Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:17 pm Post subject: Colour Collision bricks
What is it you are trying to achieve?
I'm trying to create a game like papi jump or doodle jump. Basicly a a caracter that bounces up and down and you mave to get him to bounce on bricks to go higher and higher.
What is the problem you are having?
I don't know what to do for the collision detection. I'm basicly stuck.
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
I thought if i get every coordinate of everbricka nd make a boundry like that it would work, but then I thought that wouldn't conisdering the the picture with my bricks on it is going to move.
I can't think of what to od.
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
I attached my game so you can run it and see for yourself.
Please specify what version of Turing you are using