Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:13 am Post subject: Help with Yahtzee |
I am programming Yahtzee and I am having BIG problems this is my code please help me!
%23 April
%to play yahtzee
var winMain : int := Window.Open ("graphics:781;541")
var x, rad, dx, dy, da, db, dc, dd, de, c : int
var xa : int
var ya : array 1 .. 5 of int
ya (1) := 25
ya (2) := 125
ya (3) := 225
ya (4) := 325
ya (5) := 425
rad := 5
x := 350
xa := 701
c := black
var current : int
var anykey : string (1)
current := 1
var dv : array 1 .. 5 of int
%drawfill (maxx, maxy, blue, black)
procedure scorecard
put "1="
put "2="
put "3="
put "4="
put "5="
put "6="
put "total score"
put "bonus"
put "(if score is over 63)"
put "Total upper section"
put "3 of a kind"
put "4 of a kind"
put "Full house"
put "Small straight"
put "sequence of 4"
put "Large straight"
put "sequence of 5"
put "Yahtzee 5 of a kind"
put "chance"
put "total of lower section"
put "total of upper section"
put "Grand total"
drawbox (0, 540, x, 445, c)
drawbox (0, 425, x, 445, c)
drawbox (0, 425, x, 445, c)
drawbox (0, 395, x, 445, c)
drawbox (0, 380, x, 395, c)
drawbox (0, 365, x, 380, c)
drawbox (0, 350, x, 365, c)
drawbox (0, 335, x, 350, c)
drawbox (0, 300, x, 335, c)
drawbox (0, 270, x, 300, c)
drawbox (0, 225, x, 270, c)
drawbox (0, 270, x, 240, c)
drawbox (0, 240, x, 200, c)
drawbox (0, 185, x, 200, c)
drawline (190, 185, 190, 540, c)
end scorecard
procedure dice1
drawbox (dx, dy, dx + 80, dy + 80, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 40, dy + 40, rad, rad, black)
end dice1
procedure dice2
drawbox (dx, dy, dx + 80, dy + 80, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
end dice2
procedure dice3
drawbox (dx, dy, dx + 80, dy + 80, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 40, dy + 40, rad, rad, black)
end dice3
procedure dice4
drawbox (dx, dy, dx + 80, dy + 80, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
end dice4
procedure dice5
drawbox (dx, dy, dx + 80, dy + 80, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 40, dy + 40, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
end dice5
procedure dice6
drawbox (dx, dy, dx + 80, dy + 80, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 40, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 40, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 25, dy + 55, rad, rad, black)
Draw.FillOval (dx + 55, dy + 25, rad, rad, black)
end dice6
procedure rolldice
for k : 1 .. 20
dx := 700
dy := 25
randint (da, 1, 6)
randint (db, 1, 6)
randint (dc, 1, 6)
randint (dd, 1, 6)
randint (de, 1, 6)
drawfillbox (dx + 1, dy + 1, dx + 79, dy + 79, white)
if da = 1 then
elsif da = 2 then
elsif da = 3 then
elsif da = 4 then
elsif da = 5 then
elsif da = 6 then
end if
dx := dx
dy := dy + 100
drawfillbox (dx + 1, dy + 1, dx + 79, dy + 79, white)
if db = 1 then
elsif db = 2 then
elsif db = 3 then
elsif db = 4 then
elsif db = 5 then
elsif db = 6 then
end if
dx := dx
dy := dy + 100
drawfillbox (dx + 1, dy + 1, dx + 79, dy + 79, white)
if dc = 1 then
elsif dc = 2 then
elsif dc = 3 then
elsif dc = 4 then
elsif dc = 5 then
elsif dc = 6 then
end if
dx := dx
dy := dy + 100
drawfillbox (dx + 1, dy + 1, dx + 79, dy + 79, white)
if dd = 1 then
elsif dd = 2 then
elsif dd = 3 then
elsif dd = 4 then
elsif dd = 5 then
elsif dd = 6 then
end if
dx := dx
dy := dy + 100
drawfillbox (dx + 1, dy + 1, dx + 79, dy + 79, white)
if de = 1 then
elsif de = 2 then
elsif de = 3 then
elsif de = 4 then
elsif de = 5 then
elsif de = 6 then
end if
delay (200)
end for
end rolldice
procedure selection %help from Tim
getch (anykey)
if ord (anykey) = 208 then
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) + 1, red, black)
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) + 26, white, black)
elsif current = 5 then
current := 1
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) + 1, red, black)
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) + 401, white, black)
current := current + 1
end if
if ord (anykey) = 200 then
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) + 1, red, black)
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) - 26, white, black)
elsif current = 1 then
current := 5
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) + 1, red, black)
drawfill (xa + 1, ya (current) - 401, white, black)
current := current - 1
end if
end loop
end selection
procedure scoretok
if dv (1) = dv (2) = dv (3) then
elsif dv (2) = dv (3) = dv (4) then
elsif dv (3) = dv (4) = dv (5) then
end scoretok
%Main Program
selection |