Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 5:17 pm Post subject: Horizontal scrollbars
Can someone please explain this code to me?
% The "GUI.CreateHorizontalScrollBar Example" program.
import GUI
View.Set ("graphics:300;60,nobuttonbar")
var scrollBar : int
procedure ScrollBarMoved (value : int)
Text.Locate (2, 3)
put "Horizontal Scroll Bar: ", value : 4
end ScrollBarMoved
scrollBar := GUI.CreateHorizontalScrollBar (10, 10, 250,
50, 150, 50, ScrollBarMoved)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
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Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2004 6:18 pm Post subject: (No subject)
basically there's this GUI scrollbar. Each time you move it, it triggers "ScrollBarMoved" function (well prosedure rether) which displays the value of the scrollbar.