imseakin @ Wed Apr 16, 2014 10:14 am wrote:
In other words, can one set of data bits do 'puts' and the other set do 'gets' in the same program at the same time?
Good question. The documentation - parallelput - suggests that the command is non-blocking. That is, it sets the out pins as high/low, and moves on to execute the next line of code. Nothing in the documentation says as to how long the pins stay set. Plausible that they keep their state until the next parallelput.
So your question can be restated as: "will parallelget also reset the state of the out pins to some default?". If not, then it sounds like you can just use both. If it does reset the states, then the followup questions are "how fast can parallelget read?" and "is that amount of downtime acceptable?".