setscreen ("offscreenonly,nobuttonbar,position:truemiddle,centre,graphics:640;640")
colorback(7) % Black
var clr : int := 218 % The color to assign to
var text1 : int := Font.New ("Times New Roman:32:Bold") % First Font
var text2 : int := Font.New ("Arial:72:Bold")
procedure newgame
end newgame
procedure loadgame
end loadgame
procedure options
end options
fork intromusic
fork introfx
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, 0, i / 39)
Font.Draw ("The War...", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("The War...", text1) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text1, clr)
delay (50)
end for
fork introfx
for decreasing i : 39 .. 0
RGB.SetColor (clr, 0, 0, i / 39)
Font.Draw ("Has Begun!", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("Has Begun!", text1) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text1, clr)
delay (50)
end for
Font.Draw ("James's", (maxx div 3) - (Font.Width ("James's", text2) div 2), (maxy div 4*3) - 9, text2, red)
Font.Draw ("Games", (maxx div 2) - (Font.Width ("Game", text2) div 2), (maxy div 2) - 9, text2, red)
var newgameb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 40, 20, "New Game", newgame)
var loadgameb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 70, 20, "Load Game", loadgame)
var optionsb : int := GUI.CreateButton(maxx div 2-100, maxy div 2 - 100, 20, "Options", options)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
soundoff := true