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 Animation problem
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:42 am   Post subject: Animation problem

How to make my bug move I mean like just the wings . I lost 2 marks just because my bug is not moving. So I need my bug to do something besides going around the screen

here's the code

%code for animation
procedure drawhills ()
drawfilloval (90, 20, 100, 200, 49)
drawfilloval (270, 20, 100, 100, 49)
drawfilloval (440, 20, 100, 200, 49)
drawfilloval (610, 20, 100, 300, 49)
end drawhills

procedure drawBackground (curcolor : int)
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, curcolor)
end drawBackground

procedure drawStar (x1, y1, x2, y2, col, nDelay : int)
drawfillstar (x1, y1, x2, y2, col)
if (nDelay > 0) then
delay (nDelay)
end if
end drawStar

procedure drawStars (nDelay : int)
drawStar (100, 300, 115, 315, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (200, 200, 215, 215, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (300, 200, 315, 215, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (200, 350, 215, 365, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (350, 280, 365, 295, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (10, 200, 25, 215, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (10, 350, 25, 365, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (500, 350, 515, 365, 14, nDelay)
drawStar (500, 450, 515, 465, 14, nDelay)
end drawStars

var x1, y1 : int := 0
var key : array char of boolean

procedure drawMyObject(x1,y1:int)
Draw.FillBox (x1, y1, x1 + 50, y1 + 50, blue)
end drawMyObject

procedure drawBug(x1,y1:int)
drawfilloval( x1+20,y1+20, 20, 20, red)
drawfilloval( x1+30,y1+30, 4, 4, yellow)
drawfilloval( x1+10,y1+30, 4, 4, yellow)
drawline( x1+20,y1, x1+20, y1+40, black)
drawfilloval( x1+20,y1+42, 2, 2, black)
end drawBug

procedure drawMovableObject

Input.KeyDown (key)
if key (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) and x1 + 50 not= maxx then
x1 += 1
elsif key (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) and x1 not= 0 then
x1 -= 1
elsif key (KEY_UP_ARROW) and y1 + 50 not= maxy then
y1 += 1
elsif key (KEY_DOWN_ARROW) and y1 not= 0 then
y1 -= 1
end if

end drawMovableObject

setscreen ("graphics: 600,600")
View.Set ('noecho, nocursor,offscreenonly')

var color1 : int := black
var color2 : int := 151
var color3 : int := 57
var color4 : int := 83
var color5 : int := 103
var color6 : int := 102
var color7 : int := 11
var curcolor : int := color1
var sunDelay : int := 10
var starDelay : int := 300
var loopDelay : int := 3000


% Sun is moving up
for x : 50 .. 500
if x = 50 then
curcolor := color1
elsif x = 70 then
curcolor := color2
elsif x = 100 then
curcolor := color3
elsif x = 150 then
curcolor := color4
elsif x = 200 then
curcolor := color5
elsif x = 250 then
curcolor := color6
elsif x > 300 then
curcolor := color7
end if
drawBackground (curcolor)

drawfilloval (450, x, 50, 50, yellow)
if (x < 150) then
drawStars (0)
end if
drawhills ()
delay (sunDelay)
drawfilloval (450, x, 50, 50, curcolor)
end for

% Sun is moving to the left
for decreasing y : 450 .. 100
drawBackground (curcolor)
drawhills ()
drawfilloval (y, 500, 50, 50, yellow)
delay (sunDelay)
drawfilloval (y, 500, 50, 50, color7)
end for

% Sun is moving down
for decreasing i : 500 .. 10
if i = 500 then
curcolor := color7
elsif i = 480 then
curcolor := color6
elsif i = 350 then
curcolor := color5
elsif i = 250 then
curcolor := color4
elsif i = 150 then
curcolor := color3
elsif i = 50 then
curcolor := color2
elsif i < 30 then
curcolor := color1
end if
drawBackground (curcolor)
drawfilloval (100, i, 50, 50, yellow)

if (i = 150) then
drawhills ()
drawStars (starDelay)
elsif (i < 150) then
drawStars (0)
end if
drawhills ()
delay (sunDelay)
drawfilloval (100, i, 50, 50, curcolor)
drawhills ()
end for

delay (loopDelay)
end loop

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:30 am   Post subject: RE:Animation problem

in your procedure to draw a bug, add another argument for a frame

procedure drawBug(x1,y1, frame:int)

Where frame increments each time through the loop. This creates a loop internal to the bug, and you can draw it in different steps.
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