Immediate Help needed with snake game!!!! Please!!!!
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Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 8:42 pm Post subject: Immediate Help needed with snake game!!!! Please!!!! |
im trying to make a snake game.
i have done as much as i can upto the part where when the snake eats the apple, it pops up in a new spot
but im having trouble getting the snake to grow
all the part of the code that is in red, is what i tryed to do to make the snake grow
could someone please tell me what im doing wrong and tell the correct code that would work with my program?
i would greatly appreciate it
import GUI
const LEFT_ARROW := chr (203)
const RIGHT_ARROW := chr (205)
const UP_ARROW := chr (200)
const DOWN_ARROW := chr (208)
var BLOCKER_ROW := 12
var ss1, ss2 : int
var Blocker_Column := 38
var Key : string (1)
var x2, y2 : int
var x1, y1 : int
var sq1, sq2, ssq1, ssq2 : int
var diff : int
var U, R, L, D : int := 0
var score : int := 0
var arrows : array char of boolean
ss1 := 20
ss2 := 20
x2 := ss1
y2 := ss2
sq1 := ss1
sq2 := ss2
ssq1 := ss1
ssq2 := ss2
setscreen ("graphics")
setscreen ("nocursor")
colourback (green)
randint (x1, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y1, 15, maxy - 15)
procedure game
drawbox (10, 10, maxx - 10, maxy - 10, brightgreen)
drawfillbox (x2, y2, x2 + 10, y2 + 10, green)
drawfillbox (ss1, ss2, ss1 + 10, ss2 + 10, black)
x2 := ss1
y2 := ss2
delay (50)
Input.KeyDown (arrows)
locate (BLOCKER_ROW, Blocker_Column)
if arrows (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
L := 0
D := 0
R := 1
U := 0
elsif arrows (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
L := 1
D := 0
R := 0
U := 0
elsif arrows (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
L := 0
D := 1
R := 0
U := 0
elsif arrows (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
L := 0
D := 0
R := 0
U := 1
end if
if U = 1 then
ss2 := ss2 + 10
elsif R = 1 then
ss1 := ss1 + 10
elsif D = 1 then
ss2 := ss2 - 10
elsif L = 1 then
ss1 := ss1 - 10
end if
if ss1 >= maxx - 10 then
elsif ss1 < 1 then
elsif ss2 >= maxy - 10 then
elsif ss2 < 1 then
end if
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 5, 5, brightred)
if ss1 > x1 - 10 and ss1 < x1 + 10 and ss2 > y1 - 10 and ss2 < y1 + 10 then
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 5, 5, green)
x1 := Rand.Int (10, maxx - 15)
y1 := Rand.Int (10, maxy - 15)
score := score + 10
end if
drawfillbox (sq1, sq2, sq1 + 10, sq2 + 10, black)
if ss1 > x1 - 10 and ss1 < x1 + 10 and ss2 > y1 - 10 and ss2 < y1 + 10 then
drawfillbox (ssq1, ssq2, ssq1 + 10, ssq2 + 10, green)
end if
end loop
locate (12, 35)
put "your score was ", score
end game
var button1 : int := GUI.CreateButton (200, 200, 200, "Play Game", game)
exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
end loop |
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Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 6:20 am Post subject: Re: Immediate Help needed with snake game!!!! Please!!!! |
Suggestion, do NOT use GUI. It's never nice to use it. You can create your own buttons instead that work better then GUI.
Also, if you still need your snake to grow, take out your X2 Variable of the Snake and replace it with another variable. Lets say, ss3.
With the way you have it, and they way I suggested it, you are affecting two variables if you increase it by an increment. Swapping out the ss1 + 10 for ss3 you can now effect only one variable, and have it grow the way you want.
I'm guessing your collision is working right now. Can't use the other machine until later. However you will want to do this.
Turing: |
const LEFT_ARROW := chr (203)
const RIGHT_ARROW := chr (205)
const UP_ARROW := chr (200)
const DOWN_ARROW := chr (208)
var BLOCKER_ROW := 12
var ss1, ss2, ss3 : int
var Blocker_Column := 38
var Key : string (1)
var x2, y2 : int
var x1, y1 : int
var sq1, sq2, ssq1, ssq2 : int
var diff : int
var U, R, L, D : int := 0
var score : int := 0
var arrows : array char of boolean
ss1 := 20
ss2 := 20
ss3 := 30
setscreen ("graphics")
setscreen ("nocursor")
colourback (green)
randint (x1, 15, maxx - 15)
randint (y1, 15, maxy - 15)
procedure game
drawbox (10, 10, maxx - 10, maxy - 10, brightgreen)
drawfillbox (x2, y2, x2 + 10, y2 + 10, green)
drawfillbox (ss1, ss2, ss3 , ss2 + 10, black)
delay (50)
Input.KeyDown (arrows )
locate (BLOCKER_ROW, Blocker_Column )
if arrows (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
L := 0
D := 0
R := 1
U := 0
elsif arrows (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
L := 1
D := 0
R := 0
U := 0
elsif arrows (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) then
L := 0
D := 1
R := 0
U := 0
elsif arrows (KEY_UP_ARROW) then
L := 0
D := 0
R := 0
U := 1
end if
if U = 1 then
ss2 := ss2 + 10
elsif R = 1 then
ss1 := ss1 + 10
elsif D = 1 then
ss2 := ss2 - 10
elsif L = 1 then
ss1 := ss1 - 10
end if
if ss1 >= maxx - 10 then
elsif ss1 < 1 then
elsif ss2 >= maxy - 10 then
elsif ss2 < 1 then
end if
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 5, 5, brightred)
if ss1 > x1 - 10 and ss1 < x1 + 10 and ss2 > y1 - 10 and ss2 < y1 + 10 then
drawfilloval (x1, y1, 5, 5, green)
x1 := Rand.Int (10, maxx - 15)
y1 := Rand.Int (10, maxy - 15)
score := score + 10
end if
drawfillbox (sq1, sq2, sq1 + 10, sq2 + 10, black)
if ss1 > x1 - 10 and ss1 < x1 + 10 and ss2 > y1 - 10 and ss2 < y1 + 10 then
ss3 + = 5
end if
end loop
locate (12, 35)
put "your score was ", score
end game
Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 7:36 am Post subject: Re: Immediate Help needed with snake game!!!! Please!!!! |
that doesnt work, the snake is now just a huge black line, you are getting it to grow the box, not make another box after it |