drawline (300, 360, 300, 330, black)
drawline (300, 330, 300, 205, black)
drawline (230, 370, 230, 215, black)
drawline (130, 350, 130, 185, black)
%below is line furthast to the right
drawline (410, 350, 410, 225, black)
drawline (410, 350, 390, 350,black)
drawline (410, 350, 480, 340,black)
drawline (480, 246, 480, 340,black)

%road lines
drawline (305,195,500,253,black)
drawline (500,253,620,350,black)
drawline (500,235,620,340,black)
drawline (500,235, 375,195,black)
%drawfill (505,245,grey, black)

drawline (0,100,31,118,black)
drawline (0,75,35,100,black)

%curb at bottom rigth corner
drawline (480, 90, 480, 110, black)
drawline (620, 0, 480, 90, black)
drawline (620, 40, 480, 110, black)

drawline (480, 110, 620, 180, black)

drawline (0, 0, 0, 460, black)
drawline (620, 0, 620, 460, black)
drawline (0, 0, 620, 0, black)
drawline (0, 400, 620,400,black)
%sky colour
drawfill (350,374,16,black)

%Burnout audio
process music
Music.PlayFile ("E:/burnout.mp3")
end music
fork music

%%%%%%%%%%Car body
drawline (198, 30, 392, 80, black)
drawline (198, 30, 188, 40, black)%grey
drawline (126, 20, 40, 80, black)
drawline (110, 80, 30, 120, black)
drawline (110, 80, 126, 20, black)
drawline (30, 120, 40, 80, black)
drawline (30, 120, 50, 160, black)
drawline (145, 125, 50, 160, black)
drawline (145, 125, 125, 170, black)%spoiler
drawline (175, 130, 155, 175, black)%spoiler
drawline (125, 170, 40, 190, black)%spoiler
drawline (125, 170, 155, 175, black) %spoiler
drawline (110, 80, 145, 125, black)
drawline (50, 160, 40, 190, black)
drawline (80, 190, 40, 190, black)
drawline (80, 190, 90, 160, black)
drawline (50, 160, 90, 160, black)
drawline (175, 130, 90, 160, black)
drawline (175, 130, 145, 125, black)
drawline (80, 190, 155, 175, black)
drawline (170, 210, 90, 160, black)
drawline (175, 130, 220, 205, black)
drawline (170, 210, 220, 205, black)
drawline (170, 210, 260, 220, black)
drawline (290, 215, 220, 205, black)
drawline (290, 215, 260, 220, black)
drawline (290, 215, 330, 170, black)
drawline (420, 190, 330, 170, black)

drawline (420, 190, 455, 150, black)

drawline (420, 190, 350, 200, black)
drawline (310, 195, 350, 200, black)

% troubleshooting: test line to determin if the front has the leak or rear has leak
%the one below cuts off front
%drawline (330, 170, 392, 80, black)
%the one below cuts off back
%drawline (330, 170, 200, 40, black)
%it was the rear bottom wheel well

%rear wheel arc
drawarc (160, 50, 40, 60, -20, 210, black)

%front wheel arc
drawarc (426, 110, 40, 60, 40, 212, black)
drawline (445,150, 457, 149, black)
drawdot (383,125,black)

%%%%%%%%%rear wheel
drawoval (160, 50, 30, 50, black)
drawoval (158, 50, 25, 45, black)
drawline (155, 0, 118, 20, black)
drawline (118, 25, 118, 20, black)
drawline (165, 97, 142, 105, black)
drawoval (160, 50, 5, 8, black)
drawoval (160, 50, 2, 3, black)

%%%%%%%%%%front wheel
drawoval (420, 120, 40, 40, black)
drawoval (420, 120, 35, 35, black)
drawoval (420, 120, 7, 7, black)
drawoval (420, 120, 2, 2, black)
%drawdot (425,165,black)
drawfill (425,164,17, black)

%car colour
%tire colour
drawfill (143,88,black,black)%rear
drawfill (144,100,black,black)%rear
drawfill (174,100,17,black) %wheel well
drawfill (392,95,black,black)%front
drawfill (383,126,4,black)%wheel well
drawfill (250,216,4,black)
drawfill (201,150,4,black)
%rear window area
drawfill (176,150,4,black)
drawfill (125,160,4,black)
drawfill (120,145,4,black)
drawfill (80,171,4,black)
drawfill (90,185,4,black)
drawfill (80,185,4,black)
drawfill (140,161,4,black)
drawfill (143,138,4,black)
drawfill (144,175,4,black)
%drawfill (161,150,4,black)
drawfill (340,191,4,black)
%rear bumper
drawfill (100,105,4,black)
drawfill (100, 80,4,black)

%rear spokes (not animated)
drawline (133,50, 155, 50,black)
drawline (133,20, 157, 43,black)

drawline (153,100, 158,58,black)
drawline (180, 88, 165, 55,black)

drawline (180, 35, 165, 45, black)
drawline (165, 7, 162, 42, black)

drawfillstar (380,370,405,395,yellow)

for i:1..1%38
drawline (450, 100, 425, 115, black)
drawline (430, 88, 421, 113, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (390, 135, 413, 125, black)
drawline (425, 155, 420, 127, black)
drawline (448, 140, 427, 125, black)
drawline (450, 100, 425, 115, white)
drawline (430, 88, 421, 113, white)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, white)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, white)
drawline (390, 135, 413, 125, white)
drawline (425, 155, 420, 127, white)
drawline (448, 140, 427, 125, white)
%spokes moved
drawline (435, 90, 423, 113, black)
drawline (410, 88, 417, 113, black)
drawline (387, 125, 412, 122, black)
drawline (407, 152, 416, 127, black)
drawline (445, 145, 426, 126, black)
drawline (455, 117, 427, 118, black)
delay (50)
drawline (435, 90, 423, 113, white)
drawline (410, 88, 417, 113, white)
drawline (387, 125, 412, 122, white)
drawline (407, 152, 416, 127, white)
drawline (445, 145, 426, 126, white)
drawline (455, 117, 427, 118, white)
delay (50)
drawline (450, 100, 425, 115, black)
drawline (430, 88, 421, 113, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (390, 135, 413, 125, black)
drawline (425, 155, 420, 127, black)
drawline (448, 140, 427, 125, black)
end for

%smoke from front tire burn out
drawfilloval (420,95,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (400,120,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (400,146,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (380,100,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (380,140,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (380,160,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (360,80,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (360,80,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (365,120,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (360,150,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (360,80,20,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (350,169,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (340,149,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (350,100,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (335,90,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (335,70,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (336,120,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (325,140,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (335,170,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (315,70,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (305,90,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (315,110,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (300,105,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (300,125,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (300,145,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (310,155,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (310,165,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (310,180,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (290,80,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (290,70,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (285,60,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (280,80,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (275,110,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (290,140,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (260,100,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (265,130,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (265,160,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (280,160,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (285,180,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (285,195,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (280,205,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (280,215,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (270,215,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (260,190,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (255,155,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (255,105,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (240,145,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (240,125,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (235,110,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (255,80,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (260,60,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (255,40,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (240,85,15,20,grey)
delay (400)
drawfilloval (240,55,15,20,grey)

%blue mapleleaf animation

for n:1..1%38
drawmapleleaf (150,220,200,350,blue)
delay (200)
drawfillmapleleaf (150,220,200,350,blue)
delay (200)
drawfillmapleleaf (150,220,200,350,white)
drawmapleleaf (150,220,200,350,blue)
end for

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:11 pm   Post subject: Re: Animation timing help

From Front Tire Burn Out, I suggest doing what you want in a for loop to tidy up all the drawline functions you have.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 6:37 pm   Post subject: RE:Animation timing help

doesnt help me with timing though. please i still need help!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:40 pm   Post subject: RE:Animation timing help

i really need some help. please!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:21 pm   Post subject: Re: Animation timing help

well as you said your problem was trouble running 2 times at the same time
this maybe a bad idea but make your animations into a proc
and then fork them so that you can run both together at the same time
hope that answers your concerns
any other questions ask

PostPosted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 10:22 pm   Post subject: RE:Animation timing help

ok for your maple leaf.... just draw it at the beginning of your code since you are not clearning the screen or anything, it'll always bethere
and for the tire spinning
change everything from
end for

process iDontKnow
drawline (450, 100, 425, 115, black)
drawline (430, 88, 421, 113, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (390, 135, 413, 125, black)
drawline (425, 155, 420, 127, black)
drawline (448, 140, 427, 125, black)
drawline (450, 100, 425, 115, white)
drawline (430, 88, 421, 113, white)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, white)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, white)
drawline (390, 135, 413, 125, white)
drawline (425, 155, 420, 127, white)
drawline (448, 140, 427, 125, white)
%spokes moved
drawline (435, 90, 423, 113, black)
drawline (410, 88, 417, 113, black)
drawline (387, 125, 412, 122, black)
drawline (407, 152, 416, 127, black)
drawline (445, 145, 426, 126, black)
drawline (455, 117, 427, 118, black)
delay (50)
drawline (435, 90, 423, 113, white)
drawline (410, 88, 417, 113, white)
drawline (387, 125, 412, 122, white)
drawline (407, 152, 416, 127, white)
drawline (445, 145, 426, 126, white)
drawline (455, 117, 427, 118, white)
delay (50)
drawline (450, 100, 425, 115, black)
drawline (430, 88, 421, 113, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (387, 110, 413, 118, black)
drawline (390, 135, 413, 125, black)
drawline (425, 155, 420, 127, black)
drawline (448, 140, 427, 125, black)
end loop
end iDontKnow
fork iDontKnow

and hey, do you know how does a for loop work? if you dont.... i mean, you are using it........... for n: 1..1 %38? what does that mean? you are only running this for loop 1 time, whats the point of having it then?
you should ask your teacher for some help.
and i am sorry for using process....... but i'm sorry i cant help it, its the easiest way to solve your problem even if it is the wrong way (which it is)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:54 am   Post subject: Re: Animation timing help

First off, procedure and for loops will tidy it up and get what you want. Also, please, please, shorten the code, it can be alot easier with for loops, will cut down alot.
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