setscreen ("graphics: 640;480")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
const esc : char := chr (27) %makes it so that 'esc' can be pressed to exit the program
var background1 : int := Pic.FileNew ("bg1.jpg") %holds the picture of the background
var player_ship : int := Pic.FileNew ("ship.bmp") %holds the picture of the player's ship
var enemy_ship1 : int := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %holds the picture of the first enemy
var enemy_ship2 : int := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %holds the picture of the second enemy
var enemy_ship3 : int := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %holds the picture of the third enemy
var enemy_ship4 : int := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %holds the picture of the fourth enemy
var enemy_ship5 : int := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %holds the picture of the fifth
var beam : int := Pic.FileNew ("beam.bmp") %holds the picture of the laser beam
var enemy_death : int := Pic.FileNew ("enemy_die.bmp") %holds the picture of the enemy ship exploding
var repair_kit : int := Pic.FileNew ("repair.bmp") %holds the picture of the repair kit
var micro_kit : int := Pic.FileNew ("microrepair.bmp") %holds the picture of the microbot repair kit
var big_bang : int := Pic.FileNew ("bigbang.bmp") %holds the picture of the "Big Bang"
var bay : int := Pic.FileNew ("bay.bmp") %holds the picture of the enemy docking bay
var player_death : int := Pic.FileNew ("SHIP_DIE.bmp") %holds the picture of the player's ship exploding
var enemy1x : int := 20 %the x coordinate of the first enemy ship
var enemy2x : int := 150 %the x coordinate of the second enemy ship
var enemy3x : int := 280 %the x coordinate of the third enemy ship
var enemy4x : int := 410 %the x coordinate of the fourth enemy ship
var enemy5x : int := 540 %the x coordinate of the fifth enemy ship
var enemy1y, enemy2y, enemy3y, enemy4y, enemy5y : int := 400 % the y coordinates of all the enemy ships
var playerx : int := 295 %the player's x coordinate
var playery : int := 0 %the player's y coordinate
var chars : array char of boolean %variable to hold the key that's being pressed down
var finished : boolean := false %turns the music off and on
var drawbeam : boolean := false %determines if the laser beam should be drawn
var health : int := 150 % the health of the player
var kill_count : int := 2 %the number of kills required to win
var kill_count_string : string %changes the kills to a string
var font : int %the red font used
var drawbigbang : boolean := false %determines if the big bang should be drawn
var drawmicrobots : boolean := false %determines if the microbot repair kit should be drawn
var drawrepairkit : boolean := false %determines if the repair kit should be drawn
var random_upgrades : int %holds a random number
var random_positionx, random_positiony : int %holds a random number
var score : int := 0 %holds the score to be displayed
var score_string : string %changes score to a string
var score_count : int := 0 %counts the number of enemies killed - to be used in creating 'score'
var stream, stream2 : int % holds text files
var transfered_score : string %the score from previous levels
var transfered_score_int : int %transfered_score as an integer
var player_name : string %the player's name - to be used in the text files along with the score
%creates the red font used within the game
font := Font.New ("arial:12:bold")
var width : int := Font.Width ("This is in a serif font", font)
var height, ascent, descent, internalLeading : int
Font.Sizes (font, height, ascent, descent, internalLeading)
%procedure to get accumulated score and make it the starting score
procedure get_score
open : stream, "scores.txt", get %opens the text file
assert stream > 0 %makes sure the file exists
%tansfers the name of the player as well as the score accumulated to next level
get : stream, skip
exit when eof (stream)
get : stream, player_name
get : stream, transfered_score
end loop
close : stream %closes the file
%takes the score in the .txt and makes it the starting score
transfered_score_int := strint (transfered_score)
score_count := transfered_score_int div 1000
end get_score
%process to draw all pictures on the screen
process draw
Pic.Draw (background1, 0, 0, picCopy) %draws background
if drawbigbang = true then
Pic.Draw (big_bang, random_positionx, random_positiony, picMerge) %draws the big bang
end if
if drawrepairkit = true then
Pic.Draw (repair_kit, random_positionx, random_positiony, picMerge) %draws the repair kit
end if
if drawmicrobots = true then
Pic.Draw (micro_kit, random_positionx, random_positiony, picMerge) %draws the microbot repair kit
end if
if drawbeam = true then
Pic.Draw (beam, playerx + 22, playery + 22, picMerge) %draws the laser beam
Time.Delay (100)
end if
Pic.Draw (player_ship, playerx, playery, picMerge) %draws the player's ship
Pic.Draw (enemy_ship1, enemy1x, enemy1y, picMerge) %draws the first enemy
Pic.Draw (enemy_ship2, enemy2x, enemy2y, picMerge) %draws the second enemy
Pic.Draw (enemy_ship3, enemy3x, enemy3y, picMerge) %draws the third enemy
Pic.Draw (enemy_ship4, enemy4x, enemy4y, picMerge) %draws the fourth enemy
Pic.Draw (enemy_ship5, enemy5x, enemy5y, picMerge) %draws the fifth enemy
Draw.Text ("Health:", 5, 25, font, 12) %draws the text 'Health'
Draw.Box (5, 5, 151, 20, 12) %draws the border of the health bar
Draw.FillBox (5, 5, health, 20, 12) %draws the health bar
kill_count_string := intstr (kill_count) %changes the kill count to a string
Draw.Text ("Kills Needed: ", 450, 10, font, 12) %draws 'Kills Needed: "
Draw.Text (kill_count_string, 600, 10, font, 12) %draws the kills needed
Pic.Draw (bay, 0, 390, picMerge) %draws the enemy landing bay at the top of the screen
score := 1000 * score_count %creates the score
score_string := intstr (score) %changes the score to a string
Draw.Text ("Score: ", 5, 50, font, 12) %displays the score header
Draw.Text (score_string, 75, 50, font, 12) %draws the score
drawbeam := false %changes the beam back to false
end loop
end draw
var count : int := 0 %counts the number of times a loop goes around
%process to create upgrades
process upgrades
randint (random_upgrades, 1, 200000) %generates a the random number that the upgrades are determined by
randint (random_positionx, 1, 600) %generates a random number for the x coordinate of the upgrade
randint (random_positiony, 1, 350) %generates a random number for the y coordinate of the upgrade
%decides if a Big Bang upgrade should appear
if random_upgrades = 2 or random_upgrades = 15 or random_upgrades = 320 then
drawbigbang := true %activates the flag so the item is drawn
count := count + 1 %adds one each time the loop goes around
exit when count = 100000
%detects collision
if (random_positionx >= playerx and random_positionx <= playerx + 50 and random_positiony >= playery and random_positiony <= playery + 46) or (random_positionx + 24 >= playerx and
random_positionx +
24 <= playerx + 50 and
random_positiony +
45 >=
playery and
random_positiony + 45 <= playery + 46) or (random_positionx + 12 >= playerx and random_positionx + 12 <= playerx + 50 and random_positiony + 23 >= playery and
random_positionx + 23 <= playery + 46) then
drawbigbang := false %deactivates the flag so the item is not drawn
%changes images of the enemy ships
Music.PlayFile ("laser2.wav") %plays music file
enemy_ship1 := enemy_death
enemy_ship2 := enemy_death
enemy_ship3 := enemy_death
enemy_ship4 := enemy_death
enemy_ship5 := enemy_death
Time.Delay (1000)
%puts the enemies at the top of the screen
enemy1y := 400
enemy2y := 400
enemy3y := 400
enemy4y := 400
enemy5y := 400
%changes the images of the enemies back to their original settings
enemy_ship1 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp")
enemy_ship2 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp")
enemy_ship3 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp")
enemy_ship4 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp")
enemy_ship5 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp")
score_count := score_count + 5 %adds 5 to the score_count variable
kill_count := kill_count - 5 %decreases the kills needed by 5
end if
end loop
drawbigbang := false %deactivates the flag so the item is not drawn
%decides if a repair kit should be drawn
elsif random_upgrades = 500 or random_upgrades = 1700 or random_upgrades = 4523 then
drawrepairkit := true %activates the flag so the item is drawn
count := count + 1 %adds one each time the loop goes around
exit when count = 100000
%detects collision
if (random_positionx >= playerx and random_positionx <= playerx + 50 and random_positiony >= playery and random_positiony <= playery + 46) or (random_positionx + 24 >= playerx and
random_positionx +
24 <= playerx + 50 and
random_positiony +
45 >=
playery and
random_positiony + 45 <= playery + 46) or (random_positionx + 12 >= playerx and random_positionx + 12 <= playerx + 50 and random_positiony + 23 >= playery and
random_positionx + 23 <= playery + 46) then
%adds 50 health to the player
if health < 150 then
for k : 1 .. 50
exit when health = 150
health := health + 1
end for
end if
end if
end loop
drawrepairkit := false %deactivates the flag so the item is not drawn
elsif random_upgrades = 28 or random_upgrades = 2200 or random_upgrades = 4000 then
drawmicrobots := true %activates the flag so the item is drawn
count := count + 1 %adds one each time the loop goes around
exit when count = 100000
%detects collision
if (random_positionx >= playerx and random_positionx <= playerx + 50 and random_positiony >= playery and random_positiony <= playery + 46) or (random_positionx + 24 >= playerx and
random_positionx +
24 <= playerx + 50 and
random_positiony +
45 >=
playery and
random_positiony + 45 <= playery + 46) or (random_positionx + 12 >= playerx and random_positionx + 12 <= playerx + 50 and random_positiony + 23 >= playery and
random_positionx + 23 <= playery + 46) then
%refills the player's health to full
exit when health = 150
health := health + 1
end loop
end if
end loop
drawmicrobots := false %deactivates the flag so the item is not drawn
end if
end loop
end upgrades
%process to detect which keys are pressed and what to do
process keys
Input.KeyDown (chars)
if chars (esc) then
open : stream, "scores.txt", put %opens file
assert stream > 0 %makes sure file exists
%resets values in the text file to the original
put : stream, "beginning_value"
put : stream, 0
close : stream
if not Sys.Exec ("menu.exe") then
put "There was a problem running this program."
put "Error: ", Error.LastMsg
end if
finished := true
end if
%moving right
if chars ('d') then
playerx := playerx + 1
end if
if playerx > 585 then %restricts ship from moving too far right
playerx := 585
end if
% moving left
if chars ('a') then
playerx := playerx - 1
end if
if playerx < 0 then %restricts ship from moving too far left
playerx := 0
end if
%moving up
if chars ('w') then
playery := playery + 1
end if
if playery > 430 then %restricts ship from moving too far left
playery := 430
end if
%moving down
if chars ('s') then
playery := playery - 1
end if
if playery < 0 then %restricts ship from moving too far left
playery := 0
end if
%firing beam
if chars ('k') then
Music.PlayFile ("laser.wav") %plays music file
drawbeam := true %allows the beam to be drawn
%detects collision between the laser and the enemy ships
if playerx + 22 >= enemy1x and playerx + 22 <= enemy1x + 60 and playery < enemy1y then
enemy_ship1 := enemy_death %changes the image of the enemy
Pic.Draw (beam, playerx + 22, playery + 22, picMerge) %draws the beam again
Time.Delay (1000)
enemy1y := 400 %places enemy ship at the top of the screen
enemy_ship1 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %changes enemy picture back to original
score_count := score_count + 1 %adds to the score
kill_count := kill_count - 1 %subtracts a kill needed
end if
if playerx + 22 >= enemy2x and playerx + 22 <= enemy2x + 60 and playery < enemy2y then
enemy_ship2 := enemy_death %changes the image of the enemy
Pic.Draw (beam, playerx + 22, playery + 22, picMerge) %draws the beam again
Time.Delay (1000)
enemy2y := 400 %places enemy ship at the top of the screen
enemy_ship2 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %changes enemy picture back to original
score_count := score_count + 1 %adds to the score
kill_count := kill_count - 1 %subtracts a kill needed
end if
if playerx + 22 >= enemy3x and playerx + 22 <= enemy3x + 60 and playery < enemy3y then
enemy_ship3 := enemy_death %changes the image of the enemy
Pic.Draw (beam, playerx + 22, playery + 22, picMerge) %draws the beam again
Time.Delay (1000)
enemy3y := 400 %places enemy ship at the top of the screen
enemy_ship3 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %changes enemy picture back to original
score_count := score_count + 1 %adds to the score
kill_count := kill_count - 1 %subtracts a kill needed
end if
if playerx + 22 >= enemy4x and playerx + 22 <= enemy4x + 60 and playery < enemy4y then
enemy_ship4 := enemy_death %changes the image of the enemy
Pic.Draw (beam, playerx + 22, playery + 22, picMerge) %draws the beam again
Time.Delay (1000)
enemy4y := 400 %places enemy ship at the top of the screen
enemy_ship4 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %changes enemy picture back to original
score_count := score_count + 1 %adds to the score
kill_count := kill_count - 1 %subtracts a kill needed
end if
if playerx + 22 >= enemy5x and playerx + 22 <= enemy5x + 60 and playery < enemy5y then
enemy_ship5 := enemy_death %changes the image of the enemy
Pic.Draw (beam, playerx + 22, playery + 22, picMerge) %draws the beam again
Time.Delay (1000)
enemy5y := 400 %places enemy ship at the top of the screen
enemy_ship5 := Pic.FileNew ("enemy.bmp") %changes enemy picture back to original
score_count := score_count + 1 %adds to the score
kill_count := kill_count - 1 %subtracts a kill needed
end if
end if
end loop
end keys
%*************************ENEMY ONE************************
var count1_1, count1_2, count1_3, count1_4 : int := 0
var random_number1 : int %holds the random number to determine the direction
%determines the direction the enemy ship will take
process enemy1_logic
count1_1 := 0
count1_2 := 0
count1_3 := 0
count1_4 := 0
randint (random_number1, 1, 4) %creates a random number
%determines what action is taken depending on the number generated
if random_number1 = 1 then
Time.Delay (20)
count1_1 := count1_1 + 1 %counts the number of time the loop goes around
exit when count1_1 = 10 or enemy1x = 580
enemy1x := enemy1x + 5 %moves the enemy right
%determines if collision has occured between the player and the enemy
if (enemy1x >= playerx and enemy1x <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y >= playery and enemy1y <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 60 >= playerx and enemy1x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy1y +
80 >=
playery and
enemy1y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 30 >= playerx and enemy1x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y + 40 >= playery and
enemy1y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4 %decreases health of player
end if
end loop
elsif random_number1 = 2 then
Time.Delay (20)
count1_2 := count1_2 + 1 %counts the number of time the loop goes around
exit when count1_2 = 10 or enemy1x = -5
enemy1x := enemy1x - 5 %moves the enemy left
%determines if collision has occured between the player and the enemy
if (enemy1x >= playerx and enemy1x <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y >= playery and enemy1y <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 60 >= playerx and enemy1x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy1y +
80 >=
playery and
enemy1y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 30 >= playerx and enemy1x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y + 40 >= playery and
enemy1y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4 %decreases health of player
end if
end loop
elsif random_number1 = 3 then
Time.Delay (20)
count1_3 := count1_3 + 1 %counts the number of time the loop goes around
exit when count1_3 = 10 or enemy1y = 400
enemy1y := enemy1y + 5 %moves the enemy up
%determines if collision has occured between the player and the enemy
if (enemy1x >= playerx and enemy1x <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y >= playery and enemy1y <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 60 >= playerx and enemy1x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy1y +
80 >=
playery and
enemy1y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 30 >= playerx and enemy1x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y + 40 >= playery and
enemy1y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4 %decreases health of player
end if
end loop
elsif random_number1 = 4 then
exit when count1_4 = 10 or enemy1y = -5
Time.Delay (20)
count1_4 := count1_4 + 1 %counts the number of time the loop goes around
enemy1y := enemy1y - 5 %moves the enemy down
%determines if collision has occured between the player and the enemy
if (enemy1x >= playerx and enemy1x <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y >= playery and enemy1y <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 60 >= playerx and enemy1x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy1y +
80 >=
playery and
enemy1y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy1x + 30 >= playerx and enemy1x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy1y + 40 >= playery and
enemy1y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4 %decreases health of player
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end enemy1_logic
%*****************ENEMY TWO*********************
%all actions are the same as the section entitled "ENEMY ONE"
var count2_1, count2_2, count2_3, count2_4 : int := 0
var random_number2 : int %holds the random number to determine the direction
%determines the direction the enemy ship will take
process enemy2_logic
count2_1 := 0
count2_2 := 0
count2_3 := 0
count2_4 := 0
randint (random_number2, 1, 4)
if random_number2 = 1 then
Time.Delay (20)
count2_1 := count2_1 + 1
exit when count2_1 = 10 or enemy2x = 580
enemy2x := enemy2x + 5
if (enemy2x >= playerx and enemy2x <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y >= playery and enemy2y <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 60 >= playerx and enemy2x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy2y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy2y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 30 >= playerx and enemy2x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y + 40 >= playery and
enemy2y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number2 = 2 then
Time.Delay (20)
count2_2 := count2_2 + 1
exit when count2_2 = 10 or enemy2x = -5
enemy2x := enemy2x - 5
if (enemy2x >= playerx and enemy2x <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y >= playery and enemy2y <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 60 >= playerx and enemy2x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy2y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy2y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 30 >= playerx and enemy2x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y + 40 >= playery and
enemy2y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number2 = 3 then
Time.Delay (20)
count2_3 := count2_3 + 1
exit when count2_3 = 10 or enemy2y = 400
enemy2y := enemy2y + 5
if (enemy2x >= playerx and enemy2x <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y >= playery and enemy2y <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 60 >= playerx and enemy2x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy2y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy2y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 30 >= playerx and enemy2x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y + 40 >= playery and
enemy2y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number2 = 4 then
exit when count2_4 = 10 or enemy2y = -5
Time.Delay (20)
count2_4 := count2_4 + 1
enemy2y := enemy2y - 5
if (enemy2x >= playerx and enemy2x <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y >= playery and enemy2y <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 60 >= playerx and enemy2x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy2y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy2y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy2x + 30 >= playerx and enemy2x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy2y + 40 >= playery and
enemy2y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end enemy2_logic
%*****************ENEMY THREE*********************
%all actions are the same as the section entitled "ENEMY ONE"
var count3_1, count3_2, count3_3, count3_4 : int := 0
var random_number3 : int %holds the random number to determine the direction
%determines the direction the enemy ship will take
process enemy3_logic
count3_1 := 0
count3_2 := 0
count3_3 := 0
count3_4 := 0
randint (random_number3, 1, 4)
if random_number3 = 1 then
Time.Delay (20)
count3_1 := count3_1 + 1
exit when count3_1 = 10 or enemy3x = 580
enemy3x := enemy3x + 5
if (enemy3x >= playerx and enemy3x <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y >= playery and enemy3y <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 60 >= playerx and enemy3x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy3y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number3 = 2 then
Time.Delay (20)
count3_2 := count3_2 + 1
exit when count3_2 = 10 or enemy3x = -5
enemy3x := enemy3x - 5
if (enemy3x >= playerx and enemy3x <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y >= playery and enemy3y <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 60 >= playerx and enemy3x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy3y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number3 = 3 then
Time.Delay (20)
count3_3 := count3_3 + 1
exit when count3_3 = 10 or enemy3y = 400
enemy3y := enemy3y + 5
if (enemy3x >= playerx and enemy3x <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y >= playery and enemy3y <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 60 >= playerx and enemy3x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy3y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number3 = 4 then
exit when count3_4 = 10 or enemy3y = -5
Time.Delay (20)
count3_4 := count3_4 + 1
enemy3y := enemy3y - 5
if (enemy3x >= playerx and enemy3x <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y >= playery and enemy3y <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 60 >= playerx and enemy3x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy3y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end enemy3_logic
%*****************ENEMY FOUR*********************
%all actions are the same as the section entitled "ENEMY ONE"
var count4_1, count4_2, count4_3, count4_4 : int := 0
var random_number4 : int %holds the random number to determine the direction
%determines the direction the enemy ship will take
process enemy4_logic
count4_1 := 0
count4_2 := 0
count4_3 := 0
count4_4 := 0
randint (random_number4, 1, 4)
if random_number4 = 1 then
Time.Delay (20)
count4_1 := count4_1 + 1
exit when count4_1 = 10 or enemy4x = 580
enemy4x := enemy4x + 5
if (enemy4x >= playerx and enemy4x <= playerx + 50 and enemy4y >= playery and enemy4y <= playery + 46) or (enemy4x + 60 >= playerx and enemy4x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy4y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number4 = 2 then
Time.Delay (20)
count4_2 := count4_2 + 1
exit when count4_2 = 10 or enemy4x = -5
enemy4x := enemy4x - 5
if (enemy4x >= playerx and enemy4x <= playerx + 50 and enemy4y >= playery and enemy4y <= playery + 46) or (enemy4x + 60 >= playerx and enemy4x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy4y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number4 = 3 then
Time.Delay (20)
count4_3 := count4_3 + 1
exit when count4_3 = 10 or enemy4y = 400
enemy4y := enemy4y + 5
if (enemy4x >= playerx and enemy4x <= playerx + 50 and enemy4y >= playery and enemy4y <= playery + 46) or (enemy4x + 60 >= playerx and enemy4x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy4y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy3y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy3x + 30 >= playerx and enemy3x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy3y + 40 >= playery and
enemy3y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number4 = 4 then
exit when count4_4 = 10 or enemy4y = -5
Time.Delay (20)
count4_4 := count4_4 + 1
enemy4y := enemy4y - 5
if (enemy4x >= playerx and enemy4x <= playerx + 50 and enemy4y >= playery and enemy4y <= playery + 46) or (enemy4x + 60 >= playerx and enemy4x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy4y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy4y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy4x + 30 >= playerx and enemy4x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy4y + 40 >= playery and
enemy4y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end enemy4_logic
%*****************ENEMY FIVE*********************
%all actions are the same as the section entitled "ENEMY ONE"
var count5_1, count5_2, count5_3, count5_4 : int := 0
var random_number5 : int %holds the random number to determine the direction
%determines the direction the enemy ship will take
process enemy5_logic
count5_1 := 0
count5_2 := 0
count5_3 := 0
count5_4 := 0
randint (random_number5, 1, 4)
if random_number5 = 1 then
Time.Delay (20)
count5_1 := count5_1 + 1
exit when count5_1 = 10 or enemy5x = 580
enemy5x := enemy5x + 5
if (enemy5x >= playerx and enemy5x <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y >= playery and enemy5y <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 60 >= playerx and enemy5x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy5y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy5y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 30 >= playerx and enemy5x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y + 40 >= playery and
enemy5y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number5 = 2 then
Time.Delay (20)
count5_2 := count5_2 + 1
exit when count5_2 = 10 or enemy5x = -5
enemy5x := enemy5x - 5
if (enemy5x >= playerx and enemy5x <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y >= playery and enemy5y <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 60 >= playerx and enemy5x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy5y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy5y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 30 >= playerx and enemy5x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y + 40 >= playery and
enemy5y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number5 = 3 then
Time.Delay (20)
count5_3 := count5_3 + 1
exit when count5_3 = 10 or enemy5y = 400
enemy5y := enemy5y + 5
if (enemy5x >= playerx and enemy5x <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y >= playery and enemy5y <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 60 >= playerx and enemy5x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy5y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy5y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 30 >= playerx and enemy5x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y + 40 >= playery and
enemy5y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
elsif random_number5 = 4 then
exit when count5_4 = 10 or enemy5y = -5
Time.Delay (20)
count5_4 := count5_4 + 1
enemy5y := enemy5y - 5
if (enemy5x >= playerx and enemy5x <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y >= playery and enemy5y <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 60 >= playerx and enemy5x + 60 <= playerx + 50 and
enemy5y + 80 >=
playery and
enemy5y + 80 <= playery + 46) or (enemy5x + 30 >= playerx and enemy5x + 30 <= playerx + 50 and enemy5y + 40 >= playery and
enemy5y + 40 <= playery + 46) then
health := health - 4
end if
end loop
end if
end loop
end enemy5_logic
%ends the game when parameters are met
process end_game
%end the game when the player dies
if health <= 1 then
player_ship := player_death
%resets the values in the text file to default
open : stream, "scores.txt", put
assert stream > 0
put : stream, "beginning_value"
put : stream, 0
close : stream
Time.Delay (5000)
%goes to game over screen
if not Sys.Exec ("game_over.exe") then
put "There was a problem running this program."
put "Error: ", Error.LastMsg
end if
finished := true
end if
%ends level when user accomplishes objectives
if kill_count <= 0 then
%takes the score earned in this level and adds it to the .txt one
var total_score : int
open : stream, "scores.txt", put
assert stream > 0
put : stream, player_name
total_score := score + 1000
put : stream, total_score
close : stream
%goes to next level
finished := true
end if
end loop
end end_game
%plays the music
process level1music
Music.PlayFile ("level1.mid")
end loop
end level1music
%the forks run the processes at the same time
fork level1music
fork end_game
fork keys
fork enemy1_logic
fork enemy2_logic
fork enemy3_logic
fork enemy4_logic
fork enemy5_logic
fork draw
fork upgrades