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 Making a card game, need help on how to elimant a card
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 3:08 pm   Post subject: Making a card game, need help on how to elimant a card

well im makign a card game xD doign 52 cards, anyways i need to know how to elimant a card from them, say i get a 10 of hearts, i want to know how to elimant that from being picked again

doign randint, but if thers a better way tell me


var card : int (card being picked)
var h10 : int:=10 (this is the 10 of hearts)

randint (card, 1, 52)

if card = 10 then
(some how get rid of this card beign picked again until the game has ended)

help please if u know how, its for my final project and we werent shown how to do it, but we have to make a game

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

whenever you pick that card, either use a flexible array, and 'pop' that card out of the list of possible cards, or use a record to hold the card value and a boolean value. Whenever that card has been picked, set the boolean value to true, so that it can't be picked any more.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 4:42 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

whenever you pick that card, either use a flexible array, and 'pop' that card out of the list of possible cards, or use a record to hold the card value and a boolean value. Whenever that card has been picked, set the boolean value to true, so that it can't be picked any more. All of these things can be found in the Turing Walkthrough

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 5:46 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

im totaly confused! use a array? havent learned it a school, is there a way to do it with randint or somethign along those lines, wel didi a program that when the computer guesses to high, that number takes place of the highest number so it wont go pas that, is there a way to do that, but not get rid of the numbers above that?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:32 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well since im bored, heres the sloppy way to do things...


%%1 to 12 being the number, 1 to 4 being type of card
var picked : array 1 .. 13, 1 .. 4 of boolean
%% this will let your cards avoid poping up again

for i : 1 .. 13
    for j : 1 .. 4
        picked (i, j) := false %%all cards are false
    end for
end for

var cardNumber : int
var cardType : int

proc displayCard (cardNumber_, cardType_ : int)
    var card : string

    if cardNumber_ = 1 then
        card := "Ace"
    elsif cardNumber_ = 11 then
        card := "Jack"
    elsif cardNumber_ = 12 then
        card := "Queen"
    elsif cardNumber_ = 13 then
        card := "King"
        card := intstr (cardNumber_)
    end if

    if cardType_ = 1 then
        card += " of Spades"
    elsif cardType_ = 2 then
        card += " of Clubs"
    elsif cardType_ = 3 then
        card += " of Diamands"
        card += " of Hearts"
    end if

    put card, " | " ..
end displayCard


    cardNumber := Rand.Int (1, 13)
    cardType := Rand.Int (1, 4)

    if picked (cardNumber, cardType) = false then %%card is available
        picked (cardNumber, cardType) := true %%card is used now

        displayCard (cardNumber, cardType)
    end if

end loop

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 6:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

/sigh at no EDIT button:

You wrote: "help please if u know how, its for my final project and we werent shown how to do it, but we have to make a game"

Well since you didn't learn arrays, and im assuming other things needed for most games, that you make the basic easy games.

1) PONG. Overal its easy to make, i suggest you add somthing unique to this to boost marks, several ideas would to have say, each level getting slightly harder, skill settings?

Good Luck.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:47 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

THANKS ALOT! it helps alot, do u think i should use 1..52 though cuz im using cards i made on flash, to display them or is there a way that u have like 10 (number 10 card) and 1 (hearts) and it will put up that pic i made?

thanks again Very Happy

i dont want to do a pong game, cuz its been made alot in class, plus i want a chanallage, a hard 1

if its ok, could i use part of that program for mine?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 11:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

......... i dont get it now Sad

i tried puttign parts in my game, and im just confused im havign thr problems at the discard parts

heres my program u have to delete the Pic.Draw and stuff like that cuz i have the pics of the cards, i dont get whats wrong with it

ps. just doing 10 cards rigth now


randint (discard1, 1, 10)
if discard1 = (secondcard or firstcard) then
randint (discard1, 1, 10)
exit when discard1 not= (secondcard or firstcard)
end loop
end if

this is the part im having trouble with ^

the stuff of my program i have done so far

var firstcard, secondcard : int
var discard1, discard2, discard3 : int
var dis1, dis2, dis3, dis4 : int
var flop1, flop2, flop3, turn, river : int
var cardback : int := Pic.FileNew ("cb.bmp")
var hA : int := Pic.FileNew ("Ah.bmp")
var h2 : int := Pic.FileNew ("2h.bmp")
var h3 : int := Pic.FileNew ("3h.bmp")
var h4 : int := Pic.FileNew ("4h.bmp")
var h5 : int := Pic.FileNew ("5h.bmp")
var h6 : int := Pic.FileNew ("6h.bmp")
var h7 : int := Pic.FileNew ("7h.bmp")
var h8 : int := Pic.FileNew ("8h.bmp")
var h9 : int := Pic.FileNew ("9h.bmp")
var h10 : int := Pic.FileNew ("10h.bmp")

View.Set ("graphics")
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 1000, 1000, green)

Pic.Draw (cardback, 0, 250, picMerge)

randint (firstcard, 1, 10)
if firstcard = 1 then
Pic.Draw (hA, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 2 then
Pic.Draw (h2, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 3 then
Pic.Draw (h3, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 4 then
Pic.Draw (h4, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 5 then
Pic.Draw (h5, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 6 then
Pic.Draw (h6, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 7 then
Pic.Draw (h7, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 8 then
Pic.Draw (h8, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 9 then
Pic.Draw (h9, 0, 0, picMerge)
elsif firstcard = 10 then
Pic.Draw (h10, 0, 0, picMerge)
end if

randint (secondcard, 1, 10)
if secondcard = firstcard then
randint (secondcard, 1, 10)
exit when secondcard not= firstcard
end loop
end if

if secondcard = 1 then
Pic.Draw (hA, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 2 then
Pic.Draw (h2, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 3 then
Pic.Draw (h3, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 4 then
Pic.Draw (h4, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 5 then
Pic.Draw (h5, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 6 then
Pic.Draw (h6, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 7 then
Pic.Draw (h7, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 8 then
Pic.Draw (h8, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 9 then
Pic.Draw (h9, 150, 0, picMerge)
elsif secondcard = 10 then
Pic.Draw (h10, 150, 0, picMerge)
end if

randint (discard1, 1, 10)
if discard1 = (secondcard or firstcard) then
randint (discard1, 1, 10)
exit when discard1 not= (secondcard or firstcard)
end loop
end if

if discard1 = 1 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 2 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 3 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 4 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 5 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 6 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 7 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 8 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 9 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
elsif discard1 = 10 then
Pic.Draw (cardback, 150, 250, picMerge)
end if

dis2 := discard1 or dis1
randint (discard2, 1, 10)
if discard2 = dis2 then
randint (discard2, 1, 10)
exit when discard2 not= dis2
end loop
end if

put discard1


if u notice, when u run it, discard1 will sometimes show up as a card already put down

i was working on discard2 trying to see if was doign the same thing

PostPosted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 11:31 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Use this way for cards.
var deck : flexible array 0 .. 51 of int
var draw : int
for i : 0 .. 51
    deck (i) := i
end for
for n : 1 .. 52
    draw := Rand.Int (0, upper (deck))
    put deck (draw) mod 13, " ", deck (draw) div 13
    %%%%%%This deletes the card drawn from the flexible array
    deck (draw) := deck (upper (deck))
    new deck, upper (deck) - 1
end for

Then you just have to have an array of values for the non-numeric face values and the suits (so instead of having 12 of 1 you have perhaps Ace of Clubs).

But, since you're drawing pictures and not outputting, all you need to do is put your pictures in an array and draw the appropriate element in the array. Do you get it?
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