Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:30 pm Post subject: Important Computer Science skills
I was looking over UW's CS488, Computer Graphics, a 4th's year CS course and one of "big 3" at UW. The outline lists very important skills necessary for one of the most difficult undergraduate CS courses at Waterloo. This list is copied here:
1.3 Important Skills
? Reading.
? Read the newsgroup.
? Read the course notes.
? Last but not least, read and follow instructions
After far too much work and way too many all-nighters, I?m finally closing in on my final scene. As you can see, texturing is working quite nicely. Combined with depth of field and soft shadows, the marble chessboard looks quite realistic. I don?t yet have KD-tree optimizations working, so this took 55 minutes to render on an octal core EC2 instance (7h, 21m, 41s of user time).