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 Animated Rain
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:51 am   Post subject: Animated Rain

Hiya, can some one help me make an animated rain in my landscape program. I need the rain fall onto the ground and it to be continues. the following is my code for the landscape:

% Landscape design
setscreen ("graphics:max;max,nobuttonbar")

% Creates the sky
drawfillbox (0, 0, 1010, 700, black)

% Draws the Grass
drawfillbox (0, 0, 1010, 180, green)

% Draws the moon
drawfilloval (200, 550, 60, 60, white)
drawfilloval (235, 570, 60, 60, black) % <=Black oval to give the moon a curve shape

% Creates the clouds
drawfilloval (200, 450, 95, 48, 24) % <= Clouds infront of the moon
drawfilloval (150, 460, 100, 50, 24)
drawfilloval (250, 450, 95, 48, 24)
drawfilloval (290, 460, 100, 45, 24)

drawfilloval (600, 500, 95, 48, 24) % <= Clouds behind the building
drawfilloval (640, 480, 100, 50, 24)
drawfilloval (685, 500, 95, 48, 24)
drawfilloval (255, 470, 100, 45, 24)

drawfilloval (980, 510, 95, 48, 24) % <= Clouds right of the building
drawfilloval (1020, 490, 100, 50, 24)
drawfilloval (1020, 530, 100, 50, 24)

% Creates a white screen on the far left to cover 1/2 of the clouds
drawfillbox (1300, 0, 1010, 900, white)

% Create the Apartment
drawfillbox (620, 180, 840, 500, grey)

% Creates the Windows
drawfillbox (650, 470, 690, 420, yellow)
drawfillbox (710, 470, 750, 420, black)
drawfillbox (770, 470, 810, 420, black) % <= 4th story windows

drawfillbox (650, 400, 690, 350, black)
drawfillbox (710, 400, 750, 350, yellow)
drawfillbox (770, 400, 810, 350, black) % <= 3rd story windows

drawfillbox (650, 330, 690, 280, yellow)
drawfillbox (710, 330, 750, 280, yellow)
drawfillbox (770, 330, 810, 280, black) % <= 2nd story windows

drawfillbox (650, 230, 690, 190, yellow) % <= 1st story windows

% Creates a door
drawfillbox (710, 245, 810, 180, white)

drawfillbox (710, 245, 712, 180, brown) % <= Door framing
drawfillbox (810, 245, 808, 180, brown)
drawfillbox (710, 245, 810, 243, brown)

drawfillbox (760, 242, 760, 180, black) % <= Door separation

drawfilloval (750, 208, 2, 2, black) % <= left door knob
drawfilloval (770, 208, 2, 2, black) % <= right door knob

% Creates the chimney
drawfillbox (630, 500, 650, 512, 29) % <= Creates the base if the chimney
drawline (620, 500, 840, 500, 26) % <= Creates a line at the base to separate the apartment and the chimney
drawfilloval (640, 512, 15, 3, 29)
drawoval (640, 512, 15, 3, 28)

% Creates the tree trunk
drawfillbox (200, 180, 215, 300, brown)

% Creates the leafs of the tree
drawfilloval (210, 310, 65, 50, green)
drawfilloval (220, 310, 65, 50, green)
drawfilloval (190, 310, 65, 50, green)

% draws the indoor parkinglot
drawfillbox (410, 180, 610, 300, 15) % <= building structure

drawfillbox (430, 275, 590, 295, black) % <= Layers starting from top
drawfillbox (430, 245, 590, 270, black)
drawfillbox (430, 215, 590, 240, black)
drawfillbox (480, 185, 590, 210, black)

drawfillbox (430, 180, 475, 210, black) % <= Creates the garage's door

drawfillbox (469, 180, 472, 190, 15) % <= Creates the gate mechanism for the entrance
drawfillbox (445, 186, 469, 184, yellow) % <= Creates the gate lever for the entrance

% Creates stars in the sky
drawfillstar (250, 600, 255, 605, white)
drawfillstar (400, 400, 405, 405, white)
drawfillstar (605, 600, 610, 605, white)
drawfillstar (470, 350, 475, 355, white)
drawfillstar (970, 220, 975, 225, white)
drawfillstar (950, 300, 955, 305, white)
drawfillstar (130, 240, 135, 245, white)
drawfillstar (80, 650, 85, 655, white)
drawfillstar (425, 550, 430, 555, white)
drawfillstar (900, 600, 905, 605, white)
drawfillstar (60, 360, 65, 365, white)
drawfillstar (80, 650, 85, 655, white)
drawfillstar (310, 290, 315, 295, white)
drawfillstar (900, 400, 905, 405, white)
drawfillstar (720, 620, 725, 625, white)
drawfillstar (400, 640, 405, 645, white)
drawfillstar (555, 420, 550, 425, white)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:00 pm   Post subject: Re: Animated Rain

If you use the search function in the forums, you can find plenty of examples of rain coded in Turing.

here's one that I like by MihaiG. It's fairly easy to use and looks pretty neat with a nice background.


%by MihaiG
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
var n : int
n := 100
var xg, yg, l : array 1 .. n of int
for i : 1 .. n
    randint (l (i), 1, 3)
    randint (xg (i), -150, maxx)
    randint (yg (i), l (i) - 9, maxy)
end for
colorback (black)
procedure rain
    for i : 1 .. n
        if yg (i) < maxy - l (i) then
            drawline (xg (i), yg (i), xg (i), yg (i) - l (i), white)
            drawline (xg (i), maxy, xg (i), yg (i), white)
        end if
        if yg (i) <= l (i) then
            randint (xg (i), -150, maxx)
            yg (i) := maxy
            yg (i) := yg (i) - l (i) - 9
            xg (i) := xg (i) + 3
        end if
        drawline (xg (i), yg (i) + l (i), xg (i), yg (i), brightblue)
    end for

    delay (50)
end rain
end loop
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