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PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:11 pm   Post subject: Blockout Game Help

Ok, so im making a blockout game, and i still cant get the collision detection perfect, i got alot of it to work, but still, when the ball hits the blocks in certain spots, the blocks dont dissapear, can someone please help!! Confused

Heres the code for the whole game:
type block :
        x : int
        y : int
        hits : int
    end record
var xvalue : int := -15
var yvalue : int := 0
var blocks : array 1 .. 156 of block
var colours : array 1 .. 10 of int := init (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130)
var blockcol : array 1 .. 156 of int
var chars : array char of boolean
var ballx := maxx div 2
var bally := 15
var pos := maxx div 2
var xmod := 1
var ymod := 1
var tries := 3
var score := 0
%var blockhit := 0
var font3 := Font.New ("Courier New:10:bold") %All other font
%var font1 := Font.New ("Courier New:20:bold") %Title font
var keyPressed : string (1)
setscreen ("graphics:640;400,title:Mikes X-Treme Pong Game,nocursor")
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
    blocks (i).hits := 0
end for

    for i : 1 .. 156
        randint (blockcol (i), 1, 10)
    end for
    setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        for i : 1 .. 156
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 230
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            end if
            yvalue += 12
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)     %user paddle
        Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12)             %ball
        Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Score:  " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))         %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then          %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 1
            ballx -= 1
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 30 < maxx then          %Moves paddle right
            pos += 1
            ballx += 1
        elsif chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
    end loop
        ballx += xmod
        bally += ymod
        if ballx >= maxx then
            xmod := -xmod                 %ball goes in opposite x-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        elsif ballx <= 0 then
            xmod := -xmod                 %ball goes in opposite x-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        end if
        if bally >= maxy - 30 then
            ymod := -ymod                 %ball goes in opposite y-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        elsif bally <= 5 then
            ymod := -ymod
            sound (500, 10)
        end if
        for i : 1 .. 156
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 230
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            end if
            yvalue += 12
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)         %user paddle
        Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12)             %ball
        Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Score:  " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))         %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then          %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 2
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 25 < maxx then          %Moves paddle right
            pos += 2
        end if
        if chars ('x') then
        elsif chars ('p') then             %Pauses game
            setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
            Font.Draw ("GAME PAUSED", maxx div 2 - 20, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
            Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
                div 2, 100, font3, blue)
                getch (keyPressed)
                exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
            end loop
            setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
         for i : 1 .. upper (colours)
         if whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) = colours (i) or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) = colours (i) then
         xmod *= -1 % same as xmod := - xmod
         end if
         if whatdotcolour (ballx, bally + 11) = colours (i) or whatdotcolour (ballx, bally - 11) = colours (i) then
         ymod *= -1
         end if
         end for

        case whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) of                           %if ball hits anything green (2)
            label 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 :   %it will go in opposite x-direction
                xmod *= -1
            label blue, 12, yellow, black, 5, 2 :
                xmod *= -1
            label :
                xmod *= 1
        end case
        case whatdotcolour (ballx, bally + 11) or whatdotcolour (ballx, bally - 11) of                %if ball hits anything green (2)
            label 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 :                                                        %it will go in opposite y-direction
                ymod *= -1
            label blue, 12, yellow, black, 5, 2 :
                ymod *= -1
            label :
                ymod *= 1
        end case
        for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
            if ballx - 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally + 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx - 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally + 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10
                blocks (i).hits := 1
                %blockhit += 1
                %elsif ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
                %blocks (i).hits :=1
            end if
            %if x >= blockx (i) and x <= blockx (i) and blocky (i) - (y + radius) <= 4 then
            %end if
        end for
        if blockhit = 156 then
            setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
            Font.Draw ("You Win!!!", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("You Win!!!", font1) div 2, maxy div 2, font1, black)
            delay (700)
            Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
                div 2, 120, font3, blue)
                getch (keyPressed)
                exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
            end loop
        end if

         if whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) = padcol or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) = padcol or
         whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) = blockcol () or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) = padcol then
         xmod := -xmod
         end if
         if whatdotcolour (ballx, bally + 11) = padcol or whatdotcolour (ballx, bally - 11) = padcol then
         ymod := -ymod
         end if

    end loop
    if chars ('x') then
    end if
end loop

And this is the particular code that is the collision detection, which makes the blocks dissapear, which is the part i need help with:
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
            if ballx - 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally + 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx - 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally + 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
                    ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10
                blocks (i).hits := 1
                %blockhit += 1
                %elsif ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
                %blocks (i).hits :=1
            end if
            %if x >= blockx (i) and x <= blockx (i) and blocky (i) - (y + radius) <= 4 then
            %end if
        end for

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:47 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Confused anyone Question Embarassed

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:34 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Here yas go mayte Wink
type block :
        x : int
        y : int
        hits : int
    end record
var xvalue : int := -15
var yvalue : int := 0
var blocks : array 1 .. 156 of block
var colours : array 1 .. 10 of int := init (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130)
var blockcol : array 1 .. 156 of int
var chars : array char of boolean
var ballx := maxx div 2
var bally := 15
var pos := maxx div 2
var xmod := 1
var ymod := 1
var tries := 3
var score := 0
%var blockhit := 0
var font3 := Font.New ("Courier New:10:bold") %All other font
%var font1 := Font.New ("Courier New:20:bold") %Title font
var keyPressed : string (1)
setscreen ("graphics:640;400,title:Mikes X-Treme Pong Game,nocursor")
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
    blocks (i).hits := 0
end for

    for i : 1 .. 156
        randint (blockcol (i), 1, 10)
    end for
    setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        for i : 1 .. 156
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 230
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits not= 1 then
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            end if
            yvalue += 12
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)     %user paddle
        Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12)             %ball
        Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Score:  " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))         %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then          %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 1
            ballx -= 1
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 30 < maxx then          %Moves paddle right
            pos += 1
            ballx += 1
        elsif chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
    end loop
        ballx += xmod
        bally += ymod
        if ballx >= maxx then
            xmod := -xmod                 %ball goes in opposite x-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        elsif ballx <= 0 then
            xmod := -xmod                 %ball goes in opposite x-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        end if
        if bally >= maxy - 30 then
            ymod := -ymod                 %ball goes in opposite y-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        elsif bally <= 5 then
            ymod := -ymod
            sound (500, 10)
        end if
        for i : 1 .. 156
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 230
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            end if
            yvalue += 12
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)         %user paddle
        Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12)             %ball
        Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Score:  " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))         %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then          %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 2
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 25 < maxx then          %Moves paddle right
            pos += 2
        end if
        if chars ('x') then
        elsif chars ('p') then             %Pauses game
            setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
            Font.Draw ("GAME PAUSED", maxx div 2 - 20, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
            Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
                div 2, 100, font3, blue)
                getch (keyPressed)
                exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
            end loop
            setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
        for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
            if blocks (i).hits not= 1 then
                if ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and ballx >= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10
                        or ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
                    xmod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                elsif bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40
                        or bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 and bally >= blocks (i).y + 10 and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 then
                    ymod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end loop
    if chars ('x') then
    end if
end loop

Your if statements were a little off, and you were making the ymod's and xmods change at the wrong time, therefore the ball would just plow through everything.
What I changed was, I put the detection of the ball hitting the side of a block in one if statement (both sides of block), and the top and bottom hit dection in another if statement. When those blocks were hit, it was then that I changed the direction of the ball, and told the program not to draw those balls again. I also put another if statement around that, so that it would only check detection if the block (i).hits not=1. If you need any more explanation, juss ask away. Smile

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

wow!! thnx so much! i was workin on that part for soo long and couldnt get it right. +5 Bits for your help! Very Happy

Can you just explain the collision part that u changed, like which part is for the side detection and which part is for the top/bottom, and how it works sorta.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:49 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

This is all i used for dection, I got rid of everything else.
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
            if blocks (i).hits not= 1 then
                if ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and ballx >= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10
                        or ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
                    xmod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                elsif bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40
                        or bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 and bally >= blocks (i).y + 10 and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 then
                    ymod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                end if
            end if
        end for

Now this is for the horizontal checking:

 if ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and ballx >= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10
                        or ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
                    xmod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1

The first chunk (before the or) checks if the left side of the ball hits.
Now, you only want to check that tip of the ball, nothing else, so thats why i check with bally, not bally +10 or -10
Now this is for the vertical checking:

elsif bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40
                        or bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 and bally >= blocks (i).y + 10 and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 then
                    ymod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                end if 

Same concept with this. I'm only checking the tip of the ball, and the very bottom.

Ex. I'm Checking these parts of the ball (where the points are)
-3D Smile- [ I know this is really ugly ]
However, this method can be faulty. For example, if the ball were to hit a corner, the tip, nor the side would hit first, this is where you can do some extra coding, or using whatdotcolor. This is a good start though.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:07 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

when you say that it only cheks the tips of the ball, do you mean just the top, bottom, right , and left tips of the ball are being checked? And not the parts in between the top/bottom tips and side tips?

And also, how do you do that turing code thing, so it says turing instead of just Code?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:32 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I juss learned it from wtd.

And yeah, i mean juss those tips, not inbetween, just where those ticks were, not the _'s. That's why the method isn't perfect.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 4:12 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

k i added sum new stuff to my blockout game, and i need some help with it. I made a ball collision with the paddle, and also added money that falls from certain blocks when you hit them, and if you get the money you get 1 point, and its all randmonly generated.
These are the problems im having:
1. Sometimes when the paddle is moving and ball hits it, it slides with it, or gets stuck.
2. When you it more blocks then the game runs faster and faster the more blocks that are gone.

Please, if anyone can help i'd appreciate it! Thanx!!

Heres the new code:
type block :
        x : int
        y : int
        hits : int
    end record
var xvalue : int := -15
var yvalue : int := 0
var randblocks := Rand.Int (12, 25)
var blocks : array 1 .. 156 of block
var colours : array 1 .. 10 of int := init (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130)
var blockcol : array 1 .. 156 of int
var moneyx : array 1 .. 156 of int
var moneyy : array 1 .. 156 of int
var randblocknum : array 1 .. randblocks of int
var monscore : array 1 .. 156 of int
var chars : array char of boolean
var ballx := maxx div 2
var bally := 15
var pos := maxx div 2
var xmod := 1
var ymod := 1
var tries := 3
var score := 0
var blockhit := 0
var font3 := Font.New ("Courier New:10:bold") %All other font
var font1 := Font.New ("Courier New:20:bold") %Title font
var keyPressed : string (1)
setscreen ("graphics:640;400,title:Mikes X-Treme Pong Game,nocursor")

    for i : 1 .. 156 % chooses colours for each block randomly
        randint (blockcol (i), 1, 10)
    end for
    for i : 1 .. upper (blocks) %sets all block hits to 0
        blocks (i).hits := 0
    end for
    for i : 1 .. upper (randblocknum) %chooses random blocks to have money
        randblocknum (i) := Rand.Int (1, 156)
    end for
    setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        for i : 1 .. 156  %draws each block
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 190
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then   % if block hasn't been hit, it's drawn
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            else     %draws blocks that were hit in white
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, white)
            end if
            yvalue += 12
            moneyx (i) := blocks (i).x + 18
            moneyy (i) := blocks (i).y
            monscore (i) := 0
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)     %user paddle
        Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12)     %ball
        Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Score: " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))     %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then     %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 1
            ballx -= 1
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 30 < maxx then     %Moves paddle right
            pos += 1
            ballx += 1
        elsif chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
    end loop
        ballx += xmod
        bally += ymod
        if ballx >= maxx then
            xmod := -xmod     %ball goes in opposite x-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        elsif ballx <= 0 then
            xmod := -xmod     %ball goes in opposite x-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        end if
        if bally >= maxy - 30 then
            ymod := -ymod     %ball goes in opposite y-direction
            sound (500, 10)
        elsif bally <= 5 then
            ymod := -ymod
            sound (500, 10)
        end if
        for i : 1 .. 156     %draws all blocks, only if they havn't been hit
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 190
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then     %draws blocks that haven't been hit
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            else     %draws blocks that were hit in white
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, white)
            end if
            yvalue += 12
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)     %user paddle
        Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12)     %ball
        Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Score: " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))     %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then     %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 2
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 25 < maxx then     %Moves paddle right
            pos += 2
        end if
        if chars ('x') then
        elsif chars ('p') then     %Pauses game
            setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
            Font.Draw ("GAME PAUSED", maxx div 2 - 20, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
            Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
                div 2, 100, font3, blue)
                getch (keyPressed)
                exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
            end loop
            setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
         if blockhit = 15 then %if all blocks are hit then displays You Win!!!
         setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
         Font.Draw ("You Win!!!", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("You Win!!!", font1) div 2, maxy div 2, font1, black)
         delay (700)
         Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
         div 2, 120, font3, blue)
         getch (keyPressed)
         exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
         end loop
         end if

        for i : 1 .. randblocks %checks if money block has been hit, if so, 1 point is added to score
            if blocks (randblocknum (i)).hits = 1 then
                Font.Draw ("$", moneyx (randblocknum (i)), moneyy (randblocknum (i)), font3, blue)
                if moneyx (randblocknum (i)) >= pos - 25 and moneyx (randblocknum (i)) <= pos + 25 and moneyy (randblocknum (i)) >= -6 and moneyy (randblocknum (i)) <= 8 then
                    monscore (randblocknum (i)) += 1
                end if
                moneyy (randblocknum (i)) -= 1
            end if
            if monscore (randblocknum (i)) = 1 then
                score += 1
            end if
        end for
        if ballx - 10 <= pos + 25 and ballx >= pos + 25 and bally >= 0 and bally <= 5     %if statement for ball and paddle collision
                or ballx + 10 >= pos - 25 and ballx <= pos - 25 and bally >= 0 and bally <= 5 then
            xmod *= -1
        elsif bally + 10 >= 0 and bally <= 0 and ballx >= pos - 25 and ballx <= pos + 25
                or bally - 10 <= 5 and bally >= 5 and ballx >= pos - 25 and ballx <= pos + 25 then
            ymod *= -1
        end if
        for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)     %for loop w/if statements to check ball and block collision, and if so, sets the
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then     % ball #'s hit counter to 1, and ball is not drawn.
                if ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and ballx >= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10
                        or ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x and bally >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
                    xmod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                    blockhit += 1
                elsif bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally <= blocks (i).y and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40
                        or bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 and bally >= blocks (i).y + 10 and ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 then
                    ymod *= -1
                    blocks (i).hits := 1
                    blockhit += 1
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end loop
    if chars ('x') then     %exits game
    end if
end loop

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 8:12 am   Post subject: (No subject)

The reason your game speeds up is because your program is used to drawing a lot of boxes, now it only has to draw a couple, so it's going to do so faster. What you can do, is when you check if the block is hit (that's where you decide whether or not to draw it) you can then draw that block, only in white, or whatever color your background is. Or better yet, you can cheat. Lets say you have some picture you want to import, so redrawing the hit blocks wont work, have the program draw the block at like (5000,5000) or something, you'll never see it, and the speed wont change.

And this is all you need for the paddle. There's no real point and making xmod*=-1 because if the ball does hit the side of the paddle, it still goin down and theres nothing you can do about it.

 if ballx >= pos - 25 and bally - 10 <= 5 and ballx <= pos + 25 and bally - 10 >= 0 then
            ymod *= -1
        end if

P.S. I was playin ur game, and one of the times that i got a money thing, my score kept goin, and i got like 7765 score, look into that Wink

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

haha lol.. yea i know... sum1 else told me that 2.. ill chek that out.. thanx for your help tho Very Happy

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:23 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

ok.. im adding another new part to my blockout game, im adding a shooting part. You start off with 5 bullets, and then when money falls and you get it you can buy more. I have no clue how to make the shooting part though. I want it so that when you press space, a bullet comes from the middle of wherever the paddle is, and if they hit a block, the blok and bullet dissapear. And when a bullet shoots, it takes 1 off your amo level, and when you hav 0 then you cant shoot. And also, I want it so you can shoot many bullets at a time, with a delay inbetween.
I made the money falling and store to buy bullets, i just need help making bullets shoot from the paddle and the rapid fire etc.

If anyone can help me get started with this part id appreciate it, im working on it in a new file to make it easier, so this is the basic blocks, and paddle part:
type block :
        x : int
        y : int
        hits : int
    end record
var xvalue : int := -15
var yvalue : int := 0
var blocks : array 1 .. 156 of block
var colours : array 1 .. 10 of int := init (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130)
var blockcol : array 1 .. 156 of int
var chars : array char of boolean
var ballx := maxx div 2
var bally := 15
var pos := maxx div 2
var xmod := 1
var ymod := 1
var tries := 3
var score := 0
var font3 := Font.New ("Courier New:10:bold")         %All other font
var keyPressed : string (1)
var bulbutton := chr (ORD_SPACE) %declares space button for shooting
setscreen ("graphics:640;400,title:Mikes X-Treme Pong Game,nocursor")
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
    blocks (i).hits := 0
end for

    for i : 1 .. 156
        randint (blockcol (i), 1, 10)
    end for
    setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        for i : 1 .. 156
            if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
                xvalue += 45
                yvalue := 230
            end if
            blocks (i).x := xvalue
            blocks (i).y := yvalue
            if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then
                Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
            end if
            yvalue += 12
        end for
        Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1)         %user paddle
        Font.Draw ("Lives: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Font.Draw ("Money:$  " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
        Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))         %top boundary line
        Input.KeyDown (chars)
        if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then          %Moves paddle left
            pos -= 2
        elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 25 < maxx then          %Moves paddle right
            pos += 2
        end if
        if chars (bulbutton) then
            %bullet part
        end if
        if chars ('x') then
        elsif chars ('p') then             %Pauses game
            setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
            Font.Draw ("GAME PAUSED", maxx div 2 - 20, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
            Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
                div 2, 100, font3, blue)
                getch (keyPressed)
                exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
            end loop
            setscreen ("offscreenonly")
        end if
        xvalue := -15
        yvalue := 0
    end loop
    if chars ('x') then
    end if
end loop

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 3:25 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

this topic was from sort of a while ago.. but.. i figured out that now i need to check more than just those four points from before, how would i check more than just the 4 points on the ball?

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 4:02 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Equation of a circle? Didn't I mention that elsewhere?

jamonathin wrote:

The reason your game speeds up is because your program is used to drawing a lot of boxes, now it only has to draw a couple, so it's going to do so faster. What you can do, is when you check if the block is hit (that's where you decide whether or not to draw it) you can then draw that block, only in white, or whatever color your background is. Or better yet, you can cheat. Lets say you have some picture you want to import, so redrawing the hit blocks wont work, have the program draw the block at like (5000,5000) or something, you'll never see it, and the speed wont change.

Why don't we just set a FPS...

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2005 8:35 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

meh, whatever works Razz

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2005 3:47 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Yea u mentioned that, but i dont really understand how i would use that equation to chek the circle and block collision Confused
Also, wats a FPS?
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