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 A bit too wise for me....
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 10:38 pm   Post subject: A bit too wise for me....

Can someone explain the tetris problem that used this concept?


var files : array 1 .. 10 of int := init (24, 235, 41, 21, 353, 61, 431, 927, 81, 46)
var N : int := 700
var best : int := 0

for i : 0 .. 2 ** upper (files) - 1 %loop through every combination
    var temp : int := 0  %stores the sum of the files in current combination
    for j : 1 .. upper (files)  %loops through each bit
        if (i & (1 shl (j - 1))) > 0 then  %checks the bit if it is high
            temp += files (j)  %adds the file to the sum
        end if
    end for
    if temp <= N and temp > best then  %checks whether the current combination is better then the current best
        best := temp
    end if
end for

PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 6:50 am   Post subject: RE:A bit too wise for me....

It looks like it may be trying to decide which is the best combination of files to write to a CD to maximise space usage. Note that they have N = 700 (MB on a CD?), files[] (sizes in MB?) and they "loop through every combination", checking each one to see if it's both less than N and better than their previous best.

The usage of the for loop here is obfuscated, but it's essentially just iterating over all possible combinations. If you know bitwise stuff, you should be able to puzzle that out.

I'm fairly certain this isn't even related to a tetris game implementation.
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