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 How do you get a GUI to go to the next section on a game when you click a button?
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:15 pm   Post subject: How do you get a GUI to go to the next section on a game when you click a button?

Here is my RPG game that I'm making. Since I'm a beginner, the game isn`t that great. I`m also not finished it yet either. What I'm trying to do is get the GUI to start the game when I click start. Here is my game. If you can get the GUi to work for me that would be helpful.
import GUI

View.Set ("graphics:360;400,nobuttonbar")

GUI.SetBackgroundColour (grey)

procedure Start 
end Start

procedure Instructions
end Instructions

procedure Load 
end Load 
% Place some buttons.

var b1 := GUI.CreateButton (10, 370, 100, "Start Game", Start )
var b2 := GUI.CreateButton (130, 370, 100, "Instructions", Instructions)
var b3 := GUI.CreateButton (250, 370, 100, "Load Game", Load )
    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop
setscreen ("graphics:900 ,650") % This adjusts your screen size, you can adjust it to whatever you like
% Game Options Variables
put "Are you ready to play Cutthroat?"
var name : string               % You can ask the user to input their name
var age : real                 % You can ask the user to input their age
var User_Input : string
var User_Level : int := 1
var User_Race : string 
var User_Class : string
var User_Gender : string
var User_CurrentLife : int
var User_Strength : int
var User_Intelligence : int
var User_Experience : real
var User_NextLevel : int 
var User_Gold : int
var User_Weapon : string
var User_WeapDam : int
var User_Sheild : string
var User_ShDef : int
var User_Armor : string
var User_ArDef : int
var User_Defense : real
var User_Damage : real
put "Enter your name." %This is where you create your character.%
get name
put "Enter you age."
get age
put "what is your class?"
put "Enter User_Race."
put "Human - Can easily change its class. They are an excellent choice for beginners."
put "Elf - They are known for their poetry, song, and magical arts. THey also show great skil with weapons, and strategy."
put "Dwarf - They are known for their skill in warefare, their ability to withstand physical and nagical punishment, and their hard work."
put "Gnome - They are smaller than Dwaves, and make good alchenists, and technicians."
put "Halfling - They are clever, capable, and resouceful suvivers."
put "Half Elf - They get curiosity, and ambition from their human parent, and the love of poetry and song from their elf parent."
put "Alien - They are skilled in magic. They use very powerful magic that is too complicated for even the most powerful wizards to learn."
put "Half Orc - Half orc, half human. They like fighting more than argueing."
put "Demon - Thye don't have a living body, and are more ghost like, than human like."
get User_Race
exit when User_Race = "Human" or User_Race = "Elf" or
                    User_Race = "Dwarf" or User_Race = "Gnome" or User_Race = "Halfling" or
                    User_Race = "Half Elf" or User_Race = "Alien" or User_Race = "Half Orc" or
                    User_Race = "Demon"
end loop
            put "Enter Gender "
            put "Male or Female ?"
            get User_Gender
            exit when User_Gender = "Male" or User_Gender = "Female"
        end loop
    exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop

Mod Edit: Remember to use syntax tags! Thanks Smile
[syntax="Turing"]Code Here[/syntax]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 2:00 am   Post subject: Re: How do you get a GUI to go to the next section on a game when you click a button?

Your almost there. One line.

procedure start
end start

This will get exit that first loop you have and move you onto the rest of the game

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