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 etch a scetch/paint program help
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 5:22 pm   Post subject: etch a scetch/paint program help

What is it you are trying to achieve?
hi i am trying to embed a pen tip otion by clicking on them

What is the problem you are having?
i cant seem to figure it out

Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
here is my program so far

var x, y, button : int := 0
var font : int := Font.New ("Times:10")
var font1 : int := Font.New ("Times:20")
var radius : int := 6
var shade : int := black
var boxs : int := 5
var boxs1 : int := 1

setscreen ("graphics:640;860")
drawfillbox (x - boxs1, y - boxs1, x + boxs1, y + boxs1, green)
drawfillbox (0, 0, 270, 70, darkgrey)
Font.Draw ("pick a color", 50, 60, font, yellow)

drawfillbox (0, 25, 20, 45, 0)
drawfillbox (30, 25, 50, 45, 26)
drawfillbox (60, 25, 80, 45, 22)
drawfillbox (90, 25, 110, 45, black)
drawfillbox (120, 25, 140, 45, 1)
drawfillbox (150, 25, 170, 45, 32)
drawfillbox (180, 25, 200, 45, 53)
drawfillbox (210, 25, 230, 45, 51)
drawfillbox (240, 25, 260, 45, 48)
drawfillbox (0, 0, 20, 20, 2)
drawfillbox (30, 0, 50, 20, 14)
drawfillbox (60, 0, 80, 20, 44)
drawfillbox (90, 0, 110, 20, 43)
drawfillbox (120, 0, 140, 20, 42)
drawfillbox (150, 0, 170, 20, 40)
drawfillbox (180, 0, 200, 20, 38)
drawfillbox (210, 0, 230, 20, 36)
drawfillbox (240, 0, 260, 20, purple)

drawfillbox (360, 0, 460, 50, darkgrey)
Font.Draw ("pick a pen tip", 365, 30, font, yellow)
drawfillbox (372, 2, 392, 22, black)
Draw.FillStar (398, 2, 418, 22, black)
Draw.FillMapleLeaf (420, 2, 440, 22, black)

drawfillbox (470, 0, 550, 50, darkgrey)
Font.Draw ("incr/decr size", 476, 30, font, yellow)
drawfillbox (480, 0, 500, 20, white)
drawline (490, 18, 490, 2, black)
drawline (482, 10, 498, 10, black)
drawfillbox (510, 0, 530, 20, white)
drawline (512, 10, 528, 10, black)

drawfillbox (560, 0, 640, 50, darkgrey)

drawfillbox (565, 1, 634, 41, yellow)
Font.Draw ("exit", 580, 20, font1, black)
%ACTUAL THING_____________________________________________________________
drawfillbox (0, 75, maxx, 755, black)
drawfillbox (0, 80, maxx, 750, white)


mousewhere (x, y, button)
if x > 0 and x < maxx and y > 80 and y < maxy and button = 1 then

if button = 1 then
drawfillbox (x - boxs, y - boxs, x + boxs, y + boxs, shade)
end if
end if
%color toolbar______________________________________________________________

if x>372 and x<392 and y>0 and y<20 and button = 1 then
drawfillbox (x - boxs1, y - boxs1, x + boxs1, y + boxs1, black)
end if
if x>398 and x<418 and y>0 and y<20 and button = 1 then

if x > 0 and x < 20 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 0
end if

if x > 30 and x < 50 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 26
end if

if x > 60 and x < 80 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 22
end if

if x > 90 and x < 110 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := black
end if
if x > 120 and x < 140 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 1
end if
if x > 150 and x < 170 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 32
end if

if x > 180 and x < 200 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 53
end if
if x > 210 and x < 230 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 51
end if
if x > 240 and x < 260 and y > 25 and y < 45 and button = 1 then
shade := 48
end if

if x > 0 and x < 20 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 2
end if

if x > 30 and x < 50 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 14
end if

if x > 60 and x < 80 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 44
end if

if x > 90 and x < 110 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 43
end if
if x > 120 and x < 140 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 42
end if
if x > 150 and x < 170 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 40
end if
if x > 180 and x < 200 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 38
end if
if x > 210 and x < 230 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := 36
end if
if x > 240 and x < 260 and y > 0 and y < 20 and button = 1 then
shade := purple
end if

if x > 470 and x < 490 and y > 1 and y < 21 and button = 1 then
shade := 0
boxs1 := 18
end if
if x > 500 and x < 510 and y > 1 and y < 11 and button = 1 then
shade := 0
boxs1 := 8
end if
if x > 520 and x < 525 and y > 1 and y < 6 and button = 1 then
shade := 0
boxs1 := 3
end if

end loop

Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
<Answer Here>


<Add your code here>

Please specify what version of Turing you are using
<Answer Here>
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