Having a problem with making my snake grow in the game of snake
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Message |
Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:53 am Post subject: Having a problem with making my snake grow in the game of snake |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
I am trying to make my snake grow
What is the problem you are having?
The snake will not grow
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I have tried many things,i added a body to the snake head made is pawn everytime i got the food, but it woud not follow the snake
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
import GUI
var winID : int
winID := Window.Open ("graphics:600;645")
var menubutton, snakebutton, helpbutton, quitbutton, restartbutton : int
var LeftMainScreen : boolean := false
%Forwarding procedures
forward proc MENU
forward proc SNAKE
forward proc HELP
forward proc QUIT
%Play game
body proc SNAKE
GUI.Dispose (snakebutton )
GUI.Dispose (helpbutton )
GUI.Dispose (quitbutton )
%Making grid
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 600, 600, black)
var grid : array 0 .. 59, 0 .. 59 of int
var width : int := 10
var score : int := 0
var arrows : array char of boolean
var direction : int := 0
var playerx, playery : int := 2
var foodx, foody : int := Rand.Int (3, 56)
var playagain : string (1)
var counter : int := 55
for x : 0 .. 59
for y : 0 .. 59
grid (x, y ) := 0
end for
end for
for x : 0 .. 59
grid (x, 0) := 1
grid (x, 59) := 1
end for
for y : 0 .. 59
grid (0, y ) := 1
grid (59, y ) := 1
end for
%actualk grid
for x : 0 .. 59
for y : 0 .. 59
if grid (x, y ) = 1 then
Draw.FillBox (x * width, y * width, x * width + width, y * width + width, yellow)
end if
end for
end for
locate (1, 1)
put "Score: ", score
locate (2, 1)
put "Use 'w', 'a', 's', 'd', to move!"
Input.KeyDown (arrows )
if arrows ('a') and direction not= 2 then
direction := 1
elsif arrows ('d') and direction not= 1 then
direction := 2
elsif arrows ('s') and direction not= 4 then
direction := 3
elsif arrows ('w') and direction not= 3 then
direction := 4
end if
if direction = 1 and grid (playerx - 1, playery ) = 0 then
playerx - = 1
elsif direction = 2 and grid (playerx + 1, playery ) = 0 then
playerx + = 1
elsif direction = 3 and grid (playerx, playery - 1) = 0 then
playery - = 1
elsif direction = 4 and grid (playerx, playery + 1) = 0 then
playery + = 1
end if
%hitting walls
if playerx = 1 then
locate (14, 35)
locate (15, 30)
put "YOU GOT A SCORE OF ", score
locate (16, 30)
put "press 'w' to restart"
getch (playagain )
score := 0
playerx := 5
playery := 5
counter := 55
playery = 1 then
locate (14, 35)
locate (15, 30)
put "YOU GOT A SCORE OF ", score
locate (16, 30)
put "press 'd' to restart"
getch (playagain )
score := 0
playerx := 5
playery := 5
counter := 55
playerx = 58 then
locate (14, 35)
locate (15, 30)
put "YOU GOT A SCORE OF ", score
locate (16, 30)
put "press 'w' to restart"
getch (playagain )
score := 0
playerx := 5
playery := 5
counter := 55
playery = 58 then
locate (14, 35)
locate (15, 30)
put "YOU GOT A SCORE OF ", score
locate (16, 30)
put "press 'w' to restart"
getch (playagain )
score := 0
playerx := 5
playery := 5
counter := 55
end if
Draw.FillBox (foodx * width, foody * width, foodx * width + width,
foody * width + width, 5)
Draw.FillBox (playerx * width, playery * width, playerx * width + width,
playery * width + width, black)
if playerx = foodx and playery = foody then
score + = 1
counter := counter - 1
foodx := Rand.Int (3, 56)
foody := Rand.Int (3, 56)
end if
delay (counter )
end loop
%Help menu
body proc HELP
LeftMainScreen := true
GUI.Dispose (snakebutton )
GUI.Dispose (quitbutton )
GUI.Dispose (helpbutton )
var any : int := Rand.Int (8, 15)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 800, 645, any )
var writing : int := Font.New ("arial:12")
Draw.Text ("Welcome to the help menu, this will teach you about the game", 0, 600, writing, any - 1)
Draw.Text ("Use 'W', 'A', 'S', 'D' to move the snake around", 0, 550, writing, any - 2)
Draw.Text ("You move the snake around to collect food within the grid to grow", 0, 500, writing, any - 3)
Draw.Text ("To lose the game you must run into the walls, or yourself", 0, 450, writing, any - 4)
Draw.Text ("To win the game you must eat enough food to have nowhere to move", 0, 400, writing, any - 5)
Draw.Text ("It is a simple game to play, hope you enjoy, and have fun!", 0, 350, writing, any - 6)
quitbutton := GUI.CreateButton (175, 25, 0, "Quit", QUIT )
menubutton := GUI.CreateButton (235, 25, 0, "Menu", MENU )
end HELP
%Quit menu
body proc QUIT
var any : int := Rand.Int (8, 15)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 800, 645, any )
var writing : int := Font.New ("arial:24")
Draw.Text ("Thanks for playing!", 50, 200, writing, any - 1)
delay (1000)
Window.Close (winID )
end QUIT
%main menu
body proc MENU
var any : int := Rand.Int (8, 15)
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, 600, 645, any )
var snakename : int := Font.New ("Arial:74:bold")
Font.Draw ("SNAKE", 150, 300, snakename, any - 1)
snakebutton := GUI.CreateButton (25, 25, 0, "Play game", SNAKE )
helpbutton := GUI.CreateButton (115, 25, 0, "Help", HELP )
quitbutton := GUI.CreateButton (175, 25, 0, "Quit", QUIT )
if LeftMainScreen = true then
GUI.Dispose (menubutton )
Draw.FillBox (235, 25, 295, 48, any )
end if
end MENU
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
4.1.1 |
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Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:05 am Post subject: RE:Having a problem with making my snake grow in the game of snake |
Use a flexible array for your snakes body. http://compsci.ca/holtsoft/doc/flexible.html
as he eats the berries, increase his size by 1.
set those x,y values after the head moves to the old position.
handle the movements and /win |