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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:30 pm   Post subject: Full Screen

Is it possible to make a full screen game where you dont see like the top bar and the sides an everything? like in real games?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:38 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

don't think in 4... closest you can get in 4 is to use max for the x and y sizes - setscreen("graphics:max;max")

in 3.1 you can do real fullscreen with something like
var window : int := Window.Open ("fullscreen")

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 4:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well, since we know how to get a fullscreen, now does anyone know how to set the resolution in fullscreen mode?? (I want my program to run in 800x600, but if I make it a stand-alone, the user might have a different desktop resolution)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 5:19 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

ya juss go setscreen("graphics:max;max") and to take off the button bar juss have setscreen("nobuttonbar")

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 5:24 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

lol, or u can do wut dan did b4 in his old game..and force the user to change the resolution and stuff Laughing go force!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:19 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

yeah, lol... I saw someone else do that too... using v3 though. Then made it fullscreen and checked maxx and maxy to see my current resolution, then told me it was set to too low and didnt run the program.

(heh, you can change screen's resolution through directX, not sure of openGL)
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

krishon wrote:
lol, or u can do wut dan did b4 in his old game..and force the user to change the resolution and stuff Laughing go force!!

Twisted Evil
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 02, 2003 11:30 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Wow, Dan, that signature is so true, I almost feel like crying.

Anyways, I guess I'll just have to force the user to change to 800x600. Oh, fie on the horrible, horrible ineptitude of Turing.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 9:50 am   Post subject: (No subject)

didn't u read my post? juss use setscreen("graphics:maxx;maxx") that'll set the screen to the full size and if u want to make a real game, dun use numbers for the co-ordinates of ur pictures use maxx div something and maxy div something so it'll work on any resolution

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 9:52 am   Post subject: (No subject)

there is still the problem of different sized pictures dodge... obviously a 100x100px image will appear larger at 800x600 than it will at 1024x768

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 9:52 am   Post subject: (No subject)

then use Pic.Scale... how hard is it ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:10 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I'd do that, Dodge, but it's too much work. And text would get screwed up (in terms of relative size).

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:10 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

very true. although one minor problem. suppose your desktop resolution is 800x600 (i know, that's crap but bear with me). if you make a turing window and set it to max, the window size won't actually be 800x600, but more like 788x541. this will be due to the pixels that make up the borders of the window as well as the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. and it won't always be the same, depending on the version of windows as well as how big someone made their taskbar (ie, the specifics of the theme they're using) the size of the window you make will be different.

so what i was thinking is just check the size of the window you make and say if it was 788x541 then you'd know to make the graphics for 800x600. but then i thought about what i just talked about so that would be a problem.

i guess you could take a ratio of the width of the window to the width of your pictures and another of the height of the window to the height of your pictures, and then resize all of the pictures accordingly right when you run the program. and it shouldn't even take long for turing to do, the only real problem would be for the programmer to go through every picture made and resize them accordingly.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:16 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

well, mazer, what you'd actually have to do is..

1) Check for maxx/maxy

2) Set to "fullscreen" at that resolution
-fullscreen will use the full 800x600

3) Make EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN CALCULATION as a relative value in terms of maxx/maxy

4) Use Pic.Scale to make your pictures the right relative size

5) Make sure any font sizes change if you're using Font.Draw

.... way too much work for me.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 03, 2003 2:03 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

actually, you'd have to make the fullscreen window before checking maxx/maxy.

but either way, i was writing that assuming that turing 4.0 was being used (as it almost always is), therefore no fullscreen.

and yeah, all those calculations would be a bitch but then, so is turing
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