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 Can someone help me with fireworks!!!!
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 1:31 pm   Post subject: Can someone help me with fireworks!!!!

What is it you are trying to achieve?
I'm trying to add fireworks to my background scene

What is the problem you are having?
I don't know how and my teacher wont help me Sad

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Almost everything my teachers taught me

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)


setscreen ("graphics:625;425") % This sets the output screen to new size
var font1 : int % for a font to place numbers on the grid
font1 := Font.New ("Arial:8:bold")
var num : string % to change the x or y (of loops) to a string which font needs

% to make the vertical lines of the grid
for x : 0 .. maxx by 25
    drawline (x, 0, x, maxy, 29)
    num := intstr (x) % changing x to a string
    Font.Draw (num, x - 6, 0, font1, red)
end for

% to make the horizontal lines of the grid
for y : 0 .. maxy by 25
    drawline (0, y, maxx, y, 29)
    num := intstr (y)% changing y to a string
    Font.Draw (num, 0, y - 6, font1, red)
end for

drawfillbox(25,225,625,425,104) %sky
drawfillbox(25,25,625,225,48) %grass

drawfillarc(300,225,150,155,0,180,31) %moon

% Draw.Star (25, 375, 75, 300, black) % STAR
% drawfillstar (25, 375, 75, 300, yellow) % STAR
% drawfillarc(300,225,150,155,0,180,44) %sun
% drawfilloval(250,370,90,40,31)  %cloud
% drawfilloval(150,365,80,50,31)
% drawfilloval(255,370,90,65,31)
% drawfilloval(290,370,90,40,31)


drawfillbox(131,150,144,250,185) %tree





drawfillmapleleaf(325,325,400,400,12) %mapleleaf
drawfillstar(475,200,550,250,14) %star

Please specify what version of Turing you are using
not sure, its my schools

PostPosted: Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:32 pm   Post subject: RE:Can someone help me with fireworks!!!!

There is no "draw fireworks" command, same as there is no "draw tree" command. But you managed to create the latter anyway by using a mix of boxes and ovals.

Fireworks (or anything) is the same -- use smaller pieces to construct a more complicated scene.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:12 pm   Post subject: RE:Can someone help me with fireworks!!!!

can you give me an example I can add to my thing?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:01 pm   Post subject: RE:Can someone help me with fireworks!!!!

no, we dont just hand out code. think about how you would draw a firework: you would draw a line here, draw circle there, maybe draw a star in there too. thats what you need to do. if you can't draw, look at pictures of fireworks on google and analyse them instead.
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