Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:40 am Post subject: School Project.... PLEASE help
i did this much... but the program is not working the way i wanted to work!!! .... could any please help me ??
its a tic tac toe game but not working properly
this is the code!
var font7 : int := Font.New ("Times:50")
var where1, where2 : int
var ans1, ans2 : int := 0
var counter : int := -1
drawfillbox (0, 0, 480, 275, black)
color (white)
colorback (black)
put " PLAYER 1!" : 70 ..
put "PLAYER 2!"
drawfillbox (180, 270, 175, 10, white)
drawfillbox (300, 270, 305, 10, white)
drawfillbox (75, 190, 405, 185, white)
drawfillbox (75, 85, 405, 90, white)
drawbox (75, 10, 405, 270, red)
for a : 0 .. 35
drawline (177, 270, 177, 10, a)
drawline (178, 270, 178, 10, a)
drawline (302, 270, 302, 10, a)
drawline (303, 270, 303, 10, a)
drawline (75, 187, 405, 187, a)
drawline (75, 188, 405, 188, a)
drawline (75, 87, 405, 87, a)
drawline (75, 88, 405, 88, a)
end for
Font.Draw ("1", 105, 210, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("2", 225, 210, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("3", 330, 210, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("4", 105, 115, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("5", 220, 115, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("6", 330, 115, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("7", 105, 30, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("8", 220, 30, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("9", 330, 30, font7, white)
procedure player_x
counter := counter + 1
locate (3, 1)
exit when counter = 9 or ans1 = 6 or ans1 = 150 or ans1 = 2400
or ans1 = 741 or ans1 = 852 or ans1 = 963 or ans1 = 951 or
ans1 = 753 or ans2 = 6 or ans2 = 150 or ans2 = 2400
or ans2 = 741 or ans2 = 852 or ans2 = 963 or ans2 = 951 or
ans2 = 753
get where1
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:57 pm Post subject: (No subject)
The way you are keeping track of who has taken a spot is odd. Currently you are implementing them as counters. What you want instead is to remember who has taken a spot. You could use numbers for this if you like. e.g. 0=empty 1=X 2=O
so when X takes the spot use :
ans1 := 1
make sure also that before you let someone take a spot that it is empty e.g.
if where1 = 1 and ans1 = 0 then
note: Your style needs some work. Although this program is best done with 2-Dim arrays you would be in better shape if you chose better variable names.
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 8:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
this is what i would do if im going to make a tic tac toe game, i know its not all error trapped and stuff but it gives u an general idea of how things are traced and etc. when u want to trace which block has which, just make an int variable for that block, and if its blank, value = 0, if has x, value = 1, if has o, value = 2. then it is easy to trace and u can even make the computer to automatically determine the winner.
View.Set ("graphics:700;401")
var counter, x, y, button, btnNumber, btnUpDown : int := 0
for i : 1 .. 4
Draw.Line (100 * i, 100, 100 * i, 400, 1)
Draw.Line (100, 100 * i, 400, 100 * i, 1)
end for
for i : 3 .. 11
locate (20, 4)
if i mod 2 = 1 then
put "Player One's Turn"
put "Player Two's Turn"
end if
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, btnNumber, btnUpDown)
locatexy (x, y)
if counter mod 2 = 1 then
put "x" ..
put "o" ..
end if
end loop
Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 10:52 pm Post subject: thanx
thanx for ur suggestions.... i really appretiate it
could some on plz tell me how i can make it more effeicient... may be by using 2-d array.... and i also have to make it so that the user can play with the computer (different levels)
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
enjoy, why not use a 2-d array to keep track of player moves? Set a 2-d array (3 row, 3 cols) to a bunch of zeros. If the user selects a spot, that position's value in your array is set to one (or some other value). You'll have to check with some sort of if block to ensure that only valid moves are made. If you want to keep track of who wins why not use a magic square?
7 | 2 | 3
0 | 4 | 8
5 | 6 | 1
If the player's total = 12 then they won (be careful, you'll have to check to see if there is a winning combo in each row, col and diagonal.
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:13 pm Post subject: thanx Mr. Glib
hey Mr. Glib.... could u please make a small coding that would do that for plz... cuz i don't know where to start form!!
and guys i wanna use the mouse.where code but i have never used it before so could u guys plz show me how to do it....
thanx alot
i really appretiate ur help
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:34 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 6:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
or, just do what i said earlier. set value of the array to zero if nothing in it, set it to 1 if player 1, set it to 2 if player 2. so like this box
i wrote down the codes to check whoever wins the game, anymore codes from me basically will mean that i made the game for you
var status : array 1 .. 3, 1 .. 3 of int %this is the 2-D array
var row, col, dia : int := 0 %this is the variables to keep track of where it forms a line
%following for loop sets all elements of the array "status" to zero
for i : 1 .. 3
for j : 1 .. 3
status (i, j) := 0
end for
end for
%following for loop checks if any rows/columns/diagonals have same thing
%since we set it so the value of the array "status" equals 0 if it has nothing, equals 1 if player 1 played in it, and
%equals 2 if player 2 played in it.
%therefore, if any row has been played by the same player, it would add up to 6 or 3, which are both divisible by 3.
%when you check it, if the sum of rows mod 3 equals 0, that means it is the winning row.
%also check needed to check if any zero is in the row, if a row has 0|1|2, the sum of all that still divisible by 3 yet it's not a winning row.
for i : 1 .. 3
if (status (1, i) + status (2, i) + status (3, i)) mod 3 = 0 and status (1, i) not= 0 and status (2, i) not= 0 then
col := i %so now col = i = (which column wins the game)
elsif (status (i, 1) + status (i, 2) + status (i, 3)) mod 3 = 0 and status (i, 1) not= 0 and status (i, 2) not= 0 then
row := i %so now row = i = (which row wins the game)
end if
if i = 2 then
if (status (i + 1, i + 1) + status (i, i) + status (i - 1, i - 1)) mod 3 = 0 and status (i + 1, i + 1) not= 0 and status (i, i) not= 0 then
dia := 1 %so the diagonal from top-left to bottom-right wins the game
elsif (status (i + 1, i - 1) + status (i, i) + status (i - 1, i + 1)) mod 3 = 0 and status (i + 1, i - 1) not= 0 and status (i, i) not= 0 then
dia := 2 %so the diagonal from top-right to bottom-left wins the game
end if
end if
end for
%if you want check for which player wins the game, simply use an "if" command
if col not= 0 then
put "Player ", status (1, col), " wins"
elsif row not= 0 then
put "Player ", status (row, 1), " wins"
elsif dia not= 0 then
put "Player ", status (2, 2), " wins"
put "Draw"
end if
Mr. Glib
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 7:20 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Looks like I was beaten to the punch!
To check for a winning move, you'll have to create a 2-D array for the magic sqaure grid I mentioned above:
var magicSq : array 1..3, 1..3 of int
magicSq(1,1) := %insert # here
magicSq(1,2) := %insert # here
%and so on..
Create 2 more 2-d arrays to keep track of each player's magic square #s:
var p1magicSq : array 1..3, 1..3 of int %set all these spots to zero using the method outlined in the next example.
here's a sample array to keep track of spots on the grid that are taken:
var taken : array 1..3, 1..3 of int
%load array with zeros
for i: 1..3
for j: 1..3
end for
end for
Now if some chooses one of the spots in your game:
if where1 = 1 then
row := 1
col := 1
if taken(row, col) = 0 then
taken(row, col) := 1 %spot is now taken
p1magicSq(row, col) := magicSq(row,col)
put "try again!"
end if
end if
To find a winner:
if (p1magicSq(1,1) + p1magicSq(1,2) + p1magicSq(1,3) = 12 then
put "player 1 wins! woot!"
end if
%Note: you will have to do this check for each row, all the columns and the 2 diagonals.
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 8:09 pm Post subject: Re: School Project.... PLEASE help
enjoy wrote:
i did this much... but the program is not working the way i wanted to work!!! .... could any please help me ??
its a tic tac toe game but not working properly
this is the code!
var font7 : int := Font.New ("Times:50")
var where1, where2 : int
var ans1, ans2 : int := 0
var counter : int := -1
drawfillbox (0, 0, 480, 275, black)
color (white)
colorback (black)
put " PLAYER 1!" : 70 ..
put "PLAYER 2!"
drawfillbox (180, 270, 175, 10, white)
drawfillbox (300, 270, 305, 10, white)
drawfillbox (75, 190, 405, 185, white)
drawfillbox (75, 85, 405, 90, white)
drawbox (75, 10, 405, 270, red)
for a : 0 .. 35
drawline (177, 270, 177, 10, a)
drawline (178, 270, 178, 10, a)
drawline (302, 270, 302, 10, a)
drawline (303, 270, 303, 10, a)
drawline (75, 187, 405, 187, a)
drawline (75, 188, 405, 188, a)
drawline (75, 87, 405, 87, a)
drawline (75, 88, 405, 88, a)
end for
Font.Draw ("1", 105, 210, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("2", 225, 210, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("3", 330, 210, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("4", 105, 115, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("5", 220, 115, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("6", 330, 115, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("7", 105, 30, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("8", 220, 30, font7, white)
Font.Draw ("9", 330, 30, font7, white)
procedure player_x
counter := counter + 1
locate (3, 1)
exit when counter = 9 or ans1 = 6 or ans1 = 150 or ans1 = 2400
or ans1 = 741 or ans1 = 852 or ans1 = 963 or ans1 = 951 or
ans1 = 753 or ans2 = 6 or ans2 = 150 or ans2 = 2400
or ans2 = 741 or ans2 = 852 or ans2 = 963 or ans2 = 951 or
ans2 = 753
get where1
LOL omg I know you go to NOrth Toronto CI, and Mr. Small is your teacher and your in gr 10... LOL
Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Mr. Glib wrote:
Looks like I was beaten to the punch!
To check for a winning move, you'll have to create a 2-D array for the magic sqaure grid I mentioned above:
var magicSq : array 1..3, 1..3 of int
magicSq(1,1) := %insert # here
magicSq(1,2) := %insert # here
%and so on..
Create 2 more 2-d arrays to keep track of each player's magic square #s:
var p1magicSq : array 1..3, 1..3 of int %set all these spots to zero using the method outlined in the next example.
here's a sample array to keep track of spots on the grid that are taken:
var taken : array 1..3, 1..3 of int
%load array with zeros
for i: 1..3
for j: 1..3
end for
end for
Now if some chooses one of the spots in your game:
if where1 = 1 then
row := 1
col := 1
if taken(row, col) = 0 then
taken(row, col) := 1 %spot is now taken
p1magicSq(row, col) := magicSq(row,col)
put "try again!"
end if
end if
To find a winner:
if (p1magicSq(1,1) + p1magicSq(1,2) + p1magicSq(1,3) = 12 then
put "player 1 wins! woot!"
end if
%Note: you will have to do this check for each row, all the columns and the 2 diagonals.
to my best understanding, we have almost the same concept except u use magic squares and i use 0,1,2.
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:42 pm Post subject: (No subject)
thanx guys.... but there is a small problem!!
myob... u know ur code always indecates that it is a tie game...
Mr. Glib... urs i don't even know how to use ... i don't know wat is happening there...
eNc... very funny
Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:44 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Looks like I was beaten to the punch!
To check for a winning move, you'll have to create a 2-D array for the magic sqaure grid I mentioned above:
var magicSq : array 1..3, 1..3 of int
magicSq(1,1) := %insert # here
magicSq(1,2) := %insert # here
%and so on..
i don't know wat numbers are u talking about??
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 7:38 pm Post subject: no one??
where are u all ... no one has written anything here... i need some help here guys .... i will be waiting for your replies!!