% The Visual Dice Program with Random seed
% declaration of variables
var dicePics : array 1 .. 6 of int
dicePics(1) := Pic.FileNew ("1dice.bmp")
dicePics(2) := Pic.FileNew ("2dice.bmp")
dicePics(3) := Pic.FileNew ("3dice.bmp")
dicePics(4) := Pic.FileNew ("4dice.bmp")
dicePics(5) := Pic.FileNew ("5dice.bmp")
dicePics(6) := Pic.FileNew ("6dice.bmp")
var die1,die2:int
% generate random seed for each die
die1 := Rand.Int(1, 6)
die2 := Rand.Int(1, 6)
% Pic.SetTransparentColor (pic, brightred)
setscreen ("graphics:768;512")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
% this loop displays the random dice using the dicePics 1-D array
for x : 100 .. 500
Pic.Draw(dicePics(die1), x, 100, picMerge)
Pic.Draw(dicePics(die2), x, 250, picMerge)
put die1,die2
delay (1)
end for