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 Processes in Music - Creating Chords, Timers, etc
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:39 pm   Post subject: Processes in Music - Creating Chords, Timers, etc

For my final project in comp-sci class I am trying to create a virtual piano - played with the keyboard. Anchoring specific keys to notes is no problem, but I want the program to return an eighth, quarter or half note based on the time a key is held down for, and I would like it to play a chord if it detects 2-3 keys held down at once. I am not sure how to go about doing this.

I have constructed a process that plays the second note in an array 1 .. 3 of notes, and one for the third note as well, but if I hold 3 keys down on my piano while I am playing, it does not always play them properly, and I think I am having more problems than just that - each string in the array should be taking only one "note" character, and then the octave/pitch characters, but this is very difficult to do. I will attach my latest program as I am not sure I have described the problem adequately.

I am using Turing 4.1.1.


- Raskolnikova


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