setscreen ("graphics:600,600,offscreenonly")
procedure menu
var a, b, c, d, e := 16
var x, y, m : int
var x1, y1, m1 : int
m := 0
var menu1, menu2, menu3, menu4 : int
menu1 := Font.New ("Comicsans:30:bold")
menu2 := Font.New ("Comicsans:18:bold")
menu3 := Font.New ("Comicsans:22:bold")
menu4 := Font.New ("Comicsans:22:bold")
drawfillbox (240, 340, 390, 400, a)
Font.Draw ("Play", 275, 360, menu1, white)
Mouse.Where (x, y, m)
if x > 240 and x < 390 and y > 340 and y < 400 then
a := 41
a := 7
end if
drawfillbox (240, 270, 390, 320, b)
Font.Draw ("Instructions", 245, 290, menu2, white)
Mouse.Where (x, y, m)
if x > 240 and x < 390 and y > 270 and y < 320 then
b := 41
b := 16
end if
drawfillbox (240, 210, 390, 260, c)
Font.Draw ("Concept", 265, 230, menu2, white)
Mouse.Where (x, y, m)
if x > 240 and x < 390 and y > 210 and y < 260 then
c := 41
c := 16
end if
drawfillbox (240, 150, 390, 200, d)
Font.Draw ("About", 280, 170, menu2, white)
Mouse.Where (x, y, m)
if x > 240 and x < 390 and y > 150 and y < 200 then
d := 41
d := 16
end if
end loop
end menu |