type block :
x : int
y : int
hits : int
end record
var xvalue : int := -15
var yvalue : int := 0
var blocks : array 1 .. 156 of block
var colours : array 1 .. 10 of int := init (40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130)
var blockcol : array 1 .. 156 of int
var chars : array char of boolean
var ballx := maxx div 2
var bally := 15
var pos := maxx div 2
var xmod := 1
var ymod := 1
var tries := 3
var score := 0
%var blockhit := 0
var font3 := Font.New ("Courier New:10:bold") %All other font
%var font1 := Font.New ("Courier New:20:bold") %Title font
var keyPressed : string (1)
setscreen ("graphics:640;400,title:Mikes X-Treme Pong Game,nocursor")
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
blocks (i).hits := 0
end for
for i : 1 .. 156
randint (blockcol (i), 1, 10)
end for
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
for i : 1 .. 156
if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
xvalue += 45
yvalue := 230
end if
blocks (i).x := xvalue
blocks (i).y := yvalue
if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then
Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
end if
yvalue += 12
end for
Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1) %user paddle
Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12) %ball
Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
Font.Draw ("Score: " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) %top boundary line
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then %Moves paddle left
pos -= 1
ballx -= 1
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 30 < maxx then %Moves paddle right
pos += 1
ballx += 1
elsif chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
end if
xvalue := -15
yvalue := 0
end loop
ballx += xmod
bally += ymod
if ballx >= maxx then
xmod := -xmod %ball goes in opposite x-direction
sound (500, 10)
elsif ballx <= 0 then
xmod := -xmod %ball goes in opposite x-direction
sound (500, 10)
end if
if bally >= maxy - 30 then
ymod := -ymod %ball goes in opposite y-direction
sound (500, 10)
elsif bally <= 5 then
ymod := -ymod
sound (500, 10)
end if
for i : 1 .. 156
if (i - 1) rem 12 = 0 then
xvalue += 45
yvalue := 230
end if
blocks (i).x := xvalue
blocks (i).y := yvalue
if blocks (i).hits ~= 1 then
Draw.FillBox (blocks (i).x, blocks (i).y + 2, blocks (i).x + 40, blocks (i).y + 10, colours (blockcol (i)))
end if
yvalue += 12
end for
Draw.FillBox (pos - 25, 0, pos + 25, 5, 1) %user paddle
Draw.FillOval (ballx, bally, 10, 10, 12) %ball
Font.Draw ("Tries Remaining: " + intstr (tries), 2, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
Font.Draw ("Score: " + intstr (score), maxx - 83, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
Draw.Line (0, maxy - 20, maxx, maxy - 20, RGB.AddColor (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)) %top boundary line
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and pos - 25 > 0 then %Moves paddle left
pos -= 2
elsif chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and pos + 25 < maxx then %Moves paddle right
pos += 2
end if
if chars ('x') then
elsif chars ('p') then %Pauses game
setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
Font.Draw ("GAME PAUSED", maxx div 2 - 20, maxy - 12, font3, blue)
Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
div 2, 100, font3, blue)
getch (keyPressed)
exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
end loop
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
end if
xvalue := -15
yvalue := 0
for i : 1 .. upper (colours)
if whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) = colours (i) or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) = colours (i) then
xmod *= -1 % same as xmod := - xmod
end if
if whatdotcolour (ballx, bally + 11) = colours (i) or whatdotcolour (ballx, bally - 11) = colours (i) then
ymod *= -1
end if
end for
case whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) of %if ball hits anything green (2)
label 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 : %it will go in opposite x-direction
xmod *= -1
label blue, 12, yellow, black, 5, 2 :
xmod *= -1
label :
xmod *= 1
end case
case whatdotcolour (ballx, bally + 11) or whatdotcolour (ballx, bally - 11) of %if ball hits anything green (2)
label 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 : %it will go in opposite y-direction
ymod *= -1
label blue, 12, yellow, black, 5, 2 :
ymod *= -1
label :
ymod *= 1
end case
for i : 1 .. upper (blocks)
if ballx - 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally + 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
ballx - 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx - 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally + 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally + 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 or
ballx >= blocks (i).x and ballx <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10
blocks (i).hits := 1
%blockhit += 1
%elsif ballx + 10 >= blocks (i).x and ballx + 10 <= blocks (i).x + 40 and bally - 10 >= blocks (i).y and bally - 10 <= blocks (i).y + 10 then
%blocks (i).hits :=1
end if
%if x >= blockx (i) and x <= blockx (i) and blocky (i) - (y + radius) <= 4 then
%end if
end for
if blockhit = 156 then
setscreen ("nooffscreenonly")
Font.Draw ("You Win!!!", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("You Win!!!", font1) div 2, maxy div 2, font1, black)
delay (700)
Font.Draw ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", maxx div 2 - Font.Width ("*Press ENTER To Resume*", font3)
div 2, 120, font3, blue)
getch (keyPressed)
exit when keyPressed = KEY_ENTER
end loop
end if
if whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) = padcol or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) = padcol or
whatdotcolour (ballx + 11, bally) = blockcol () or whatdotcolour (ballx - 11, bally) = padcol then
xmod := -xmod
end if
if whatdotcolour (ballx, bally + 11) = padcol or whatdotcolour (ballx, bally - 11) = padcol then
ymod := -ymod
end if
end loop
if chars ('x') then
end if
end loop