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 Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:21 pm   Post subject: Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing

here is the code.

var column:int:=1
var row:int:=1
put repeat ("*", 80)
    locate (row, column)
    put "*"
    column := column + 1
    if column > 80 then
        column := 1
    end if
    delay (100)

        locate (column, row )
    put "*"
    column := column - 1
    if column < 80 then
        column := 80
    end if

    locate (row, column)
    put "*"
    column := column + 1
    if column > 25 then
        column := 1
    end if
    delay (100)

        locate (column, row )
    put "*"
    column := column - 1
    if column < 80 then
        column := 1
    end if

end loop

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:25 pm   Post subject: RE:Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing

so do u want something like

or a giant one?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:26 pm   Post subject: RE:Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing

yup, a giant one.
a small one would be too easy, hehe ^^

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:34 pm   Post subject: Re: Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing

ok ill go step by step

first get rid of put reapeat and your row varible

second replace your loop with 1 for and 1 for decreasing loop one after the other both called row

third in both loops keep only
locate (row, column)
put "*"
column := column + 1
if column > 80 then
column := 1
end if
delay (100)

finally in between the 2 loops have a line to reset column back to 1

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:35 pm   Post subject: Re: Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing

Like this?
var column : int := 1
var row : int := 1
locate (maxrow div 2, 1)
put repeat ("*", maxcol)
for x : 1 .. maxrow
    locate (x, maxcol div 2)
    put "*" ..
end for

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:46 pm   Post subject: RE:Drawing a Cross using Asterisks in Turing

hmmm wow this makes things much shorter...
i thought this would take at least four "for" loops... i saw someone in my class do this in a much longer code. and the teacher told me to do a loop for each line... ah well thanks momop for your explanation... I finally get it! And CodeMonkey, you did it quite differently from the way people attempted to do this in my CompSci class... but this version is much shorter than any version I have seen so far. Anways, thanks for your help! ^^
Now, it's time to memorise... o_0
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