Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 3:59 pm Post subject: turing trivia project
I was wondering if anyone can help/complete this for me. I have been stuck on if for a while now and have no clue what to do.
This is what i need to do:
Basic Design Patterns:
Draw ScreenWait and Listen for User Input Collect and Evaluate User Input Display Results
Project Definition:
You will make a small, four to five answer multiple choice test. Each loop through the test, should contain the following steps:
--The user should be presented with the question to be asked, and then given three possible choices along with a checkbox that allows them to select their answer. The information should be placed on the screen as follows:
This is where the test question will go
Answer 1: First possible answer
Answer 2: Second possible answer
Answer 3: Third possible answer
The idea here is that the boxes for the answers not selected would disappear, and the boxes for the correct answers would expand (animate this process). Then, after a second or two delay, the message indicating if the answer is correct will appear and the user?s current score will appear. Then the user is moved on to the next answer with a continue button.
At the end of the test you may add a ?Success? Animation if the user has achieved a perfect score.
You will create this program with a partner with each partner being responsible for discreet parts of the program . Because you will work with one other partner, and because we will eventually use the code that the class creates on a test, it will be extremely important to document the code you create fully, so that others can see:
1. Who created each part of the program, and
2. Exactly what that person has created.
As our first task, we will expand and extend the basic coding rubric that we have developed thus far. The rubric appears on the following page.
This is where the test question will go
You Selected: User?s Answer
This Answer Is: (Correct/Incorrect)
Your Score So Far: