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 adding video to a trivia program
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:58 am   Post subject: adding video to a trivia program

hello i am trying to add video clips into a trivia program i am writing. basically, i need it to display after the correct answer is given. if anyone can help me with this id really apprieciate it.thank you Very Happy

PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:36 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

there's no build in method to play a video file inside Turing. You can ether decode the media format yourself (and try drawing it in pixels), or simply load an external player with Sys.Exec()
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:00 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Playing video in turing can be done like tony side, it has been proven here:

Unfrontly he did not post any of his source code for this whonder, but unless you whont to spend alot of time working on replicating it Sys.Exec() is the best you can do for now.

Rember that if you just pass Sys.Exec() a path to movie file it will play in the defualt player for that file type, this could be anything or nothing depending on the computer. So rather the giving it the path to the file you might whont to tell it to launch media player and pass media player the file to open.

Also another way to make it look like you have loaded a video in to turing whold be to break each frame of the video in to an image and then display that image with the right timing in turing and just hope the audio matches up. (you should have to strip out the audio in the video and use the music comands to play it in turing).
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