i wanted the calculation to continue until the number the user entered is met. but when i made the program, it didn't continue...but it stopped because the number is greater than the "maxrow"...is there a way that i could make it continue and stop until the number i wanted to end with?
here is my program:
var number : int
var reply1, reply2 : string
put "Do you want to run program? (y/n) " ..
get reply1
exit when reply1 not= "y"
put "Enter the number you wanted to stop at "
get number
locate (1, 1)
put "Number"
locate (1, 40)
put "Sqaure"
for i : 2 .. number
delay (300)
put i : 1
locate (i, 40)
delay (30)
put i * i
exit when i = number
end for
put "Do you want to try again? (y/n) " ..
get reply2
exit when reply2 not= "y"
end loop