Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:44 pm Post subject: Paint Program Issue. |
Hello everyone.
I'm having an issue with my paint program i'm doing for a class assignment. I'm trying to get the pencil or freedraw tool to work, however, it only draws dots, and if I hold the mouse down, it doesn't draw lines, freely.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks
And here is the code:
%screen size
setscreen ("graphics:800;600")
%procedure drawbutton down
procedure buttonDraw (coordx, coordy, coordx2, coordy2, black : int)
drawbox (coordx, coordy, coordx2, coordy2, black)
drawfill (coordx + 1, coordy + 1, 8, black)
end buttonDraw
%procedure colour button
procedure colourbutton (coordone, coordtwo, cordx2, cordy2, clr : int)
drawbox (coordone, coordtwo, cordx2, cordy2, black)
drawfill (coordone + 1, coordtwo + 1, 8, black)
end colourbutton
% declare variables
var colournum, buttonnumber, buttonupdown : int
var objectype, mousego : int
var button : int
var x, y, y2, x2 : int
% Draw the main screen
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 100) % grey background
drawfillbox (150, 80, maxx, 575, white) % white canvas
% drawbox (150, 80, maxx, 50, black) % under the canvas
%draw the buttons up, drawing a line function
buttonDraw (0, 535, 130, 575, black)
drawline (5, 540, 125, 570, black)
buttonDraw (0, 490, 130, 530, black)
drawoval (65, 510, 15, 15, black)
buttonDraw (0, 445, 130, 485, black)
drawbox (15, 450, 115, 480, black)
buttonDraw (0, 400, 130, 440, black)
drawmapleleaf (40, 405, 90, 435, black)
buttonDraw (0, 355, 130, 395, black)
Draw.Text ("Fill", 45, 360, Font.New ("serif:20:bold"), black)
buttonDraw (0, 305, 130, 350, black)
Draw.Text ("Pencil", 30, 315, Font.New ("serif:20:bold"), black)
buttonDraw (0, 255, 130, 300, black)
Draw.Text ("Erase", 30, 259, Font.New ("serif:20:bold"), black)
buttonDraw (0, 205, 130, 250, black)
Draw.Text ("Close", 30, 215, Font.New ("serif:20:bold"), black)
% the colour buttons
colourbutton (150, 50, 190, 80, black)
drawfill (152, 52, red, black)
colourbutton (195, 50, 240, 80, black)
drawfill (202, 52, blue, black)
colourbutton (245, 50, 285, 80, black)
drawfill (257, 52, white, black)
colourbutton (290, 50, 340, 80, black)
drawfill (292, 52, grey, black)
colourbutton (345, 50, 395, 80, black)
drawfill (357, 52, purple, black)
colourbutton (400, 50, 450, 80, black)
drawfill (402, 52, yellow, black)
colourbutton (455, 50, 505, 80, black)
drawfill (457, 52, green, black)
colourbutton (510, 50, 560, 80, black)
drawfill (512, 52, 43, black)
% IF user clicks on one of the drawing tools THEN
if Mouse.ButtonMoved ("down") then
Mouse.ButtonChoose ("singlebutton")
Mouse.ButtonWait ("down", x, y, x2, y2)
if (x > 1 and x2 < 574) and (y > 536 and y2 < 574) then
drawline (0, 575, 130, 575, black)
drawline (0, 535, 0, 575, black)
drawline (130, 535, 130, 575, white)
drawline (0, 535, 130, 535, white)
objectype := 1
elsif (x > 150 and x2 < maxx) and (y > 80 and y2 < 575) then
View.ClipSet (150, 80, maxx, 575)
mousewhere (x, y, button)
Draw.Dot (x, y, black)
end if
end if
end loop |