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 Need help with my tic tac toe
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 7:16 pm   Post subject: Need help with my tic tac toe

i need help with the cats game issue in which they tie. For our projects we have to make the program until the game is unwinable and i need some help currently i am just doing all the combos and thats taking forever and i need help stat on this i attached and here:

%%Tick Tack Toe
setscreen ("Graphics:500;500")
put "press enter"
var turnplayer : boolean %the turns
var TL, TM, TR : boolean := false %lines in the top
var ML, MM, MR : boolean := false %lines in the middle
var BL, BM, BR : boolean := false %lines in the bottom
var player : int %random number provider
var playgame : boolean := true %to play the game
var endgame : boolean := false %to end the game
var ans : string

%who ever has possesion of the box
var xtl, xtm, xtr, xml, xmm, xmr, xbl, xbm, xbr : boolean %true will be player ones and player twos is false
%random picks either player one or two to go first
player := 1
if player = 1 then
put "Player one goes 1st"
turnplayer := true %explains that player one is false
%Player 2's 1st
put "Player two goes 1st"
turnplayer := false %explains player two is true
end if
%draws the board
Draw.ThickLine (100, 300, 100, 0, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (200, 0, 200, 300, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 200, 300, 200, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 100, 300, 100, 10, brightred)
proc TopLeft
if TL = false then %hasn't been used
if turnplayer = true then %this is for player one
drawfillmapleleaf (0, 200, 100, 300, black) % top left square

turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xtl := true %%player 1 possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (0, 200, 100, 300, black) % top left
turnplayer := true %%player 1 turn
xtl := false %%player 2 has it
end if
TL := true
end if
end TopLeft
proc TopMid
if TM = false then %%empty space
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (100, 200, 200, 300, black) %top middle
turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xtm := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (100, 200, 200, 300, black) %top middle
turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xtm := false %player 2's possesion
end if
TM := true
end if
end TopMid
proc TopRight
if TR = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (200, 200, 300, 300, black) %top right
turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xtr := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (200, 200, 300, 300, black) %top right
turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xtr := false %player 2's possesion
end if
TR := true
end if
end TopRight
proc MidLeft
if ML = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (0, 100, 100, 200, black) %middle left

turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xml := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (0, 100, 100, 200, black) %middle left

turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xml := false %player 2's possesion
end if
ML := true
end if
end MidLeft
proc MidMid
if MM = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (100, 100, 200, 200, black) %middle middle
turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xmm := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (100, 100, 200, 200, black) %middle middle
turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xmm := false %player 2's possesion
end if
MM := true
end if
end MidMid
proc MidRight
if MR = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (300, 100, 200, 200, black) % middle right
turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xmr := true %player 1's possesion
drawfillstar (300, 100, 200, 200, black) % middle right
turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xmr := false %player 2's possesion
end if
MR := true
end if
end MidRight
proc BotLeft
if BL = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (0, 0, 100, 100, black) %bottom left
turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xbl := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (0, 0, 100, 100, black) %bottom left
turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xbl := false %player 2's possesion
end if
BL := true
end if
end BotLeft
proc BotMid
if BM = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (100, 0, 200, 100, black) %bottom middle

turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xbm := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (100, 0, 200, 100, black) %bottom middle
turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xbm := false %player 2's possesion
end if
BM := true
end if
end BotMid
proc BotRight
if BR = false then %empty
if turnplayer = true then %%1st player
drawfillmapleleaf (200, 0, 300, 100, black) % bottom right

turnplayer := false %player 2 turn
xbr := true %player 1's possesion
else %%its player 2
drawfillstar (200, 0, 300, 100, black) % bottom right

turnplayer := true %player 1 turn
xbr := false %player 2's possesion
end if
BR := true
end if
end BotRight

proc win
%horizontal victories
if TL = true and xtl = true and TM = true and xtm = true and TR = true and xtr = true then
endgame := true %%to end game
Draw.ThickLine (0, 250, 300, 250, 10, brightred)
put "player one wins"
%%player 2 gets top 3 tiles
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and TM = true and xtm = false and TR = true and xtr = false then
endgame := true %%to end game
Draw.ThickLine (0, 250, 300, 250, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"
%%player 1 gets mid 3 tiles
elsif ML = true and xml = true and MM = true and xmm = true and MR = true and xmr = true then
endgame := true %%to end game
Draw.ThickLine (0, 150, 300, 150, 10, brightred)
put "player one wins"
%%player 1 gets middle 3 tiles
elsif ML = true and xml = false and MM = true and xmm = false and MR = true and xmr = false then
endgame := true %%to end game
Draw.ThickLine (0, 150, 300, 150, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"
%%player 1 gets bot 3 tiles
elsif BL = true and xbl = true and BM = true and xbm = true and BR = true and xbr = true then
endgame := true %%to end game
Draw.ThickLine (0, 50, 300, 50, 10, brightred)

put "player one wins"
%%player 1 gets bot 3 tiles
elsif BL = true and xbl = false and BM = true and xbm = false and BR = true and xbr = false then
endgame := true %%to end game
Draw.ThickLine (0, 50, 300, 50, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"

%verticle victories
%%player 1 gets left row
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and ML = true and xml = true and BL = true and xbl = true then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (50, 300, 50, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player one wins"
%%player 2 gets left row
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and ML = true and xml = false and BL = true and xbl = false then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (50, 300, 50, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"
%%player 1 gets mid row
elsif TM = true and xtm = true and MM = true and xmm = true and BM = true and xbm = true then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (150, 300, 150, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player one wins"
%%player 2 gets mid row
elsif TM = true and xtm = false and MM = true and xmm = false and BM = true and xbm = false then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (150, 300, 150, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"
%%player 1 gets right row
elsif TR = true and xtr = true and MR = true and xmr = true and BR = true and xbr = true then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (250, 300, 250, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player one wins"
%%player 2 gets eight row
elsif TR = true and xtr = false and MR = true and xmr = false and BR = true and xbr = false then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (250, 300, 250, 0, 10, brightred)

put "player two wins"

%diagonal win
%%player 1 wins
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and MM = true and xmm = true and BR = true and xbr = true then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (0, 300, 300, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player one wins"
%%player 2 wins
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and MM = true and xmm = false and BR = true and xbr = false then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (0, 300, 300, 0, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"
%%player 1 wins
elsif TR = true and xtr = true and MM = true and xmm = true and BL = true and xbl = true then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (0, 0, 300, 300, 10, brightred)

put "player one wins"
%%player 2 wins
elsif TR = true and xtr = false and MM = true and xmm = false and BL = true and xbl = false then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (0, 0, 300, 300, 10, brightred)
put "player two wins"

% one box cats game
elsif TL = true and TM = true and TR = true and ML = true and MM = true and MR = true and BL = true and BM = true and BR = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)

elsif TR = true and TM = true and xtr = true and ML = true and MM = true and MR = true and BL = true and BM = true and BR = true then
endgame := true
Draw.ThickLine (0, 0, 300, 300, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 300, 300, 0, 10, brightred)
put "cats game"
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and TM = true and xtm = true and TR = true and xtr = false and ML = true and xml = false and BL = true and xbl = true and BM = true and xbm = false and MM = true
and xmm = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
put "cats game"
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and TR = true and xtr = true and ML = true and xml = true and MM = true and xmm = false and MR = true and xmr = false and BL = true and xbl = false and BR = true
and xbr = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and TR = true and xtr = false and ML = true and xml = false and MM = true and xmm = true and MR = true and xmr = true and BL = true and xbl = true and BR = true and
xbr = false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and TR = true and xtr = false and BM = true and xbm = false and MM = true and xmm = true and BL = true and TM = true and xtm = true and
BL = true and BR = true and BR = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and TR = true and xtr = true and BM = true and xbm = true and MM = true and xmm = false and BL = true and TM = true and xtm = false and BL = false and BR = true and
xbr = false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and TM = true and xtm = true and TR = true and xtr = false and ML = true and xml = false and BL = true and xbl = true and MM = true and xmm = false and MR = true
and xmr = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and TM = true and xtm = true and TR = true and xtr = false and ML = true and xml = false and BL = true and xbl = true and MM = true and xmm = false and MR = true
and xmr = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and TM = true and xtm = false and TR = true and xtr = true and ML = true and xml = true and BL = true and xbl = false and BM = true and xbm = true and MM = true and
xmm = false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and TM = true and xtm = true and TR = true and xtr = false and MR = true and xmr = false and BR = true and xbr = true and BM = true and xbm = false and MM = true
and xmm = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and TM = true and xtm = false and TR = true and xtr = true and MR = true and xmr = true and BR = true and xbr = false and BM = true and xbm = true and MM = true and
xmm = false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = true and BM = true and xbm = true and BR = true and xbr = false and ML = true and xml = false and BL = true and xbl = true and MM = true and xmm = false and MR = true
and xmr = true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL = true and xtl = false and BM = true and xbm = false and BR = true and xbr = true and ML = true and xml = true and BL = true and xbl = false and MM = true and xmm = true and MR = true
and xmr = false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL= true and xtl= true and TM= true and xtm= false and TR= true and xtr= false and ML= true and xml=false and MM=true and xmm= true and MR= true and xmr= true and BL= true and xbl= true and BM=true and xbm=false and BR= false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL= true and xtl= false and TM= true and xtm= true and TR= true and xtr= true and ML= false and MM=true and xmm= false and MR= true and xmr= false and BL= true and xbl= false and BM=true and xbm=true and BR= true and xbr= true then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
elsif TL= true and xtl= true and TM= true and xtm= false and TR= false and ML= true and xml= true and MM=true and xmm= false and MR= true and xmr= true and BL= true and xbl= false and BM=true and xbm=true and BR= true and xbr= false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)

elsif TL= true and xtl= false and TM= false and TR= true and xtr= true and ML= true and xml= true and MM=true and xmm= true and MR= true and xmr= false and BL= true and xbl= false and BM=true and xbm=true and BR= true and xbr= false then
endgame := true
drawline (0, 0, 300, 300, brightred)
drawline (300, 0, 0, 300, brightred)
end if
end win

proc game
if turnplayer = true then
locate (8,1)
put "It is black maple leaf's turn"
elsif turnplayer = false then
locate (8, 1)
put "It is black star's turn"
end if
var mx, my, mb : int %Mouse chords
Mouse.Where (mx, my, mb)

if mb = 1 then %%if mouse is clicked
if mx <= 100 and mx >= 0 and my <= 300 and my >= 200 then %%Location for top left tile
elsif mx <= 200 and mx >= 100 and my <= 300 and my >= 200 then %%location for top mid tile
elsif mx <= 300 and mx >= 200 and my <= 300 and my >= 200 then %%top right location
elsif mx <= 100 and mx >= 0 and my <= 200 and my >= 100 then %%Midleft tile location
elsif mx <= 200 and mx >= 100 and my <= 200 and my >= 100 then %%midmid tile loc
elsif mx <= 300 and mx >= 200 and my <= 200 and my >= 100 then %%mid right loc
elsif mx <= 100 and mx >= 0 and my <= 100 and my >= 0 then %%Bot left tile
elsif mx <= 200 and mx >= 100 and my <= 100 and my >= 0 then %%Mot mid tile
elsif mx <= 300 and mx >= 200 and my <= 100 and my >= 0 then %%Bot Right tile loc
end if
end if

end game

%to reset and play game
if playgame = true then
end if
if endgame = true then
put "Would you like a replay of the game of tic tac toe?"
get ans
if ans = 'yes' then
playgame := true
endgame := false
TL := false
TM := false
TR := false
ML := false
MM := false
MR := false
BL := false
BM := false
BR := false
Draw.ThickLine (100, 300, 100, 0, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (200, 0, 200, 300, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 200, 300, 200, 10, brightred)
Draw.ThickLine (0, 100, 300, 100, 10, brightred)
end if
end if
end loop
put "GG no rematch"

the tic tac toe program

 Filename:  arrays.t
 Filesize:  15.47 KB
 Downloaded:  66 Time(s)


PostPosted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:06 pm   Post subject: RE:Need help with my tic tac toe

umm i played it and for most of the senerios where i tied it actually tied so i dont understand what the problem is
umm use

% and

to make your writing in the program not flicker
and if possible next time please put your code in syntax

%code here

so that it easier to understand

PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 11:23 am   Post subject: Re: RE:Need help with my tic tac toe

Monduman11 @ Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:06 pm wrote:
umm i played it and for most of the senerios where i tied it actually tied so i dont understand what the problem is
umm use

% and

to make your writing in the program not flicker

Don't forget to use cls before you draw everything.
You only need to use setscreen once at the top of the file, and use View.Update after you draw everything to display it.

Monduman11 @ Thu Jun 17, 2010 8:06 pm wrote:

and if possible next time please put your code in syntax

%code here

so that it easier to understand

Monduman is also right here.
For those people who aren't going to bother downloading (or can't download), they may still be able to help you by just reading through your code, but no one is going to read through all of that code if it is not in syntax tags.
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