Buttons and Storing data from randint commands
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Gaming Lyfe
Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:12 am Post subject: Buttons and Storing data from randint commands |
procedure intro
locate (4, 17)
put "Welcome to Simon Says, a game where memory is key!"
locate (6, 18)
put "Remember the colours and their order! Good Luck!"
locate (12, 23)
put "Press the Menu button to continue."
end intro
proc instruct
locate (4, 7)
put "In Simon Says, there is a colour wheel that contains eight sections."
locate (6, 14)
put "Eight colours will flash in eight random positions!"
locate (8, 10)
put "Remember the clockwise order of which colours flash to win!"
end instruct
procedure simonSays
var pickedAlready : array 1 .. 8 of boolean
var randSpace, counter, randColor, coloring, space : int := 0
drawoval (400, 175, 125, 125, black)
drawline (400, 175, 525, 175, black)
drawline (400, 175, 275, 175, black)
drawline (400, 175, 400, 300, black)
drawline (400, 175, 400, 50, black)
drawline (400, 175, 488, 263, black)
drawline (400, 175, 315, 85, black)
drawline (400, 175, 314, 264, black)
drawline (400, 175, 488, 85, black)
for i : 1 .. 8
pickedAlready (i) := false
end for
randint (randColor, 1, 8)
if randColor = 1 then
coloring := 14 %Yellow
elsif randColor = 2 then
coloring := 12 %Red
elsif randColor = 3 then
coloring := 10 %Green
elsif randColor = 4 then
coloring := 13 %Pink
elsif randColor = 5 then
coloring := 35 %Purple
elsif randColor = 6 then
coloring := 42 %Orange
elsif randColor = 7 then
coloring := 76 %Light Blue
elsif randColor = 8 then
coloring := 1 %Blue
end if
randint (randSpace, 1, 8)
if pickedAlready (randSpace) = false then
if randSpace = 1 then
drawfill (425, 225, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (425, 225, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 2 then
drawfill (450, 180, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (450, 180, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 3 then
drawfill (450, 170, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (450, 170, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 4 then
drawfill (425, 125, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (425, 125, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 5 then
drawfill (375, 125, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (375, 125, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 6 then
drawfill (350, 180, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (350, 180, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 7 then
drawfill (350, 170, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (350, 170, white, black)
elsif randSpace = 8 then
drawfill (375, 225, coloring, black)
delay (1000)
drawfill (375, 225, white, black)
end if
counter += 1
pickedAlready (randSpace) := true
end if
exit when counter = 8
end loop
end simonSays
proc ssAnswers
put"In which clockwise order did the colours flash?"
end ssAnswers
Im not sure what to do to get the answers, because i haven't stored all the colors that flashed.
var button1 : int := GUI.CreateButton (290, 20, 0, "Instructions", instruct)
var button2 : int := GUI.CreateButton (295, 50, 0, "Play Game", simonSays)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop |
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Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 8:15 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons and Storing data from randint commands |
Quote: Im not sure what to do to get the answers, because i haven't stored all the colors that flashed.
Maybe that's your problem! |
Gaming Lyfe
Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2015 9:03 am Post subject: RE:Buttons and Storing data from randint commands |
Ohhhhhh so i could make a variable like color1 and do somethign such as
Thanks! |
Gaming Lyfe
Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 6:30 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons and Storing data from randint commands |
What about the buttons? I need help with the buttons!!!!! |

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:57 pm Post subject: RE:Buttons and Storing data from randint commands |
What's the problem you're having? |