Mandelbrot Set Help
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Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 9:47 am Post subject: Mandelbrot Set Help |
What is the problem you are having?
I need to increase the speed of this program and I have no idea how....
Post any relevant code (You may choose to attach the file instead of posting the code if it is too long)
Turing: |
type TComplexNumber :
a, b : real
end record
procedure setZ (var z : TComplexNumber, a, b : real)
z.a := a
z.b := b
end setZ
function addZ (z1, z2 : TComplexNumber ) : TComplexNumber
var z3 : TComplexNumber % Stores the answer
z3.a := z1.a + z2.a
z3.b := z1.b + z2.b
result z3
end addZ
function squareZ (z1 : TComplexNumber ) : TComplexNumber
var z3 : TComplexNumber % Stores the answer
z3.a := (z1.a * z1.a ) - (z1.b * z1.b )
z3.b := 2 * z1.a * z1.b
result z3
end squareZ
function magnitudeZ (z1 : TComplexNumber ) : real
var realZ : real % Stores the answer
realZ := sqrt ((z1.a * z1.a ) + (z1.b * z1.b ))
result realZ
end magnitudeZ
var c, z1, z2, z3 : TComplexNumber
var realZ : real
var counter, x, y : int
x := 0
y := 0
c.a := - 2
c.b := - 1. 5
setZ (c, - 2, - 1. 5)
z1.a := 0
z1.b := 0
counter := 0
counter := counter + 1
z1 := addZ (squareZ (z1 ), (c ))
exit when (magnitudeZ (z1 ) > 2) or (counter > 255)
end loop
if counter <= 255 then
drawdot (x, y, counter )
drawdot (x, y, black)
end if
x + = 1
c.a + = 1 / (maxx / 4)
if x > maxx then
x := 0
y + = 1
c.b + = 1 / (maxy / 4)
c.a := - 2
end if
exit when y = maxy
end loop
put Time.Elapsed
Please specify what version of Turing you are using
Version 4.1 |
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Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:12 am Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
write it in another language  |
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:08 am Post subject: Re: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
apomb @ Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:12 am wrote: write it in another language 
Has to be turing (its for a class) |

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:26 am Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
well, is the assignment to see how efficient you can make it? because if so, it looks like you have it down, the speed is a language-centric problem; Turing just isnt good at doing things like this. but congratulations on making something like this in turing, it is still impressive, no matter how slow it runs. |
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:23 pm Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
Turing: |
type TComplexNumber :
a, b : real
end record
setscreen ("graphics:400;300")
%setscreen ("offscreenonly")
procedure setZ (var z : TComplexNumber, a, b : real)
z.a := a
z.b := b
end setZ
function addZ (z1, z2 : TComplexNumber ) : TComplexNumber
var z3 : TComplexNumber % Stores the answer
z3.a := z1.a + z2.a
z3.b := z1.b + z2.b
result z3
end addZ
function squareZ (z1 : TComplexNumber ) : TComplexNumber
var z3 : TComplexNumber % Stores the answer
z3.a := (z1.a * z1.a ) - (z1.b * z1.b )
z3.b := 2 * z1.a * z1.b
result z3
end squareZ
function magnitudeZ (z1 : TComplexNumber ) : real
var realZ : real % Stores the answer
realZ := sqrt ((z1.a * z1.a ) + (z1.b * z1.b ))
result realZ
end magnitudeZ
var c, z1, z2, z3 : TComplexNumber
var realZ : real
var counter, x, y : int
x := 0
y := 0
c.a := - 2
c.b := - 1. 5
setZ (c, - 2, - 1. 5)
var k : int := 45
z1.a := 0
z1.b := 0
counter := 0
counter := counter + 1
z1 := addZ (squareZ (z1 ), (c ))
exit when (magnitudeZ (z1 ) > 2) or (counter > 255)
end loop
if counter <= 255 then
if counter > 31 or counter < 72 then
counter := counter + k
end if
if counter > 255 then
counter := k
end if
drawdot (x, y, counter )
drawdot (x, y, black)
end if
x + = 1
c.a + = 1 / (maxx / 4)
if x > maxx then
x := 0
y + = 1
c.b + = 1 / (maxy / 4)
c.a := - 2
end if
exit when y = maxy
end loop
Changed some colours to make it look nicer (havent improved speed at all) |

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:04 pm Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
I'm pretty sure that
code: |
if counter <= 255 then
if counter > 31 or counter < 72 then
counter := counter + k
end if
if counter > 255 then
counter := k
end if
drawdot (x, y, counter)
drawdot (x, y, black)
end if
is equivalent to
code: |
if counter <= 255 then
drawdot (x, y, counter + k)
drawdot (x, y, black)
end if
You could also set the value of "1 / (maxx / 4) " to a constant, and save yourself 2 divisions per pixel.
But those are minor effects. Your Big-O computation is in
code: |
counter := counter + 1
z1 := addZ (squareZ (z1), (c))
exit when (magnitudeZ (z1) > 2) or (counter > 255)
end loop
If you can skip the entire loop and get the counter value directly from the value of c, then you run much faster.
Hint: a pixel next to black (255+) has a high probability of also being black. See if you can reuse any of the results you've already computed. |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 4:52 pm Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
Tony: They aren't the same. His will increment counter by k if counter > 255, whereas yours will not. This isn't important in this case since he resets it to 0 at the end of the loop and never accesses the incremented value. |

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:04 pm Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
DemonWasp: but > 255 is inside the "if counter <= 255" statement, thus it will never be true. |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |
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Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:04 pm Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
Basic Mathematics
c.b += 1 / (maxy / 4)
c.b += 4 / maxy
You also have a few lines that don't change the variable. |
Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:18 am Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
Tony: Sorry, I mis-typed. I meant it will increment counter by k if counter <= 255 (since counter > 31 or counter < 72 is always true). Correct replacement code would be:
code: |
if counter <= 255 then
counter := counter + k
drawdot (x, y, counter)
drawdot (x, y, black)
end if

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 1:39 am Post subject: RE:Mandelbrot Set Help |
Oh, I see what you mean. You're right; and also about the fact that it's not necessary to keep the new value since it's reset. |
Tony's programming blog. DWITE - a programming contest. |