HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game)
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Message |
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:30 pm Post subject: HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
Trying to get it so when mario hits the koopas from the bottom they flip, once they flip they respawn after a few seconds.
What is the problem you are having?
Cannot figure out how to do this, been trying for almost 1 week.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
setscreen ("graphics: max,max")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var background : int := Pic.FileNew ("background.bmp")
var marioLeft : int := Pic.FileNew ("mario left.bmp")
var marioStill : int := Pic.FileNew ("still.bmp")
var marioStillRight : int := Pic.FileNew ("stillright.bmp")
var marioRight : int := Pic.FileNew ("movingright.bmp")
var chars : array char of boolean
var mariox : int := 488
var marioy : int := 111
var marioy2 : int := 111
var dir : string := "r"
var jump : string := "n"
var jumpv : int := 0
var count : int := 1
var fall : string := "n"
var kfall : string := "k"
var kfall2 : string := "k2"
var koopaL : int := Pic.FileNew ("KoopaL.bmp")
var koopaR : int := Pic.FileNew ("KoopaR.bmp")
var koopax2 : int := 133
var koopay2 : int := 590
var koopax : int := 733
var koopay : int := 590
var score : int := 0
Pic.Draw (background, 0, 0, 0)
proc drawlines
%---LEFT SIDE---
drawline (0, 95, 975, 110, yellow) %Ground Floor
drawfillbox(0, 95, 975, 110, yellow)
%Tier 1 Start
drawline (0, 207, 370, 207, yellow) %Tier 1, Platform 1, Bottom
drawline (370, 207, 370, 228, yellow) %Tier 1, Platform 1, Side
drawline (370, 228, 0, 228, yellow) %Tier 1, Platform 1, Top
drawfillbox(0, 207, 370, 228, yellow)
%Tier 1 End...
drawline (3, 228, 3, 473, yellow) %Black Space Between Tier 3 Platform 1, and Tier 1 Platform 1
%Tier 2 Start...
drawline (3, 328, 147, 328, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 1, Bottom
drawline (147, 329, 147, 345, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 1, Side
drawline (147, 345, 3, 345, yellow) % Tier 2, Platform 1, Top
drawfillbox(3, 328, 147, 345, yellow)
%Tier 2 End...
%Tier 3 Start
drawline (3, 473, 388, 473, yellow) %Tier 3, Platform 1, Bottom
drawline (388, 473, 388, 492, yellow) %Tier 3, Platform 1, Side
drawline (388, 492, 3, 492, yellow) % Tier 3, Platform 1, Top
drawfillbox(3, 473, 388, 492, yellow)
%Tier 3 End...
drawline (265, 354, 710, 354, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 2, Bottom
drawline (265, 354, 265, 370, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 2, Left Side
drawline (710, 354, 710, 370, yellow) %Tier 2, platform 2, Right Side
drawline (264, 370, 710, 370, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 2, Top
%Tier 1 Start
drawline (975, 207, 606, 207, yellow) %Tier 1, Platform 2, Bottom
drawline (606, 207, 606, 228, yellow) %Tier 1, Platform 2, Side
drawline (606, 228, 975, 228, yellow) %Tier 1, Platform 2, Top
%Tier 1 End...
drawline (975 - 3, 228, 975 - 3, 473, yellow) %Black Space Between Tier 3 Platform 1, and Tier 1 Platform 1
%Tier 2 Start
drawfillbox(825, 328, 972, 345, yellow)
drawline (975 - 3, 328, 825, 328, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 3, Bottom
drawline (825, 329, 825, 345, yellow) %Tier 2, Platform 3, Side
drawline (825, 345, 975 - 3, 345, yellow) % Tier 2, Platform 3, Top
%Tier 2 End...
%Tier 3 Start
drawline (975 - 3, 473, 975 - 388, 473, yellow) %Tier 3, Platform 2, Bottom
drawline (975 - 388, 473, 975 - 388, 492, yellow) %Tier 3, Platform 2, Side
drawline (975 - 388, 492, 975 - 3, 492, yellow) % Tier 3, Platform 2, Top
drawfillbox(975 - 3, 473, 975 - 388, 492, yellow)
%Tier 3 End...
%Pipe bottom right
drawline (828, 200, 975, 200, green) %top of the pipe
drawline (832, 125, 832, 195, green) %Entrance of pipe
drawline (828, 135, 975, 135, green) %bottom of pipe
%Pipe bottom left
drawline (0, 200, 147, 200, green) %top of the pipe
drawline (145, 125, 145, 195, green) %Entrance of pipe
drawline (0, 135, 147, 135, green) %bottom of pipe
%Pipe top right
drawline (810, 600, 865, 600, green) %bottom of pipe
drawline (810, 1000, 810, 600, green) %Entrance of pipe
drawline (866, 600, 866, 475, green) %bottom of pipe
%Pipe top left
drawline (105, 600, 160, 600, green) %bottom of pipe
drawline (160, 1000, 160, 600, green) %Entrance of pipe
drawline (105, 600, 105, 475, green) %bottom of pipe
end drawlines
proc timer
end timer
put ""
Pic.Draw (marioStill, mariox, marioy, picMerge)
var mydelay : int := 0
process bgmusic
Music.PlayFile ("underground.mp3")
end bgmusic
fork bgmusic
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%MARIO LOOP%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Pic.Draw (background, 0, 0, 0)
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
mariox - = 1
dir := "l"
end if
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
mariox + = 1
dir := "r"
end if
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and jump = "n" then
jump := "y"
jumpv := 4
dir := "u"
mydelay := 0
end if
if jump = "y" then
mydelay + = 1
marioy := marioy + jumpv
if mydelay mod 20 = 0 then
jumpv - = 1
end if
end if
if marioy < 100 then
jump := "n"
end if
if dir = "l" then
Pic.Draw (marioLeft, mariox, marioy, picMerge)
end if
if dir = "u" then
Pic.Draw (marioStillRight, mariox, marioy, picMerge)
elsif dir = "r" then
Pic.Draw (marioRight, mariox, marioy, picMerge)
end if
if mariox <= 2 then
mariox := 935
elsif mariox >= 935 then
mariox := 8
end if
if marioy < 110 then
marioy := 110
jump: ="n"
end if
%%%%%%%%%Koopa start%%%%%%%%%%%%
koopax2 := koopax2 + 1
koopax := koopax - 1
Pic.Draw (koopaR, koopax2, koopay2, picMerge)
Pic.Draw (koopaL, koopax, koopay, picMerge)
if koopax2 <= 2 then
koopax2 := 700 %%%%% KOOPA2 WRAP AROUND
elsif koopax2 >= 865 then
koopax2 := 8
end if
if koopax <= 2 then
koopax := 700 %%%%% KOOPA WRAP AROUND
elsif koopax >= 865 then
koopax := 8
end if
% locate (1, 1)
% put count ..
% locate (2, 1)
% put jumpv
% locate (3, 1)
% put marioy
% locate (4, 1)
% put jump
count := count + 1 %increases x by 1
for x : 1 .. 50
if whatdotcolor (koopax2 + x, koopay2 - 1) = yellow then
kfall := "k"
end if
if whatdotcolor (koopax2 + x, koopay2 + 73) = yellow then
kfall := "k"
end if
if whatdotcolor (koopax2 + x, koopay2 - 1) not= yellow then
kfall := "y"
end if
if whatdotcolor (koopax2 + x, koopay2 - 1) not= yellow then
kfall := "y"
end if
end for
for x : 1 .. 50
if whatdotcolor (koopax + x, koopay - 1) = yellow then
kfall2 := "k2"
end if
if whatdotcolor (koopax + x, koopay + 73) = yellow then
kfall2 := "k2"
end if
if whatdotcolor (koopax + x, koopay - 1) not= yellow then
kfall2 := "y"
end if
if whatdotcolor (koopax + x, koopay - 1) not= yellow then
kfall2 := "y"
end if
end for
for x : 1 .. 50
if whatdotcolor (mariox + x, marioy - 1) = yellow then
jump := "n"
fall := "n"
jumpv := 0
end if
if whatdotcolor (mariox + x, marioy + 73) = yellow then
jump := "no"
fall := "y"
end if
if whatdotcolor (mariox + x, marioy - 1) not= yellow and jump = "n" then
jump := "n"
fall := "y"
end if
end for
if koopay < 110 then
koopay := 100
end if
if koopay2 < 110 then % stops from falling through ground
koopay2 := 100
end if
if kfall = "y" then
koopay2 := koopay2 - 1 % Falling for left koopa
end if
if kfall2 = "y" then
koopay := koopay - 1 % falling for right koopa
end if
if fall = "y" then
marioy := marioy - 1 % falling for Mario
end if
if mariox >= koopax and marioy >= koopay and mariox < koopax + 70 and marioy < koopay + 70 then
exit %%%%% Marios death
end if
if mariox >= koopax2 and marioy >= koopay2 and mariox < koopax2 + 70 and marioy < koopay2 + 70 then
exit %%%%% Marios death
end if
end loop
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%End of Koopa and Mario Loop%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
put " your score is ", count
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
P.S For a class final![/list] |
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Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:03 am Post subject: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
What do you mean by "flip"? Are you trying to have the koopa picture rotate 180 degrees over a duration of 1 second? If so, that would be fairly difficult to do.
In the actual game, koopa's retreat into their shells like so, which might be easier to do, as it's just replacing the koopa's picture.
For the latter, you could keep track of what "state" the koopa is in. Eg:
Turing: |
var koopaState := "alive"
Then when the koopa dies, change it to "dead". You can then have conditionals around where you draw the koopa to check if the koopa is alive or dead and then draw the appropriate picture.
You'll want to keep track of how long the koopa has been in the state.
Turing: |
var koopaStateFrameCount := 0
koopaStateFrameCount += 1
if marioKilledTheKoopa() then
koopaState := "dead"
koopaStateFrameCount := 0
end if
end loop
Then you can check if koopaStateFrameCount is 90 (Assuming a delay of 33 millisecond for 30 FPS) which would mean 90 frames have passed (or 3 seconds at 30 FPS). If that much time has passed, you can reinitialize the koopa to be alive. |
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:37 pm Post subject: Re: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Zren @ Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:03 am wrote: What do you mean by "flip"? Are you trying to have the koopa picture rotate 180 degrees over a duration of 1 second? If so, that would be fairly difficult to do.
In the actual game, koopa's retreat into their shells like so, which might be easier to do, as it's just replacing the koopa's picture.
For the latter, you could keep track of what "state" the koopa is in. Eg:
Turing: |
var koopaState := "alive"
Then when the koopa dies, change it to "dead". You can then have conditionals around where you draw the koopa to check if the koopa is alive or dead and then draw the appropriate picture.
You'll want to keep track of how long the koopa has been in the state.
Turing: |
var koopaStateFrameCount := 0
koopaStateFrameCount += 1
if marioKilledTheKoopa() then
koopaState := "dead"
koopaStateFrameCount := 0
end if
end loop
Then you can check if koopaStateFrameCount is 90 (Assuming a delay of 33 millisecond for 30 FPS) which would mean 90 frames have passed (or 3 seconds at 30 FPS). If that much time has passed, you can reinitialize the koopa to be alive.
Right, i'd like them to flip/go into their shell the same way the actual game works, as for the other parts i think that'll work good just first need to make it so mario can somehow hit them, any suggestions? Very very very new to turing, thanks. |
Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:54 pm Post subject: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
You're looking for Collision Detection. Specifically, rectangular collision detection. Look for it in the Turing Walkthrough. |
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 2:18 pm Post subject: Re: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Zren @ Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:54 pm wrote: You're looking for Collision Detection. Specifically, rectangular collision detection. Look for it in the Turing Walkthrough.
Is there anyone I can pay to complete things for me? I'd just like someone to do it for me. Want a few more things coded aswell. thanks.
MOD WARNING: Asking for others to do your homework is academic dishonesty, plagiarism and a violation of the sites rules. Please refrain from making such posts or your account will be banned. |
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:59 pm Post subject: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
That's a quick way to get yourself banned from the site, bud. Do it yourself, like everyone else. |
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:29 pm Post subject: Re: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Insectoid @ Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:59 pm wrote: That's a quick way to get yourself banned from the site, bud. Do it yourself, like everyone else.
I'd give credit... we're allowed to get 50% of help from someone anywhere anyone.... ive made the rest of the game. I don't have time to do it all on my own/learn. |
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:04 pm Post subject: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Quote: I don't have time to do it all on my own/learn.
You do have the time. You're in high school. Time pretty much all you have, and learning is what you should be spending it on.
Quote: we're allowed to get 50% of help from someone anywhere anyone
Ask a classmate then. Collision detection isn't hard. There are lots of tutorials about exactly that on this website. There is no reason not to do it yourself. |
Sponsor Sponsor
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:29 pm Post subject: Re: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Insectoid @ Wed Jan 14, 2015 3:04 pm wrote: Quote: I don't have time to do it all on my own/learn.
You do have the time. You're in high school. Time pretty much all you have, and learning is what you should be spending it on.
Quote: we're allowed to get 50% of help from someone anywhere anyone
Ask a classmate then. Collision detection isn't hard. There are lots of tutorials about exactly that on this website. There is no reason not to do it yourself.
We all do different programs... and Yeah actually I don't have time. I have exams in under a week, I run a business and lots of other things. |
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:01 pm Post subject: Re: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Gathard @ Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:29 pm wrote: and Yeah actually I don't have time.
Time management is part of the learning process. If you are unable to find the time, and your classmates that have the same assignment and (for the most part) same exams coming up _do_ find the time -- don't you think the assignment grades should reflect that? |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:03 pm Post subject: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
Quote: We all do different programs
That doesn't matter. Odds are one of them is doing something very similar, or knows how to do what you're asking. |
Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:07 pm Post subject: RE:HELP! How do I get the koopas to flip? (Mario Game) |
This will sound as useful as a tech support guy saying "Have you restarted the computer?", buuuuut, have you tried asking the teacher for help? |