Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay
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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 5:49 pm Post subject: Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
trying to control a character using the arrow keys for my snake game
What is the problem you are having?
if a key is pressed during the "delay" the action does not take place
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
no clue how to solve it
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
<Answer Here>
Turing: |
% Snake game
var x, y, r, t : int
var vDir, hDir : int
var score : int := 0
var chars : array char of boolean
var snake : int
View.Set ("graphics,offscreenonly")
x := 320
y := 200
r := Rand.Int (10, 630)
t := Rand.Int (10, 390)
procedure draw
drawfilloval (x, y, 20, 20, yellow)
delay (150)
end draw
vDir := 0
hDir := 0
snake := 0
Input.KeyDown (chars )
if chars (KEY_UP_ARROW) and vDir ~ = - 1 then
vDir := 1
hDir := 0
end if
if chars (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and vDir ~ = 1 then
vDir := - 1
hDir := 0
end if
if chars (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and hDir ~ = 1 then
vDir := 0
hDir := - 1
end if
if chars (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and hDir ~ = - 1 then
vDir := 0
hDir := 1
end if
x := x + (20 * hDir )
y := y + (20 * vDir )
if x >= 640 then
x := 0
elsif y >= 400 then
y := 0
elsif x <= 0 then
x := 640
elsif y <= 0 then
y := 400
end if
drawfilloval (x, y, 20, 20, yellow)
Time.Delay (150)
drawfilloval (r, t, 10, 10, blue)
if (r <= x + 12 and r >= x - 12) and (t <= y + 12 and t >= y - 12) then
r := Rand.Int (10, 630)
t := Rand.Int (10, 390)
end if
end loop
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
4.1 |
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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:04 pm Post subject: Re: Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
The best way to fix it is to decrease the delay. Another way to fix it is to use processes; right before the procedure, put
Turing: | Process input
Input.KeyDown(chars )
end loop
end input
fork input |
and take out the input.keydown in the main loop
Remember; thus may not wok, you may need to play around withit a little |
Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:12 pm Post subject: RE:Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
Alternatively, you could loop Input.KeyDown in a loop that doesn't exit until the time you wanted to pass has passed. |
Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:40 am Post subject: Re: Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
evildaddy911 @ Fri Feb 24, 2012 8:04 pm wrote: The best way to fix it is to decrease the delay. Another way to fix it is to use processes; right before the procedure, put
Turing: | Process input
Input.KeyDown(chars )
end loop
end input
fork input |
and take out the input.keydown in the main loop
Remember; thus may not wok, you may need to play around withit a little
Don't feed him false information. Never use processes. There have been too many arguments about this as it is. |
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:20 am Post subject: RE:Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
if i higher delay than is there a way to slow the skake down |
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:05 am Post subject: RE:Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
Use real numbers for your snake coords and round() for anything that requires them to be insegers |
Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:13 am Post subject: RE:Need help on character control using the Input.Down and delay |
If you MUST have input during a delay, here is an idea for it.
Turing: |
const DELAYTIME : int := 5000
var delayTimer : int := 0
var keyPress : array char of boolean
% Do your program
% When it is time to do a delay
% Store input
Input.KeyDown (keyPress )
% Exit when we've delayed long enough
if Time.Elapsed () - delayTimer >= DELAYTIME then
end if
end loop
% Reset the timer
delayTimer := Time.Elapsed ()
end loop
However this is an example with Time.DelaySinceLast (x) not Delay (x). They are basically the same thing, except delay will stop the program for x milliseconds, where Time.DelaySinceLast will keep the program from going faster than x milliseconds. |