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 input at eof
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PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 5:26 pm   Post subject: input at eof

I am doing this program where i have to add new information to a datafile everytime i run it. And if i run the program the second time, and i try to input something into it, the data that was already in it, gets overwritten. How would you make a program so it takes you to the end of the data file, where you can start inputting the new information?

I tried doing:


eof (streamNumber)
put : %new information

but it didn't work. Plz help!

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 6:42 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Just use seek, its pretty easy just to go to turing reference and read up on the open function, but hey, I learned something too, lazy me.

var file: string:= "text.txt"
var input: int
var temp: string:="hi"
open: input, file, put, seek, mod
seek: input, * %finds you the end of the file

put: input, temp

thats pretty much straight out of the reference.

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2005 7:38 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

This is what i do since i cant get mod to work for me...


    File.Copy ("highscores.txt", "temp.txt")

    open : streamin, "temp.txt", get
    open : streamout, "highscores.txt", put

        exit when eof (streamin)
        get : streamin, data
        put : streamout, data, " " ..

    end loop

%%%add new info here   

    close : streamin
    close : streamout

    File.Delete ("temp")
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