%Set screen up
import GUI
setscreen ("graphics")
%Declaration Section
var mainWin := Window.Open ("graphic: 640;200")
var key : string (1)
var number, randomNum : int
var try : int := 3
var mainMenuBtn, playBtn, nextBtn, nextBtn2, nextBtn3, nextBtn4, nextBtn5, nextBtn6, nextBtn7,
nextBtn8, nextBtn9, quitBtn, instructionBtn, playBtn2, mainMenuBtn2, goodByeBtn : int := 0
var rightAnswer := 1
var answer, answer1 := 2
var answer3, answer5 := 3
var answer4 := 4
var answer6 := 1000
var answer7 := 7692000
var answer8 := 361
var answer9 := 30
var answer10 := 18
proc title
drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 640, 170)
colorback (170)
locate (1, 36)
put "Math Trivia"
end title
proc introduction
locate (3, 1)
put "This program will be testing your math skills and also your concentration."
locate (5, 1)
put "This program will test your concentration by playing a music while playing."
GUI.Show (mainMenuBtn)
end introduction
%Main Menu
proc mainMenu
locate (3, 1)
put "To proceed, please press any of the below buttons."
GUI.Show (playBtn)
GUI.Show (quitBtn)
GUI.Show (instructionBtn)
end mainMenu
proc instructions
locate (3, 1)
put "Instructions: "
locate (5, 1)
put "For multiple choice questions pick your answer between 1, 2, 3, and 4."
put "But remember that there is only one right answer among the 4 choices given."
locate (8, 1)
put "For the answerable questions, you are able to type any answer that you wish."
put "Remember that the answerable questions only accept numbers and not words. "
locate (11, 1)
put "After you have written your answer, please press enter."
put "This applies to both, multiple choice and answerable questions. "
GUI.Show (playBtn2)
GUI.Show (mainMenuBtn2)
end instructions
%Questions 1-5 error message
proc errorMessage
var windID1 := Window.Open ("position:300;300,graphics: 330;100")
locate (1, 1)
put "Please enter 1, 2, 3 or 4."
locate (5, 1)
put "To proceed, please press any key" ..
exit when hasch
end loop
Window.Close (windID1)
end errorMessage
%Question 1
proc question1
locate (3, 1)
put "How do you calculate the volume of a prism? "
locate (5, 1)
put "1.V = Area of base x height"
put "2.V = 1/3 x area of base x height" %right answer
put "3.V = Base x 1/3 x base x height"
put "4.V = Base x Height"
locate (10, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
if number < 1 or number > 4 then
if number = answer then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
end if
GUI.Show (nextBtn)
end question1
proc question2
locate (3, 1)
put "What is 70 percent of 70?"
locate (5, 1)
put "1. 70"
put "2. 49" %right answer
put "3. 40"
put "4. 100"
locate (10, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
GUI.Show (nextBtn2)
if number < 1 or number > 4 then
if number = answer1 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
end if
end question2
proc question3
locate (3, 1)
put "How many degress in a straight angle?"
locate (5, 1)
put "1. 20 degrees"
put "2. 360 degrees"
put "3. 180 degrees" %right answer
put "4. 160 degrees"
locate (10, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
GUI.Show (nextBtn3)
if number < 1 or number > 4 then
if number = answer3 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
end if
end question3
proc question4
locate (3, 1)
put "What is a decagon?"
locate (5, 1)
put "1. A 12 sided figure"
put "2. A 16 sided figure"
put "3. A 8 sided figure"
put "4. A 10 sided figure" %right answer
locate (10, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
GUI.Show (nextBtn4)
if number < 1 or number > 4 then
if number = answer4 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
end if
end question4
%Question 5
proc question5
locate (3, 1)
put "Who wrote 'The measurement of the circle'?"
locate (5, 1)
put "1. Aristarcus"
put "2. Euclid"
put "3. Archimedes" %right answer
put "4. Euler"
locate (10, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
GUI.Show (nextBtn5)
if number < 1 or number > 4 then
if number = answer5 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
end if
end question5
%Question 6
proc question6
locate (3, 1)
put "How many kilometres are there in a megametre?"
% answer : 1000
locate (5, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
if number = answer6 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
GUI.Show (nextBtn6)
end question6
%Question 7
proc question7
locate (3, 1)
put "What is 3000 x 2564 = "
locate (5, 1)
%answer: 7692000
put "Answer: " ..
get number
if number = answer7 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
GUI.Show (nextBtn7)
end question7
%Question 8
proc question8
locate (3, 1)
put "Kelly was born on May 18 1969.Val was born on May 15 1970."
put "How many days between their birthdates?"
locate (6, 1)
%answer: 361
put "Answer: " ..
get number
if number = answer8 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
GUI.Show (nextBtn8)
end question8
%Question 9
proc question9
locate (3, 1)
put "What is the complement of 60 degrees?"
locate (5, 1)
%answer: 30
put "Answer: " ..
get answer
if number = answer9 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
GUI.Show (nextBtn9)
end question9
%Question 10
proc question10
locate (3, 1)
put "It takes 12 minutes to saw a log into three pieces."
put "How long does it take to saw it into 4 pieces?"
locate (7, 1)
put "Answer: " ..
get number
if number = answer10 then
rightAnswer := +1
end if
GUI.Show (goodByeBtn)
end question10
%Good Bye
proc goodBye
var windID2 := Window.Open ("graphics:640;400")
drawfillbox (0, 0, 640, 640, 170)
colorback (170)
Window.Close (mainWin)
locate (8, 32)
put "Your Final score is: ", rightAnswer
locate (10, 29)
put "This program was written by:"
locate (11, 35)
put "Ninanori Agustin"
locate (13, 38)
put "Credits to:"
locate (14, 26)
put "http://www.quia.com/cb/22904.html"
locate (15, 32)
put "For the math questions"
locate (17, 39)
put "Goodbye!"
delay (4000)
Window.Close (windID2)
end goodBye
playBtn := GUI.CreateButtonFull (282, 220, 0, "Start Game", question1, 0, '^P', false)
mainMenuBtn := GUI.CreateButtonFull (281, 180, 0, "Main Menu", mainMenu, 0, '^M', false)
quitBtn := GUI.CreateButton (302, 140, 0, "Exit", GUI.Quit)
instructionBtn := GUI.CreateButtonFull (278, 100, 0, "Instructions", instructions, 0, '^I', false)
playBtn2 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (525, 10, 0, "Play Game >>", question1, 0, '^J', false)
mainMenuBtn2 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (10, 10, 0, "<<Main Menu", mainMenu, 0, '^K', false)
goodByeBtn := GUI.CreateButtonFull (278, 10, 0, "Result", goodBye, 0, '^L', false)
%Next Buttons
nextBtn := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 216, 0, "Next", question2, 0, '^N', false)
nextBtn2 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 190, 0, "Next", question3, 0, '^A', false)
nextBtn3 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 164, 0, "Next", question4, 0, '^B', false)
nextBtn4 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 138, 0, "Next", question5, 0, '^C', false)
nextBtn5 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 112, 0, "Next", question6, 0, '^D', false)
nextBtn6 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 86, 0, "Next", question7, 0, '^E', false)
nextBtn7 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 60, 0, "Next", question8, 0, '^F', false)
nextBtn8 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (1, 34, 0, "Next", question9, 0, '^G', false)
nextBtn9 := GUI.CreateButtonFull (60, 216, 0, "Next", question10, 0, '^H', false)
%Main Program
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
%End of program