% The "GUI.ShowWindow" program.
import GUI
var windowA, windowB : int
var buttonA, buttonB, buttonQuit, backToMainA, backToMainB : int
var cal1, cal2, answer : int
var i : string
procedure calculator
put "Input First Number:"
get cal1
put skip
put "Input Second Number:"
get cal2
put skip
put "Input Method: (+, -, x)"
get i
if i = "+" then
answer := cal1 + cal2
elsif i = "-" then
answer := cal1 - cal2
elsif i = "x" then
answer := cal1 * cal2
end if
put skip
put "Answer:"
put answer
put skip
end calculator
procedure WindowA
GUI.HideWindow (defWinID)
GUI.ShowWindow (windowA)
end WindowA
procedure WindowB
GUI.HideWindow (defWinID)
GUI.ShowWindow (windowB)
end WindowB
procedure BackToMain
GUI.HideWindow (Window.GetActive)
GUI.ShowWindow (defWinID)
end BackToMain
View.Set ("graphics:280;100,nobuttonbar")
% Place the buttons in the main window
buttonA := GUI.CreateButton (10, 10, 0, "Show Window A", WindowA)
buttonB := GUI.CreateButton (150, 10, 0, "Show Window B", WindowB)
buttonQuit := GUI.CreateButton (100, 60, 0, "Quit", GUI.Quit)
windowA := Window.Open ("title:Window A,graphics:500;500")
backToMainA := GUI.CreateButton (20, 20, 0, "Back to Main", BackToMain)
Window.Hide (windowA)
windowB := Window.Open ("title:Window B,graphics:150;100,position:bottom;right")
backToMainB := GUI.CreateButton (20, 20, 0, "Back to Main", BackToMain)
Window.Hide (windowB)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop