from __future__ import division
from random import randint, random
import math
import pygame
import sys
# If n + modifier is out of range, it generates the index it should be at (otherwise it never gets the right number).
def mod (n, modifier, maxVal):
if n+modifier < 0:
return modifier - 1
elif n+modifier > maxVal:
return modifier
return n + modifier
# Generates a random real value
def randreal(minVal, maxVal):
return (maxVal-minVal) * random() + minVal
# Takes the average of the corners surrounding the point
x . x
. o .
x . x
def square (i, j, minVal, maxVal, r, currentSize, currentMap):
return round(min(maxVal, max(minVal, (currentMap[i-currentSize][j-currentSize] + currentMap[i-currentSize][j+currentSize] + currentMap[i+currentSize][j-currentSize] + currentMap[i+currentSize][j+currentSize]) / 4 + (randreal(-r, r) * (maxVal-minVal)))))
# Takes the average of the adjacent points surrounding.
. x .
x o x
. x .
def diamond (i, j, minVal, maxVal, r, currentSize, currentMap):
return round(min(maxVal, max(minVal, (currentMap[i][mod(j, -currentSize, len(currentMap)-1)] + currentMap[i][mod(j, currentSize, len(currentMap)-1)] + currentMap[mod(i, -currentSize, len(currentMap)-1)][j] + currentMap[mod(i, currentSize, len(currentMap)-1)][j]) / 4 + (randreal(-r, r) * (maxVal-minVal)))))
# Generates a randomized (2**depth)+1 x (2**depth)+1 map
def generate_map (minVal, maxVal, r, depth):
size = int(2**depth + 1)
newMap = [["empty" for j in range(size)] for i in range(size)]
# First four corners are always hard coded as such
newMap[0][0] = randreal(minVal, maxVal)
newMap[0][size-1] = randreal(minVal, maxVal)
newMap[size-1][0] = randreal(minVal, maxVal)
newMap[size-1][size-1] = randreal(minVal, maxVal)
for n in range(depth+1)[::-1]:
if n == 0:
# Couldn't think of a good name for it
currentSize = (2**n+1) // 2
# Needs to do diamond and square algorithms at each step
for repeat in range(2):
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
# Square Algorithm
if repeat == 0:
#This formula ensures it always gets a point whose corners (at a range) are already filled
if ((i%(2**n)+1) == currentSize+1 and (j%(2**n)+1) == currentSize+1) and newMap[i][j] == "empty":
newMap[i][j] = square(i, j, minVal, maxVal, r, currentSize, newMap)
# Diamond Algorithm
if repeat == 1:
#This formula ensures it always gets a point whose adjacent points (at a range) are already filled
if (i%(2**n) % currentSize == 0 and j%(2**n) % currentSize == 0) and newMap[i][j] == "empty":
newMap[i][j] = diamond(i, j, minVal, maxVal, r, currentSize, newMap)
return newMap
def scaler(min, max, n):
return (n-min)/(max-min)
#produces a colour given a number and a range
def colour(n, r):
scale = scaler(r[0], r[1], n)
# Fire
if scale <= 0.25:
return (scaler(0, 0.25, scale)*255, 0, 0)
elif scale <= 0.5:
return (255, scaler(0.25, 0.5, scale)*128, 0)
elif scale <= 0.75:
return (255, 127 + scaler(0.5, 0.75, scale)*128,0)
elif scale <= 1:
return (255, 255, scaler(0.75, 1, scale)*255)
class MapGenerator(object):
def __init__(self, minVal, maxVal, r, depth):
# Display Settings
self.width = 700
self.height = 700
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.width, self.height), pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
self.range = (minVal, maxVal)
self.randomMap = generate_map(minVal, maxVal, r, depth)
def run(self):
scalex = self.width / len(self.randomMap)
scaley = self.height / len(self.randomMap)
for i in range(len(self.randomMap)):
for j in range(len(self.randomMap)):
pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, colour(self.randomMap[i][j], self.range), pygame.Rect(math.floor(i*scalex), math.floor(j*scaley), math.ceil(scalex), math.ceil(scaley)))
#pygame.draw.line(self.screen, colour(self.randomMap[i][j], self.range), [i*2,j*2], [i*2,j*2+1])
#pygame.draw.line(self.screen, colour(self.randomMap[i][j], self.range), [i*2+1,j*2], [i*2+1,j*2+1])
running = True
while running:
event = pygame.event.wait()
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
#min, max, randomness, depth level (2**n-1 squares wide). A higher r means a me fractal map.
MapGenerator(1, 100, 0.25, 8).run()