Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:28 pm Post subject: Help needed making a new level
hey guys im making a program thats like Breakout style but without bricks. i know lol its a little lame but its my first time doing this.
i wanted to know is there a way to automatically add a ball whenever the score reaches a certain number instead of manually doing a Level2 like what i did.
sorry for not having internal documentation i never got around to it
Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:40 pm Post subject: RE:Help needed making a new level
instead of making a procedure for each level, consider making the ball a procedure and its movement into a procedure instead.... so then when score is equal to however many then call to the ball procedure again!
and you know what i did?
in your code
if counter = 20 then
end if
i changed it to, and check out its amazing result o.o