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 3D Perspective
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 9:24 pm   Post subject: 3D Perspective

Okay, I'm trying to understand the Viewer Position in Camera Space part or otherwise known on Wikipedia e.x, e.y, e.z. I'm thinking it's the angle of the camera. Not the actual viewpane angles that change, I mean the angles relative to the camera vector like in the following picture: Projection

Right now I'm basically trying to convert the formula into Turing to then break each part down. It's just the final conversion from d.x --> b.x that is annoying me. Soooooo I'm asking what the hell is the viewer position. Any ideas?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 11:20 pm   Post subject: RE:3D Perspective

Ditch turing and learn openGL on a better language. I found that learning 3D concepts easier with openGL, it does a lot of things for you, and you can play around with it to understand how it works.
death bringer

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:31 am   Post subject: RE:3D Perspective

Or even try learning Blitz 3D it make positioning very easy and it has a (z) axis
just goto google and search Blitz 3D (very ez to learn)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 9:57 am   Post subject: Re: 3D Perspective

Blitz 3d is just a dialect of Basic, just as a warning.

I'll see if I can with the formula, instead of advocating my {INSERT BEST LANGUAGE/ENVIROMENT/LIBRARY HERE}.

I don't know Turing, so I'll use psuedo-code, kind of.

the viewer position in camera space, I believe is the "truncated pyramid" going out the viewers eye(assumed to be right in the middle of the screen for ease of calculation), continuing out into the virtual space. The pyramid is truncated at two screens, the one the pixels are projected onto, and the other indicating the end of the viewing range(air is not perfectly translucent, so after a few tens of kilometers we can't see through it.) That is the viewer position in camera space if that helps.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:20 pm   Post subject: Re: 3D Perspective

it does a lot of things for you

That's not what I want. The only reason I'm using Turing is simply because I have the most expertise in it compared to other languages. I'd first have to learn C++ before OpenGL and I'm rather lazy in that concept. I also don't really want to learn another language as Turing (one that CAN do things for learning aspects, but isn't as useful in the real world). I already understand World Space, which is all it looks like Blitz3D teaches you to understand the concepts.

Thanks Zeroth, that's actually what I was looking for. On the MSDN page it says that I completely missed the View Transformation in the pipeline. Looks like I can't get through this without learning matrix math after all. Right oh, thanks guys.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:21 pm   Post subject: RE:3D Perspective

You can avoid matrix math, it's just that matrix math makes a 3d engine run faster than without it.
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