array element all have the same value
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Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:13 pm Post subject: array element all have the same value |
What is it you are trying to achieve?
I'm trying to make a domino game. Every time a domino is added to the right of the chain, it will become the last element of the table array and when a domino is added to the left
of the chain it will become the first element of the table array.
What is the problem you are having?
When I try to add a domino piece to the left of the chain, all the following elements that I add are the same as the previous element added to the left (in the table array only, the numbers are displayed properly. I'm wondering if there is a problem with my insertAt method inside the Table Class or if I'm inserting the element at the wrong location
Describe what you have tried to solve this problem
Here is my code
Turing: |
View.Set ("graphics:960;560")
class Domino
export setValue, Value, X, Y, displayValue, setCoordinates, Orientation
var value : int := 0
var x, y : int := 0
var orientation : string (10) := "a"
procedure setValue (dominoValue : int)
value := dominoValue
end setValue
function Value : int
result value
end Value
function X : int
result x
end X
function Y : int
result y
end Y
function Orientation : string (10)
result orientation
end Orientation
procedure setCoordinates (a, b : int, c : string (10))
x := a
y := b
orientation := c
end setCoordinates
procedure verticalOutline
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 30, y + 60, white)
Draw.Box (x, y, x + 30, y + 60, black)
Draw.Line (x + 1, y + 30, x + 29, y + 30, gray)
end verticalOutline
procedure horizontalOutline
Draw.FillBox (x, y, x + 60, y + 30, white)
Draw.Box (x, y, x + 60, y + 30, black)
Draw.Line (x + 30, y + 1, x + 30, y + 29, gray)
end horizontalOutline
procedure drawInside (x1, y1, number : int)
var space : int := 5
var size : int := 3
var Colour : int := 7
case number of
label 0 :
Draw.FillOval ( (x1 + x1 + 30) div 2, (y1 + y1 + 30)
div 2, size, size, white)
label 1 :
Draw.FillOval ( (x1 + x1 + 30) div 2, (y1 + y1 + 30)
div 2, size, size, Colour )
label 2 :
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + 30 - space, size,
size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + space, size,
size, Colour )
label 3 :
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + 30 - space, size,
Colour )
Draw.FillOval ( (x1 + x1 + 30) div 2, (y1 + y1 + 30)
div 2, size, size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + space, size,
size, Colour )
label 4 :
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + 30 - space, size,
size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + space, size, size,
Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + space, size,
size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + 30 - space,
size, size, Colour )
label 5 :
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + 30 - space, size, size,
Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + space, size, size,
Colour )
Draw.FillOval ( (x1 + x1 + 30) div 2, (y1 + y1 + 30)
div 2, size, size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + space, size,
size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + 30 - space,
size, size, Colour )
label 6 :
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + 30 - space, size,
size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, y1 + space, size, size,
Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + space, (y1 + y1 + 30) div 2,
size, size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + space, size,
size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, y1 + 30 - space,
size, size, Colour )
Draw.FillOval (x1 + 30 - space, (y1 + y1 + 30)
div 2, size, size, Colour )
end case
end drawInside
procedure drawDots (turnAround : boolean)
var number : int := 0
var space, a, b : int
a := x
b := y
if orientation = "vertical" then
for i : 1 .. 2
if turnAround then
if i = 1 then
number := value mod 10
number := value div 10
end if
if i = 1 then
number := value div 10
number := value mod 10
end if
end if
drawInside (a, b, number )
b := b + 30
end for
for i : 1 .. 2
if turnAround then
if i = 1 then
number := value mod 10
number := value div 10
end if
if i = 1 then
number := value div 10
number := value mod 10
end if
end if
drawInside (a, b, number )
a := a + 30
end for
end if
end drawDots
procedure displayValue (faceup : boolean, turnAround : boolean)
if orientation = "vertical" then
end if
if faceup then
drawDots (turnAround )
end if
end displayValue
end Domino
class Hand
import Domino
export valueOfDomino, sizeOfHand, addDomino, displayHand, findValue,
var hand : array 1 .. 7 of ^Domino
var size : int := 0
for i : 1 .. 7
new hand (i )
end for
function valueOfDomino (number : int) : int
result hand (number ) -> Value
end valueOfDomino
function sizeOfHand : int
result size
end sizeOfHand
procedure addDomino (number : int)
if size + 1 <= 7 then
hand (size + 1) -> setValue (number )
size := size + 1
end if
end addDomino
procedure displayHand (x, y : int, orientation : string (10),
faceup : boolean)
var turnAround : boolean := false
var x1, y1 : int
x1 := x
y1 := y
for i : 1 .. size
hand (i ) -> setCoordinates (x1, y1, orientation )
hand (i ) -> displayValue (faceup, turnAround )
if orientation = "horizontal" then
x1 := x1 + 70
y1 := y1 + 70
end if
end for
end displayHand
function findValue (number : int) : int
var i : int := 1
exit when hand (i ) -> Value = number or i > size
i := i + 1
end loop
result i
end findValue
procedure dropDomino (number : int)
var location : int := findValue (number )
for i : location .. size
if i < size then
hand (i ) -> setValue (hand (i + 1) -> Value )
end if
end for
size := size - 1
if hand (location ) -> Orientation = "vertical" then
Draw.FillBox (hand (location ) -> X, hand (location ) -> Y,
hand (location ) -> X + 30, hand (location ) -> Y + 60, white)
Draw.FillBox (hand (location ) -> X, hand (location ) -> Y,
hand (location ) -> X + 60, hand (location ) -> Y + 30, white)
end if
end dropDomino
procedure sortHand
var i : int := 0
var temp : ^Domino
for pass : 2 .. size
temp := hand (pass )
i := pass - 1
exit when i = 0 or temp -> Value >= hand (i ) -> Value
hand (i + 1) := hand (i )
i := i - 1
end loop
hand (i + 1) := temp
end for
end sortHand
end Hand
class Table
import Domino
export leftTable, rightTable, putTable, addToTable, drawTable
var table : array 1 .. 28 of ^Domino
var size : int := 0
var left, right : ^Domino
new left
new right
for i : 1 .. 28
new table (i )
end for
function leftTable : int
result left -> Value div 10
end leftTable
function rightTable : int
result right -> Value mod 10
end rightTable
procedure insertAt (location, value : int)
for decreasing i : size + 1 .. location + 1
table (i ) := table (i - 1)
end for
table (location ) -> setValue (value )
size := size + 1
end insertAt
procedure drawTable
Draw.FillBox (60, 60, 900, 500, green)
end drawTable
procedure putTable (dominopiece : ^Domino, orientation : string (10),
faceup, turnAround : boolean)
dominopiece -> displayValue (faceup, turnAround )
end putTable
procedure coordinatesVertical (dominopiece : ^Domino, var x, y : int,
var orientation : string (10), var turnAround : boolean, isFine
: boolean)
var x2, y2 : int := 0
x2 := dominopiece -> X
y2 := dominopiece -> Y
if whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 - 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 - 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 61, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 + 30) = green then
x := x2 + 60
y := y2 - 30
orientation := "vertical"
turnAround := true
elsif whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 - 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 - 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 - 1) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 - 1) = green then
x := x2 + 30
y := y2 - 60
orientation := "vertical"
turnAround := true
elsif whatdotcolor (x2 + 61, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 + 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 + 60) = green then
x := x2 + 60
y := y2
orientation := "vertical"
elsif whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 31) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 + 31) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 90) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 + 90) = green then
x := x2 + 30
y := y2 + 30
orientation := "vertical"
end if
end coordinatesVertical
procedure coordinatesVerticalLeft (dominopiece : ^Domino, var x, y : int,
var orientation : string (10), var turnAround : boolean,
isFine : boolean)
var x2, y2 : int := 0
x2 := dominopiece -> X
y2 := dominopiece -> Y
if whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 + 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 + 60) = green then
x := x2 - 30
y := y2
orientation := "vertical"
turnAround := true
elsif whatdotcolor (x2, y2 + 31) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 31) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2, y2 + 90) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 90) = green then
x := x2
y := y2 + 30
orientation := "vertical"
turnAround := true
elsif whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 - 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 - 30) = green then
x := x2 - 30
y := y2 - 30
orientation := "vertical"
elsif whatdotcolor (x2, y2 - 1) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 - 1) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2, y2 - 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 60) = green then
x := x2
y := y2 - 60
orientation := "vertical"
end if
end coordinatesVerticalLeft
procedure coordinatesRight (dominopiece : ^Domino,
var x, y : int, var orientation : string (10), var turnAround :
boolean, isFine : boolean, direction : char)
var x2, y2 : int
var a : string (10)
x2 := dominopiece -> X
y2 := dominopiece -> Y
a := dominopiece -> Orientation
%%%domino towards right
if a = "horizontal" and whatdotcolor (x2 + 61, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 120, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 61, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 120, y2 + 30) = green then
x := x2 + 60
y := y2
orientation := "horizontal"
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2, y2 - 1) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2, y2 - 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 - 30) = green then
x := x2
y := y2 - 30
orientation := "horizontal"
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2, y2 + 61) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 + 61) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2, y2 + 90) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 60, y2 + 90) = green then
x := x2
y := y2 + 60
orientation := "horizontal"
%%close to bottom
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2 + 31, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 31, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 + 30) = green then
x := x2 + 30
y := y2
orientation := "horizontal"
%%%close to top
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2 + 31, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 31, y2 + 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 90, y2 + 60) = green then
x := x2 + 30
y := y2 + 30
orientation := "horizontal"
end if
if direction = chr (203) then
turnAround := true
end if
end coordinatesRight
procedure coordinatesLeft (dominopiece : ^Domino,
var x, y : int, var orientation : string (10), var turnAround :
boolean, isFine : boolean, direction : char)
var x2, y2 : int
var a : string (10)
x2 := dominopiece -> X
y2 := dominopiece -> Y
a := dominopiece -> Orientation
%%domino towards left
if a = "horizontal" and whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 60, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 60, y2 + 30) = green then
x := x2 - 60
y := y2
orientation := "horizontal"
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 - 1) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 - 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 - 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 ) = green then
x := x2 - 30
y := y2 - 30
orientation := "horizontal"
turnAround := true
%%close to bottom
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 60, y2 ) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 60, y2 + 30) = green then
x := x2 - 60
y := y2
orientation := "horizontal"
turnAround := true
%%%close to top
elsif a = "vertical" and whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 1, y2 + 60) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 60, y2 + 30) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 60, y2 + 60) = green then
x := x2 - 60
y := y2 + 30
orientation := "horizontal"
turnAround := true
elsif whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 61) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 + 30, y2 + 90) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 + 90) = green and
whatdotcolor (x2 - 30, y2 + 60) = green then
x := x2 - 30
y := y2 + 60
orientation := "horizontal"
turnAround := false
end if
if direction = chr (205) then
turnAround := true
end if
end coordinatesLeft
procedure addToTable (number : int, direction : char)
var faceup : boolean := true
var orientation : string (10) := "horizontal"
var turnAround : boolean := false
var x, y : int := 0
var Xprevious, Yprevious : int := 0
var isFine : boolean := true
if number = 66 then
insertAt (1, number )
x := 450
y := 250
table (1) -> setCoordinates (x, y, orientation )
table (1) -> displayValue (faceup, turnAround )
left := table (1)
right := table (1)
% add domino to the left
elsif direction = chr (203) then
if number mod 10 = leftTable then
insertAt (1, number )
insertAt (1, ( (number mod 10) * 10 + number div 10))
end if
Xprevious := left -> X
Yprevious := left -> Y
if (whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 1, Yprevious ) = green and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 60, Yprevious ) = green) or
(left -> Orientation = "vertical" and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 31, Yprevious ) = green) then
coordinatesLeft (left, x, y,
orientation, turnAround, isFine, direction )
elsif whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 1, Yprevious ) = green and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 60, Yprevious ) not= green and
left -> Orientation = "horizontal" then
coordinatesVerticalLeft (left, x, y,
orientation, turnAround, isFine )
coordinatesRight (left, x, y,
orientation, turnAround, isFine, direction )
end if
table (1) -> setCoordinates (x, y, orientation )
putTable (table (1), orientation, faceup, turnAround )
left := table (1)
%add domino to the right
elsif direction = chr (205) then
if number div 10 = rightTable then
insertAt (size + 1, number )
isFine := true
insertAt (size + 1, (number mod 10) * 10 + number div 10)
isFine := false
end if
Xprevious := right -> X
Yprevious := right -> Y
if (whatdotcolor (Xprevious + 61, Yprevious ) = green and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious + 120, Yprevious ) = green) or
(right -> Orientation = "vertical" and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious + 31, Yprevious ) = green) then
coordinatesRight (right, x, y,
orientation, turnAround, isFine, direction )
elsif (whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 61, Yprevious ) = green and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 120, Yprevious ) = green) or
(right -> Orientation = "vertical" and
whatdotcolor (Xprevious - 31, Yprevious ) = green) then
coordinatesLeft (right, x, y,
orientation, turnAround, isFine, direction )
coordinatesVertical (right, x, y,
orientation, turnAround, isFine )
end if
table (size ) -> setCoordinates (x, y, orientation )
putTable (table (size ), orientation, faceup,
turnAround )
right := table (size )
end if
end addToTable
end Table
%temporal Main to test the current classes
var hand : ^Hand
var table : ^Table
new hand
new table
var orientation : string := "vertical"
var faceup : boolean := true
var number : int := 0
for i : 1 .. 5
randint (number, 0, 66)
exit when number mod 10 <= 6 and number div 10 <= 6
end loop
hand -> addDomino (number )
end for
hand -> addDomino (23)
hand -> dropDomino (23)
hand -> addDomino (33)
hand -> dropDomino (33)
hand -> displayHand (10, 10, orientation, faceup )
table -> drawTable
table -> addToTable (66, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (36, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (33, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (53, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (54, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (34, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (23, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (22, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (21, chr (203))
table -> addToTable (16, chr (205))
Any help would be appreciated. Thnx in advance |
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Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:14 pm Post subject: Re: array element all have the same value |
Well, currently your program doesn't actually run a game, it just draws the table, so I can't actually see how it runs, but I do see one flaw in the insertAt procedure.
Turing: |
for decreasing i : size + 1 .. location + 1
table (i) := table (i - 1)
end for
Now, I could be wrong here (I didn't look into how "size" or "location" are actually set), but your program is currently doing something like this (I think)
code: |
%Original Array(example)
12, 32, 15, 18, 90
%first run through
12, 12, 15, 18, 90
%second run through
12, 12, 12, 18, 90
each time it runs through the for loop, it will set the number to the value to it's immediate left. But wait, in our last repetition, we changed that number to a new value, so the original value was destroyed! what you need to do is to have a TEMP variable that will hold the value of the number you are resetting, so you don't get rid of that value until after you set the next one.
Turing: |
var Original : array 1 .. 6 of int
var TEMP : int
var TEMP2 : int
%set base values
for i : 1 .. 6
Original(i) := i
put Original(i)..
end for
put "\n"
%lets put a zero in front and shift all the other numbers right one, bumping the 6.
TEMP := 0
for i : 1 .. 6
TEMP2 := Original(i) %preserve our value
Original(i) := TEMP %set the new value
TEMP := TEMP2 %set the next value to be used to our preserved value.
end for
for i : 1 .. 6
put Original(i)..
end for
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:37 pm Post subject: Re: array element all have the same value |
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Yes right now I haven't finished the game but the positioning of the dominos is what I am having trouble with.
The way I insertAt works (or at least the way I think it is working) is that it starts replacing values from the end of the array + 1, so the position next to the logical size being used.
It works its way down until the location next to the location (location +1) that I want want to replace with a new value. Then, when it exits the for loop it, that is when the wanted change happens and the logical size is increased by 1. |
![](images/spacer.gif) |
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:17 pm Post subject: Re: array element all have the same value |
I just noticed something. The parameter isFine in the addToTable method is useless in case anyone was wondering about it |
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