Turing encoding program
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Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 6:10 pm Post subject: Turing encoding program |
I have created a program which takes a text file, encodes it, prints it into another text file. After that you run the decoding program to input the encoded text file and it decodes back to the original text.
My decoding procedure is not working, it is not successfully decoding the text file.
Encoding program :
% Encryption
var stream : int
var sWord : string
const dictionary := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
const numbers := "1234567890"
var key : string := "123"
var FileName : string
function encrypt (sWord, key : string) : string
var s : string
var news := ""
s := sWord
for i : 1 .. length (s)
if index (dictionary, s (i)) > 0 then
news += chr (65 +(((ord (s (i)) + 65) + (ord (key (i mod length (key) + 1)) - 65)) mod 26))
elsif index (numbers, s (i)) > 0 then
news += chr (49 +(((ord (s (i)) + 49) + (ord (key (i mod length (key) + 1)) - 49)) mod 10))
news += s (i)
end if
end for
result news
end encrypt
procedure DisplayCharss (FileName : string)
var stream2 : int
var stream : int
open : stream, FileName, get
open : stream2, "encoded.txt", put
if stream > 0 then
var sWord : string
%input from file
get : stream, skip
exit when eof (stream)
get : stream, sWord : *
sWord := encrypt (sWord, key)
put : stream2, sWord
put sWord
end loop
close : stream
close : stream2
put "Error could not open file"
end if
end DisplayCharss
put " input file name"
get FileName
DisplayCharss (FileName)
Decoding program :
const dictionary := "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuwxyz"
const numbers := "1234567890"
var stream : int
var key : string := "123"
var FileName : string
var sWord : string
function decrypt (sWord, key : string) : string
var news := ""
var s := sWord
for i : 1 .. length (s)
if index (dictionary, s (i)) > 0 then
news += chr (65 + (((ord (s (i)) +65) -(ord (key (i mod length (key) + 1)) +65)) mod 26))
elsif index (numbers, s (i)) > 0 then
news += chr (49 + (((ord (s (i)) + 49)-(ord (key (i mod length (key) + 1)) + 49)) mod 10))
news += s (i)
end if
end for
result news
end decrypt
procedure DisplayCharss (FileName : string)
var stream2 : int
var stream : int
open : stream, FileName, get
open : stream2, "decoded.txt", put
if stream > 0 then
var sWord : string
%input from file
get : stream,skip
exit when eof (stream)
get : stream, sWord : *
sWord := decrypt (sWord, key)
put : stream2, sWord
put sWord
end loop
close : stream
close : stream2
put "Error could not open file"
end if
end DisplayCharss
put " input file name"
get FileName
DisplayCharss (FileName) |
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