Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:12 am Post subject: help with an intro screen
I am creating a game that runs the intro screen has an Input.Pause and then starts the game, the only problem is the background of the intro screen does not clear completely, I have used cls and have reset the background, yet it still does not work, is their anything else I can do?
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Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 11:13 am Post subject: screen
try drawing a plain white screen over top of the starting one......
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 0)
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 9:28 pm Post subject: (No subject)
If you've used cls, there might be a problem with your code. I recommend posting it.
Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2005 10:15 pm Post subject: (No subject)
% Set constants = ord value of the arrow keys
const RIGHT := 205
const LEFT := 203
const SHOOT := 32
var menground := 0 %counts how many men are on the ground
var score := 0 % keeps track of score
var groundCount := 0 %how many parachutters are on the ground
var gunnerHit := false %gunner has not been hit
var gameOver := false %player is still alive
%shot is off the screen to avoid collision with parachute dude
var bulletX, bulletY := -100
var shooting := false %the ship is not firing
%default ship position
var gunnerX := maxx div 2
var gunnerY := 15
var parachuters := 0 % how many parachutes are dropping
delay (Y)
locate (5, 35)
put "W" ..
delay (Y)
put "E" ..
delay (Y)
put "L" ..
delay (Y)
put "C" ..
delay (Y)
put "O" ..
delay (Y)
put "M" ..
delay (Y)
put "E" ..
locate (7, 25)
locate (8, 33)
put "The situation: "
locate (9, 22)
put "Enemy parachuters are dropping from the sky."
delay (X)
locate (11, 33)
put "Your mission: "
locate (12, 22)
put "Shoot as many parachuters as possible. If they"
locate (13, 22)
put "get as many as three men on the ground, it's"
locate (14, 22)
put "Game Over for us."
delay (X)
locate (16, 22)
put "Good luck, and may we triumph for all things"
locate (17, 22)
put "good!"
locate (19, 30)
put "Press the space bar to continue."
end introscreen
process men
var para : int := Pic.FileNew ("men.jpg") %load the picture
% controls a single parachuter which flies down from top of screen
var menXSpeed := 0
var menYSpeed := Rand.Int (1, 3)
var men_Y : int := 0 %stores position of men on Y axis
parachuters += 1 %increase the number of parachuters
var menX := Rand.Int (15, 585)
% check if parachuters is on the ground
if men_Y <= 50 then
menground += 1
end if
% check if parachuters has been hit by a shot
if abs (menX - bulletX) < 30 and abs (menY - bulletY) < 30 then
paraHit (menX, menY)
score += 100 % adds 100 to score when bullet hits man
shooting := false
exit when gameOver
end if
end for
parachuters -= 1
end men
process clouds
var cloud : int := Pic.FileNew ("cloud.jpg") % load picture
var cloudY := 300
for cloudX : 15 .. 625
Pic.Draw (cloud, cloudX, cloudY, picCopy)
Draw.FillBox (cloudX, cloudY, cloudX + 70, cloudY + 70, white)
end for
end clouds
process moremen %makes 1-5 men come down randomly
if parachuters <= 2 then
fork men
% don't let more than 3 on at a time
delay (100)
end if
delay (100)
exit when gameOver
end loop
end moremen
%The ship fires
process fire (xc : int)
shooting := true % a shot is being fired
var shot : int := Pic.FileNew ("shot.jpg") %load the picture
bulletX := xc %set the position of the bullet to be aligned with gunner
% fire the bullet
for y : gunnerY + 55 .. 385 by 5 %start shot from gunner's position to the top of the screen
exit when gameOver
exit when not shooting
bulletY := y
Pic.Draw (shot, bulletX, bulletY, picCopy) % draw the shot
delay (5)
Draw.FillBox (bulletX, bulletY, bulletX + 5, bulletY + 22, black) %erase the shot
end for
% move the bullet off the screen so no men can "bump into it"
bulletX := -100
bulletY := -100
shooting := false
end fire
process showScore
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, white)
% displays score and remaining lives at top of screen
% wipe out old score and display current score
Draw.FillBox (0, maxy - 100, maxx, maxy, white)
put "Score : ", score
locate (1, 5)
put "Men on ground : ", menground
locate (2, 5)
% Control when the game is actually over
if menground = 3 then
gameOver := true
end if
delay (250)
end loop
end showScore
%draws and moves the gunner
process gunner
var keyPress : string (1)
var gunner : int := Pic.FileNew ("gunner.jpg") %load the picture
Pic.Draw (gunner, gunnerX, gunnerY, picCopy) %draw the picture to the screen
% flush any characters typed but not read yet
% this keeps ship from jumping away from starting
% point immediately when it appears
exit when not hasch
getch (keyPress) % Discard this character
end loop
getch (keyPress)
% erase the ship at current location before moving
Draw.FillBox (gunnerX, gunnerY, gunnerX + 50, gunnerY + 50, black)
% If user pressed an arrow key, move gunner
if ord (keyPress) = RIGHT and gunnerX < maxx - 15 then
gunnerX += 25
elsif ord (keyPress) = LEFT and gunnerX > 15 then
gunnerX -= 25
elsif ord (keyPress) = SHOOT and shooting = false then
fork fire (gunnerX + 19)
exit when gameOver
end if
exit when gameOver
Pic.Draw (gunner, gunnerX, gunnerY, picCopy) %draw the ship
end loop
end gunner
if groundCount = MAXMENGROUND then
gameOver := true
put "Game Over"
end if
the intro is cheesy but i just want it to work before i brush it up
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:00 am Post subject: (No subject)
OMG! worst use of processes i have seen, except there were these 2 times but nevermind. The processes are screwing up your cls problem, Why dont you use procedures and try looping them?
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 9:02 am Post subject: (No subject)
ok, i'll do that, thanks so much for the advice
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:09 am Post subject: (No subject)
Try to minimize your process use just for bg music. But now you dont even need process for that, because the built-in function of turing 4.0.5
So use of processes is now really "0"
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:20 am Post subject: (No subject)
MysticVegeta wrote:
So use of processes is now really "0"
Much as I hate the way processes are usually used, I have to disagree with you there. Mckenzie mentioned somewhere sometime ago, processes are just misused. For things such as, in a game of chess, computer AI while waiting for the user's input, processes can be a good thing.
But note: the two processes occuring in this type of program do not affect one another. The computer is searching for the best possible move, but that does not affect the code that waits for user input. Likewise, the code that waits for user input does not affect the search for the best possible move(s). Also, this kind of thing cannot really be done without processes. Say your AI uses a particular procedure and lots of recursion. You could not stick that in the same loop as the input loop because the recursion would take quite some time, so the input would not actually be allowed for most of the time. (Plus, you don't want to loop your AI checking!)
So, for something like AI for chess, processes may be a good thing. But yes, almost every process used in the Turing section here is misused.
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Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 1:36 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Just a question Cervantes, how much knowledge and practise and work does it take to program a successful chess game with normal level of AI?
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:35 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Well, I've never done it myself, but I would say the hardest part would be the AI, for which you'd probably need a strong background in recursion.
Plus, you have to be good at chess.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 3:55 pm Post subject: (No subject)
yeh.. AI = ew.. however tic tac toe AI = easy.. and checkers i'msure wouldn't be TO hard.... ust chess, you can't program for possible outcomes.. you need to program.. like.. thinking
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 4:29 pm Post subject: (No subject)
For chess you use game tree's. You don't program all the possible outcomes, but the program has to calculate the moves. Since there are LOTS of possible moves in chess, to get a good depth search you don't look at all the possibilities, just the likely ones. There are many strategies of making more complex ai's, and Turing is not the best language for it.
Yeah... so, it would be nice to have a chess program from Turing. It would probably be slow and all, but it would still be great to have some kind of ai. Somebody did a start once. I remember you could do all the moves and everything, but there was no ai or checkmate/special moves/rules.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 6:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
well i think one of the points that Cervantes mentioned was pretty good - you have to be good at chess. Thats a good point, i think when Gandalf said "special moves", we need to figure out the special moves first in order to program them, and then check for conditions like - the computer doesnt get beaten up first, the computer still will have place to move, the computer has place to move, etc. Congratz we have programmed 1/100th piece of AI required for normal level chess
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Yeah, you have to be decent in chess, true. What I meant with "special moves" was like en passant and castle...
For a lot of opening moves and endgame moves there are things called "opening books" and "endgame databases" that just have a bunch of different scenarios for around 4-12 moves so that the beginnings go fast and according to predefined strategies.
In the middle, main game where the computer is calculating, it doesn't have to find a "good move". What it usually does is put a value on the different positionings and pieces then try and find a combination of moves which gain it that advantage.
I spent a lot of time on chess programming, that's what really introduced my to programming, and I was doing this stuff even before I knew how to program.
Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2005 7:46 pm Post subject: (No subject)
aaa lol.. i think compsci should like.. try it.. everyone here , like have people, make 3D models, and just render as pictures... and have boards, and everything, and have like a 3 person team on how to make AI research it an everything.. i think this could be pretty crazy...
also about pocess's during the opponent (player's) move.. wouldn't that not work right, since the compter wouldn't be taking into account, the move that the player is making.. since if it decided on it's move, before the player moved, then the computer moved.. wouldn't it never take the last move into event.. so wouldn't it be like.. really REALLY easy computer.. since if you put it into check, it doens't know that so it'll just lose...???