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PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:08 pm   Post subject: index parameter limit

Is there a way to use more than two parameters with the find pattern in string function? I want to do this incase the variable response contains a variation of the word "take", like "get" or "pick up".

I can get around this, but I'd be making a helix of 'if' statements to match the complexity of human DNA.

I was told last week that the register function should work, but I can't find any information on it.

Also, please keep in mind that I just started programming a week and a half ago.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:13 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Write one if statement in a function, and then reuse that function

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:19 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

var response: string
get response: *
if index ( response, "take" ) not = 0 then
  if index ( response, "key" ) not = 0 then
  put "You have taken the key."
    put "There is only one attainable object in this room, and that is a key."
  end if
  put "What do you want with the key?"
end if
end loop

That would work, but only if every time someone wanted to take something it was a key. This would be used within many different instances within a text-based game.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:21 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Use parameters.


fuction stuff (item1:string)
      put item1
end stuff

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 9:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I'm sorry for not being more clear. What I wanted was to search the string variable 'responce' for "take", "get", and "pick up" and knowing that there is at least one of these words within the variable 'responce' then I can go ahead and search for the items.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 10:09 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I'm signing off, thank you anyway.

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 12:32 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Hmm, if I'm interpreting your question right, you speak of how to recognize all variations of a word without repetitive coding. Variations such as "key", "Key", "kEY", etc?

If so, the solution is simple. Do your regular check but right before that, convert the entire string to lower or upper case using Str.Lower or Str.Upper. Here is the adjusted code.

var response: string
get response: *
response := Str.Lower (response)
if index ( response, "take" ) not = 0 then
  if index ( response, "key" ) not = 0 then
  put "You have taken the key."
    put "There is only one attainable object in this room, and that is a key."
  end if
  put "What do you want with the key?"
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 10:30 am   Post subject: (No subject)

That's a good approach - however, it doesn't cover the possibility that 'take' is synonymous to 'get'. (So if the User typed "get kEY" or "take KeY", then the resultant action would be the same. Why the random case-shift? No reason Laughing).

Ok, so what we're getting at here is having a dictionary of commands that can be used for various actions. Certain actions have several unique identifiers associated with them.
Let's continue with your example of picking up a key. We have a key present in the environment, and the User wishes to retrieve it. They may use:
- pick up
- get
- take
And likely more. We'll leave it at three for now.

The User inputs a command string. Let's say it's "get key". We now want to parse this and determine whether a command exists. Since we have several command-phrases relating to the same command, we can just cycle through each of them checking them against the inputted string.


% Pseudo code!
  response (string)
  action_get (array: {"pick up", "get", "take"})

  get response

  for i : 1 to upper bound of action_get
    if action_get (i) is in response then

Simple eh? The challenging part of this will be streamlining it so that you can easily reference your commands. It is about this point that you'll want to start incorporating fcns.
A little used aspect of records is their ability to hold fcns/procedures etc. This is a little limiting in that the specified fcn structure and the one to be used must match directly.


fcn hello1 () : string
   result "Hello World"
end hello1

fcn hello2 (inStr : string) : string
   result "Hello World, " + inStr
end hello2

type greet :
      name : string
      FCN : fcn hello () : string
   end record

var test : greet := "Oboro"
test.FCN := hello1
% test.FCN := hello2
% This will crash due to incompatability of fcns.

put test.FCN (), ", ",

You can use this idea to compartmentalise the various actions in your proggie.
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