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Tony has written 199 posts for CompSci.ca/blog

Software startups: success and failures

Larry Smith, the most influential professor I’ve had a pleasure of taking a class with, lectures on economics, and acts as an advisor for many University of Waterloo startups. Being an innovative university that it is, there is no shortage of, at least, attempts at entrepreneurship by knowledgeable and passionate students. Filled with stories of [...]

Are you a blogger? Who cares.

For those with soft ego – your readers do. Lacking subscribers? Get your mom to comment on your blog. She still cares. Boosts your stats too.

The subject was actually brought up by the recent shutdown day that asked two questions:

“Can you survive for a day without a computer?” – Yes, I can.
And “what would happen [...]

Teaching creativity: Do schools today kill creativity?

Sir Ken Robinson, an education guru, has given an entertaining, yet moving talk at TED conference last year. Reexamining the nature of our education system, Ken focuses on the role of creativity in schools.

My contention is that creativity now is as important, in education, as literacy. And we should treat it with the same status.

Picasso [...]


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