Need help with strings!
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Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 9:06 pm Post subject: Need help with strings! |
Hey there guys. I need a help with this hangman program. This is what I need to do, you type in a secret word and print an "*" for the letters in word. Then you ask the user for a letter. If the letter is correct, it should replace in the "*"s. If the letter in incorrect, it shows 'invalid. Finally, I need to tell the guesses it took to guess the word.
How do I replace the letter in the "*"? I am very new at strings and don't know much. Can any one fix my program? Thank You.
Turing: |
var word : string
var option : int
var letter : string
var d3lay : string (1)
put "1) New Word"
put "2) Quit Game"
put " "
put "Player 1 - Choose an option: " ..
get option
if option = 1 then
put "Player 1 - Choose a word: " ..
get word
var newword : array 1 .. length (word ) of string
for i : 1 .. length (word )
put "-" ..
end for
put " "
put "Player 2 - The word has ", length (word ), " letter(s). Choose a letter: " ..
get letter
if index (word, letter ) = 0 then
put letter, " is not in the word."
put "You found a letter!"
end if
put " "
put "Hit any key to continue --->" ..
getch (d3lay )
end loop
elsif option = 2 then
put "Thanks for playing!"
end if |
Mod Edit: Remember to use syntax tags! Thanks code: | [syntax="Turing"]Code Here[/syntax] |
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Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 10:45 pm Post subject: Re: Need help with strings! |
I'm assuming that what you want for the Asterisks is to make it so that the letters being typed can't be seen by other people, like in a password field.
the first thing you will need to do this is:
this will set the output window to not print a character when a key is pressed (remember, you want to put this AFTER they enter option 1 or 2, otherwise they won't see what they have entered.
you can cancel out the noecho statement with:
now that the program no longer outputs what the user enters, all you need to do is print out the "*" every time they press a button while entering the word (although if you do use this method, you will need to get the word one character at a time, instead of as a string)
for guesses it took to take the word, simply use an integer variable. Start it at 0, and every time they guess a letter, increase it by one until they get the whole word |