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Tony has written 199 posts for CompSci.ca/blog

Blogging along with Clayton Shier

So right after writing about the advantages of collaboration, I would like to welcome Clayton Shier in what would hopefully become a regular contributor position to this blog. Clayton is a grade 11 student, and has taken a very active part in this community for over a year. He is very enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and has [...]

Video game collaboration is cute

A while ago I wrote about some video game ideas one could use for a school assignment, or a personal project. For a bit more original idea, //engtech has pointed out Lost Garden’s prototyping challenge.

Over and over again, I’ve heard the sad tale that there are talented programmers lacking sexy graphics. I, on the other [...]

Data visualization: programming an art piece

Computer programming is art. Not just because it takes a creative mind to unambiguously express a software solution, but also because of so much potential for a creative expression of the result. Enter data visualization, a process of conveying large amounts of complex information in a graphical form. Modeled to display easily recognizable patterns and [...]


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