% 20 Questions ~ Paul Bialo ~ ICS3M %
setscreen ("graphics")
% Variables %
var w1, count : int
var answer : array 1 .. 20 of string (50)
var name : string
var FontID : int := Font.New ("PL arsic:30")
var FontID1 : int := Font.New ("impact:50:italic, bold, underline")
var FontID2 : int := Font.New ("arial black:50: bold, italic")
var FontID3 : int := Font.New ("arial black:50: bold")
% Window modifications %
w1 := Window.Open ("title: 20 Questions by Paul Bialo , screen: max,max;position:0,0")
% Introduction, black background "Welcome to 20 Questions by Paul Bialo" using different texts %
colorback (black)
delay (1000)
Font.Draw ("Welcome to 20 Questions", 140, maxy div 2, FontID1, blue)
delay (1000)
Font.Draw ("By...", 140, 350, FontID1, blue)
delay (1000)
Font.Draw ("P", 250, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("A", 290, maxy div 2, FontID2, white)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("U", 340, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("L", 390, maxy div 2, FontID2, white)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("B", 480, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("I", 530, maxy div 2, FontID2, white)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("A", 555, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("L", 605, maxy div 2, FontID2, white)
delay (200)
Font.Draw ("O", 645, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1500)
% Ask for name %
colorback (black)
color (white)
put "After answering the 20 questions, you will be told a story thats uses the answers that you input."
put "But before we begin, I would like to know your first name."
put " "
get name
put "For answers that require to use multiple words, please use quotes around you answer."
delay (3000)
% Series of questions %
% Question 1 %
Font.Draw ("Question #1", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What time did you wake up (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (1)
% Question 2 %
Font.Draw ("Question #2", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is your lucky number"
get answer (2)
% Question 3 %
Font.Draw ("Question #3", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is your favourite type of food (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (3)
% Question 4 %
Font.Draw ("Question #4", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is the name of a school in your city (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (4)
% Question 5 %
Font.Draw ("Question #5", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "Who is your best friend?"
get answer (5)
% Question 6 %
Font.Draw ("Question #6", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is the name of one of your other friends?"
get answer (6)
% Question 7 %
Font.Draw ("Question #7", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "How old are you?"
get answer (7)
% Question 8 %
Font.Draw ("Question #8", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is your least favourite class (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (8)
% Question 9 %
Font.Draw ("Question #9", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is the name of your favourite computer game (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (9)
% Question 10 %
Font.Draw ("Question #10", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What kind of pet do you have or would you like to have?"
get answer (10)
Font.Draw ("Halfway there!", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1500)
% Question 11 %
Font.Draw ("Question #11", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "Name a politician you really hate (use quotes for multiple words)"
get answer (11)
% Question 12 %
Font.Draw ("Question #12", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is an object that you can find in a classrom?"
get answer (12)
% Question 13 %
Font.Draw ("Question #13", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is the name of a novel that you really dislike (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (13)
% Question 14 %
Font.Draw ("Question #14", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is your favourite musical instrument (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (14)
% Question 15 %
Font.Draw ("Question #15", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What sport do you like the most?"
get answer (15)
% Question 16 %
Font.Draw ("Question #16", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "Name something that makes you squirm."
get answer (16)
% Question 17 %
Font.Draw ("Question #17", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What subject do you find the most boring?"
get answer (17)
% Question 18 %
Font.Draw ("Question #18", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What fruit do you absolutely hate?"
get answer (18)
% Question 19 %
Font.Draw ("Question #19", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "What is your favourite television show (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (19)
% Question 20 %
Font.Draw ("Question #20", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, red)
delay (1000)
put "Name your favourite 'Saved by the Bell' Character (use quotes for multiple words)?"
get answer (20)
% The story is now told %
Font.Draw ("Finally! We're done.", maxx div 4, maxy div 2, FontID2, white)
delay (1500)
Font.Draw ("A Regular Day at School", maxx div 6, maxy - 100, FontID1, white)
delay (1500)
put " ", answer (1), " in the morning is way too early to wake up I thought to myself." ..
put " As usual, I took a ", answer (2), " minute shower which is my regular custom in the morning." ..
put " It is usually followed up by eating a quick breakfast. Today my mother had warmed up some ", answer (3) ..
put " from last night's supper. I finished drinking my ", answer (18), " juice and was out the door."
put " "
put " Soon I was on the school bus on the way to ", answer (4), ". Although, I really hate school, " ..
put "I'm always glad to see my best friends "
put answer (5), " and ", answer (6), "As I heard the " ..
put "bell go I realized I was gooing to be late for ", answer (8), " class." ..
put "My teacher Mr. Ratliff yelled at me for " ..
put "for being late. I think his lecture lasted for about " ..
put answer (7), " minutes. He then asked me for my assignment from the night before. When I realized" ..
put " realized that I had not finished it, I told him that my ", answer (10), " ate it." ..
put " He got so angry that he threw a ", answer (12), " which just missed my head."
put " "
put " The next two classes were bearable. I managed to sleep through ", answer (17), " and I " ..
put "played ", answer (9), " during Computer Science. At lunch I had some leftover ", answer (3) ..
put " from breakfast and then I headed to the music room." ..
put " My principal whom we call ", answer (11), " because " ..
put "they look identical almost sent me home for playing my ", answer (14), " too loud."
put " "
put " At ", answer (15), " practice that afternoon, some idiot thought it would be " ..
put "funny to put ", answer (16), " in my water bottle. I later found " ..
put " out that it was ", answer (20), ". What a loser." ..
put " After watching an enertaining episode of ", answer (19) ..
put " at home that night I decided it was time to start my report on ", answer (13), " which " ..
put "was due the next day. Pretty interesting day."