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 explosion (particle effects)
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PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:15 pm   Post subject: explosion (particle effects)

The weapons almost done for my game, now all I need is some nice explosion effects. After reading Catalyst's code for the exploding text(which I am still kinda confused about Confused ) I was wondering how would you color and shade the particles so it looks like an explosion? I will take any suggestions, and any help from Catalyst is greatly appreciated.

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 8:30 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

heres some old code of mine that makes an explosion it is simpler
if u want complete control my 2d particle engine would probably help its more complicated tho

setscreen ("offscreenonly,graphics:640;640")
const numP := 800
const accel := 0.8
const maxLife := 510
var clr : int
for i : 1 .. 255
    clr := RGB.AddColor (1, i / 256, 0)
end for
drawfilloval (maxx div 2, maxy div 2 + 100, 10, 10, black)
drawfillbox (maxx div 2-2,maxy div 2+110,maxx div 2+2,maxy div 2+115,black)
drawline (maxx div 2,maxy div 2+115,maxx div 2,maxy div 2+125,15)
drawfilloval (maxx div 2,maxy div 2+125,2,2,42)
delay (1500)
type part :
        x : real
        y : real
        xV : real
        yV : real
        r : int
        life : int
    end record
var main : array 1 .. numP of part
var a : array 1 .. numP of int
for i : 1 .. numP
    main (i).x := maxx div 2
    main (i).y := maxy div 2 + 100
    main (i).xV := Rand.Int (-40, 40) * Rand.Real
    main (i).yV := Rand.Int (-40, 41) * Rand.Real
    main (i).r := Rand.Int (1, 8)
    main (i).life := maxLife + Rand.Int (-100, 0)
    a (i) := Rand.Int (28, 31)
end for
    for i : 1 .. numP
        main (i).xV -= main (i).xV / 16
        main (i).yV -= accel + main (i).yV / 16
        main (i).x += main (i).xV
        main (i).y += main (i).yV
        main (i).life -= 10
        if main (i).life >= 255 then
            drawfilloval (round (main (i).x), round (main (i).y), main (i).r, main (i).r, round (((main (i).life / maxLife) * 255) + 255))
            drawfilloval (round (main (i).x), round (main (i).y), main (i).r, main (i).r, a (i))
        end if
    end for
end loop

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:21 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I'm doing explosions a cheaper way. essentially you have images of explosions (uncompressed game sprite files work wonders, see Half-Life) in a for loop drawing on top of eachother with a cls or a box drawing over it so it looks like it's actively exploding. It just depends for the type of effect you want, Catalyst's example would be if you needed the entire screen to blow up, my example would work better for a smaller portion of the screen.

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:22 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

altho my effect is scalable
ur method woudl prob work better in the game situation since it would be faster and look better

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2003 10:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

that's why I brought it up because he was working on a game. typically games already run slow due to a large amount of images on screen and background music/sfx so yours would slow down the game by alot.

by the way, for shits and gigles, I tested your effect in my game and it slowed to a crawl Smile

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 5:00 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

*notes the above*

dammit so that's why lag is so noticeable!

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 7:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

if it lags so much do u suggest turing created explosions over imported explosion pics?

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2003 8:02 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

imported explosion pics, it'll run much more smoothly (it's what I'm using now)
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